Looking at Candy's loveless look, Li Xuanyu who came over with a bottle of water wanted to laugh.

"Drink some water, or your throat will hurt."

Candy was also welcome, unscrewed the bottle cap, and drank a few gulps.

After drinking water, I feel much better.

Now I have the strength to speak.

Glancing at his brother who was taking pictures not far away, Candy curled his lips and said:

"No one told me that climbing a mountain is so tiring. I go up the steps for a while, and then go down the steps for a while. I can't finish the walk, and I can't finish it at all."

Li Xuanyu pursed her lips and smiled, comfortingly said: "The hotel is less than 500 meters down from Guangmingding, let's go down for a while and take a rest."

Hearing this, Candy didn't show much joy on her face.

Five hundred meters, it’s really not far on flat ground, just like that, just a short walk away.

But where is this place? It's Yishan!

Five hundred meters, the steps start at least one thousand.

With a long sigh, Candy looked at the tourists around, almost exhausted, and couldn't help sighing: "Sister-in-law, what do you say that the six sects are free to attack Guangmingding?"

"Climbing to the top of the mountain, I still have some strength left to fight."

At this time, Ling, who was climbing high and looking into the distance, began to popularize knowledge suddenly.

"TV dramas are TV dramas, and reality is reality."

With that said, Zero raised his head and pointed at the big ball of the highest building and said:

"That's the most advanced Doppler radar at the weather station. The spherical shape is just to protect the antenna inside."

Recognizing their family without taking into account the surroundings, Candy looked at Zero in confusion.

"What, doppel radar, what kind of radar is that."

Candy knows about radar, and it is often heard in the Anyang base, so I know it specially.

What is Doppel Radar?

"It's Doppler radar, a radar with very comprehensive functions. You just need to know that this thing belongs to the equipment of the weather station. It has nothing to do with your saying that the six sects besieged Guangmingding."


After resting for more than ten minutes, Mo Jingchun said after taking the photo: "Let's go, next stop.

We will come up again in the evening to watch the sunset. "

Hearing this, Candy widened her eyes and said in disbelief:

"Still climbing here in the evening? My legs are shaking."

Glancing at Candy, who had nothing wrong with her legs, Mo Jingchun said angrily:

"I pay people to carry me."

"Okay!" Candy nodded without hesitation.

All the way up, Candy actually wanted to take that sedan chair for a long time.

At this moment, Zero asked weakly.

"Boss, why don't you give me the money, and I'll come up with candies on my back."

Li Xuanyu couldn't help but laughed outright.

Looking at these two little guys, Mo Jingchun was really angry and funny.

"What to see, go down the mountain and go to the hotel."

Without answering the questions of the two little guys, Mo Jingchun left first.

Zero and Candy looked at each other, stuck out their tongues and hurriedly followed.

Noon the next day.

After coming out of the scenic spot, Candy sat on the car going down the mountain, looking like he was dying.

too tired.

But the sunrise and sunset are really beautiful.

On the way home, as soon as he got on the expressway, Tang Tang leaned against the car and fell asleep unconsciously.

When he woke up again, he had already reached the service area.

Yawning, Candy, who didn't want to move at all, rubbed her eyes and glanced outside the car.

After a while, Candy unbuckled his seat belt and got out of the car to go to the bathroom.

By the time Tangtang got off the car, his brother and sister-in-law were no longer in sight.

"Stop looking, we're all going to the bathroom."

"All right."

In the evening, Candy came home and went straight to the sofa.

I really didn't lie today, my legs don't feel like my own at all.

Even if I didn't move, I felt severe pain in both legs.

"Brother, next time we go out to play, can we not climb the mountain?"

Hearing this, Mo Jingchun grinned, "Yesterday you still wanted to walk up the mountain with the big troops, why are you so soft-spoken today?"

"Oh~" Candy sighed, she really didn't expect that climbing Yishan would be so tiring and the steps would be so steep.

In some places, even if you hold on to the railing, the candy feels like it might fall at any time.

"Just tell me, isn't Yishan beautiful?"

"It's beautiful and very good, but I don't want to go next time, I'm too tired."

After dinner, without Mo Jingchun's urging at all, Tang Tang went upstairs to wash up by himself and went to bed.

By the time Li Xuanyu went upstairs to watch, Candy had already fallen asleep.

Seeing the slight frown on Tangtang's face, Li Xuanyu knew that Tangtang was really tired this time.

Thinking about it, let alone candy, even she is tired enough.

It should be said that the college student special forces are the most powerful, not to mention walking up the mountain, but also walking down the mountain.

Everyone went to bed early that night.

The next morning, Candy, who was woken up by Zero, opened her eyes in a daze.

"What time is it~"

"I told you to get up, what do you think?"

Throwing off the quilt, Candy, who was about to get up, grinned in pain.

"Hiss~ My legs are sore and sore!"

Zero calmly handed the clothes to Candy, and said, "Sure, my sister-in-law wakes up in the morning just like you."

Hearing this, Candy froze for a moment, no, why is my brother missing.

"What about my brother?"

"Boss?" Zero glanced at Candy and said:

"The boss is like a person who has nothing to do. After getting up in the morning, he went out for a few laps. This is the difference between the usual exercise and no exercise."

"By the way, the boss has already greeted your class teacher, you don't need to go to practice during the two days between classes."

It's just exercises between classes, Tang Tang curled her lips, she thought she didn't need to go to school.

On the other side, Mo Jingchun, who was reading the newspaper downstairs, didn't have much surprise on his face after receiving a call, as if he had expected it.

It's just that I didn't expect that the call came later than expected.

It was Qin Yuzhu who called.

As I guessed with Zero in the laboratory before, someone should be ready to talk to him, or in other words, to discuss cooperation plans.

After thinking for a while, Mo Jingchun opened the address book and called Xia Xiaomin.

"Hello, it's me."

Xia Xiaomin, who was brushing her teeth, answered the phone with a simple whisper, and then heard the boss's voice.

"Boss, you order."

"At about two o'clock this afternoon, an important person will come to discuss cooperation with the company, you can arrange it.

The meeting room doesn't need to be too big, I think the R16 meeting room is fine. The person here is from above. I don't need to say more about how the conference room is arranged. You should know better than me.

Because it involves confidentiality, you asked people to temporarily remove all electronic equipment in the R16 conference room. "

"Okay, boss, I understand. I'll start making arrangements in a moment and go into battle myself."


After hanging up the phone, Mo Jingchun rubbed his forehead.

On the other side, Xia Xiaomin looked serious.

If the boss can make the explanation so emphatically, it means that the other party is very important.

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