Technology overlord starts with baby

Chapter 954 Peaceful? nonsense!

In his mind, Mo Jingchun received all the materials of "Detailed Explanation of Controlled Nuclear Fusion and Miniaturization Scheme of Controlled Nuclear Fusion".

In reality, looking at Mo Jingchun who was sweating profusely, Li Xuanyu thought that Mo Jingchun was having a nightmare.

The only thing Li Xuanyu could do was to hold Mo Jingchun's hand, trying to pass his power to Mo Jingchun in this way.

Worse than a sleepless night is not having time to sleep.

At three o'clock in the morning, when countries finally put all the plans in place, they finally had time to catch their breath.

That damn super strong electromagnetic wave swept over again.

In the text, the Merck civilization describes that they love peace.

When the Blue Star countries saw this text, they sneered.

Peace-loving, this kind of words, human beings don't know how many times they have said.

Actually? All truth is within range of the cannon.

Without strength, any peace is nonsense.

Because of this second piece of information, everyone is even more convinced that this is a trap.

Even the existence of the so-called Merck civilization may be a question mark.

The next day, Candy, who was the first to wake up, went downstairs to eat in slippers, but stood in the dining room, looking at the empty first floor, Candy was dumbfounded.

What about people? What about breakfast?

It's not over yet.

Some unsure Candy raised her hand and glanced at the smart watch, whether she got up too early.

"It's half past nine, that's right, it can't be because the watch is broken."

Candy, who was really skeptical, walked to the living room and looked at the clock on the TV.

Half past nine, that's right!

"Zero, where are my brother and sister-in-law? It's impossible to get up yet."

"Congratulations, you got it."

In an instant, Candy seemed to have something stuck in her throat, unable to speak for a long time.

It was half past nine, and she was up, but her brother and sister-in-law were still sleeping in.


Sighing, Candy walked towards the kitchen.

You still have to rely on yourself, do it yourself to get enough food and clothing.

The bad thing is that I learned to cook noodles by myself, otherwise I would be hungry again.

Half an hour later, Candy, who had just finished eating noodles, was sitting at the dining table and playing with her mobile phone. Before she had time to clean up her chopsticks and bowls, she saw her sister-in-law coming down the stairs.

Looking at his sister-in-law, Candy blinked her eyes.

"Sister-in-law, I didn't know you were awake, so I cooked noodles for one person."

Yawning, Li Xuanyu shook his head and said, "It's okay, I'll cook it again."

"Oh, where's my brother?"

"Still sleeping."



Mo Jingchun, who woke up leisurely, rubbed his swollen head. Mo Jingchun knew that this was because his brain received too much information at once.

This phenomenon is not the first time.

Mo Jingchun tilted his head and looked towards the empty left, and found that Li Xuanyu had already gotten up.

Picking up the mobile phone on the bedside table and looking at it, Mo Jingchun instantly woke up.

Twenty-one minutes past ten!

There were more than a dozen missed calls, all from Qin Yuzhu.

If nothing else, it should be for the Merck civilization.

Taking a deep breath, Mo Jingchun got up from the bed and was about to answer the phone when he heard Zero's voice from above his head.

"Boss, just after three o'clock in the morning last night, our satellite once again received an electromagnetic wave signal from the Merck civilization."

"After translation, the Merck civilization claims that they are peace-loving."

Hearing this, Mo Jingchun froze for a moment. The next second couldn't help laughing out loud.

Peace-loving, if a civilization really loves peace, what motivation will it use to develop technology.

Taking the history of human technological development as an example, the fastest technological development is often during wars.

Shaking his head, Mo Jingchun believed that the think tanks of various countries would never believe the nonsense of peace.

So what if it's true?

Is the free wheat behavior of Merck civilization really only noticed by human civilization?

In the dark forest, knowing that someone is lighting a light in the distance, if you don’t have the strength to move towards the light source, you will dislike yourself for living too long.

As soon as I dialed the phone, the ringtone only rang once, and the call was connected.

"Hey, sister Qin, you are looking for me."

Qin Yuzhu on the other end of the phone was silent for a while before speaking: "You can still sleep after such a big thing happened. Your satellite must have received the electromagnetic waves last night, right?"

Touching his nose, Mo Jingchun said helplessly, "Sister Qin, you know again."

"You don't seem that scared."

Hearing this, Mo Jingchun was surprised. Really, I was still very worried yesterday, why didn't I feel anything after sleeping.

The courage brought by controlled nuclear fusion?

After organizing the language, Mo Jingchun said: "From a scientific point of view, as long as we don't reply, then this so-called Merk civilization will not know the existence of human civilization, let alone know the position of our human civilization in the Milky Way. .

As long as human civilization is given enough time, it will only be a matter of time before human civilization becomes a galaxy civilization. "

After speaking, Mo Jingchun changed the subject and asked:

"Sister Qin, you didn't come to me to ask this kind of question, did you?"

"That's right. I'll be at your house in an hour, and we'll meet and discuss in detail."

beep beep

Looking at the hung up phone, Mo Jingchun shrugged.

Qin Yuzhu came to him because he needed advanced technical support.

Sitting and waiting is not the habit of human beings, especially the Chinese civilization with a history of 5,000 years.

Coming down from upstairs, Mo Jingchun looked at Li Xuanyu who got up and walked towards him, before Li Xuanyu could speak, Mo Jingchun said:

"Honey, you have to work hard at noon, and Qin Yuzhu will come over later."

Li Xuanyu froze for a moment, then nodded, "I'll start preparing now."

At this time, Candy sitting on the sofa smiled and said:

"Brother, I made a wish last night. I had a dream after I fell asleep. I dreamed of a lot of small people with three eyes and a triangular head. Do you think it's strange?"

Mo Jingchun, who didn't take it seriously, smiled and said:

"Then if you give an order, will all the three-eyed villains obey your order?"

Hearing this, Candy asked with eyes full of surprise:

"Brother, how do you know?"

"Nonsense, I can do it when I'm dreaming. I can have whatever I want in my dream."

An hour later, Qin Yuzhu arrived at Mo Jingchun's home ahead of schedule.

Seeing Qin Yuzhu for the first time, Mo Jingchun was startled.

Those dark circles have caught up with national treasures.

"What's wrong with you? Haven't slept for a few days?"

Qin Yuzhu glanced at Candy, who was staring at her curiously, and shook her head, but didn't say anything about Merck Civilization.

"Go upstairs and talk in the study."


Passing by the restaurant, Qin Yuzhu smelled the aroma of the food, and her stomach growled in disappointment.

Candy also wanted to go upstairs to listen together, but Mo Jingchun stared back.

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