The weather in August is still the same as in previous years, so hot that netizens are used to it. Even if the weather is hotter, the daily weather forecast still does not exceed 39° as usual.

The weather forecast in various places is like an agreement, with the highest temperature being 39°.

It has been several months since the existence of the Merck civilization was discovered. If it were not for the records of various countries, it would be as if nothing had happened.

Since receiving two messages from the Merck civilization, all countries have not received any messages from the Merck civilization in the past few months.

The solar system defense circle plan is proceeding in an orderly manner. In the past few months, Mo Jingchun has also seen the power of the infrastructure madman.

Just next to the Anyang base, there are two mountains, which have now become all closed factories.

It took only one month to blow up the mountain and fill the hole, and the surrounding area of ​​the Anyang base became a plain.

Best of all - it's free! All for free!

It's really hard to figure out who is losing money.

Candy Technology sells your space shuttle at a lower price. It seems to be at a disadvantage, but the shipments have increased, not to mention that except for the fully automated assembly line, other facilities are free.

The above or the Global Joint Operations Center suffered a disadvantage? Not necessarily afraid.

Anyway, everyone is happy, it seems that everyone has not suffered a loss, but has made a profit.

To say that the happiest part of this summer vacation belongs to candy.

At the beginning of my junior year, I didn't have any homework for the summer vacation, so it was a joy.

Lying on the sofa in her brother's office with a book in her hand, Candy was still a little dissatisfied.

For so many years, it was the first time that my brother did not take her out for a trip during the summer vacation.

"I really want to travel around the mountains and rivers."

Ling beside Candy rolled his eyes when he heard Candy's sudden arrival, and said, "Don't dream, let's wait until next year, you will start school in three days, junior high school is not as easy as elementary school, Except for Saturdays and Sundays, junior high schools have evening self-study. You should think about whether to stay in the school dormitory or go to school.

Don't even think about traveling in the last three days. The boss's experiment has entered the final critical period. Before the experiment is over, the boss's itinerary is all at the base.

You have also seen that the boss has not attended the company's senior leadership meeting for a month. "

Hearing this, Candy sighed helplessly.

She has also been to that underground base, there is nothing but a bunch of machines, it is not as good as the Anyang base, no matter how boring it is, you can go fishing secretly.

"Then I start school, doesn't my brother have time to see me off?"

"Congratulations, you got the answer right. A few days ago, the boss said that you are happy today, so let your sister-in-law see you off. So, you still have to think about whether you should go to school or live on campus."

Candy, who had a hesitant face, did not speak for a long time. She had been thinking about this question for several days.

Tangled ah.

According to Zero, commuting means going home to sleep, and lunch and dinner are at school.

"Zero, how do you think I should choose?"

She curled her lips, "I don't know, don't ask me, this kind of thing, only you can choose, otherwise the boss has already made the choice for you, and it is your turn to choose."

Today's candy is no longer a child, and the family conditions are too good, sometimes it is not necessarily a good thing.

"Let's live in the school, but I don't know if Xiang'er and I can be assigned to the same class. It would be great if we were in the same class, and we can make bunk beds."

Hearing this, Ling didn't think it was a big deal, letting Tangtang and Xiang'er be in the same class was just a matter of a word from the boss.

Even as long as the candy opens its mouth. It's a pity that the current Candy has not fully realized the weight of her own words.

At this time, Candy looked out of the window inadvertently, but was deeply attracted by the scenery outside the window.

"Hey, it's not raining, why is there a rainbow?"


Zero looked out the window in confusion, to be precise, it was a rainbow around the sun.

"That's not a solar halo, it looks like it might rain tonight."

Candy was stunned, curious, how did Zero know that it was going to rain at night, when the weather forecast clearly said it would be sunny.


"Why? That's a good question. Sun halos often appear in spring and summer. There is a folk proverb, "It rains at three o'clock in the sun halo, and the wind at noon when the moon halo occurs." If there is a moon halo, it will be windy at noon the next day.

Therefore, to a certain extent, solar halos can be a precursor to weather changes, and the weather with solar halos may turn cloudy or rainy. "

As he said that, Zero stared at the dazzling sun and said with a smile: "The wisdom of the ancients is beyond your imagination.

Come on, let's go downstairs to take a few photos. The astronomical phenomenon of solar halo is still rare. "

Before Tangtang could say whether he wanted to go or not, Zero had already grabbed Tangtang's hand and ran out.

After Candy and Zero ran out of the office, Xia Xiaomin took out her phone this time and took a few photos facing the sun.

Looking at the photos in the phone album, Xia Xiaomin smiled and said, "It's really pretty."

The next second, Xia Xiaomin sighed and looked at the whole office with reluctance.

It's time to say goodbye. Although she doesn't attach much importance to marriage and childbirth, Xia Xiaomin still can't get over the hurdle in her heart every time she makes a video call with her parents and looks at her parents with gray temples.

At the age of thirty-five, if she doesn't get married and have children, she may really have no chance in the future. What made Xia Xiaomin make up her mind was that Xia Xiaomin didn't want to wait until she was old, but the child hadn't grown up yet.

In the evening, Mo Jingchun, who came back from the base, walked into the office and was surprised to find that Xia Xiaomin hadn't left yet.

"It's almost seven o'clock, why aren't you off work yet?"

As he said that, Mo Jingchun jokingly said: "There is no overtime pay for overtime work."



At this time, Mo Jingchun realized that Xia Xiaomin's expression was not quite right.

Seeing Xia Xiaomin's sad look, Mo Jingchun frowned. Mo Jingchun knew what kind of person Xia Xiaomin was. Even though Xia Xiaomin was his secretary, over the years, he had never used his status to bully any employees. .

"Who can bully you anymore? I'll find a place for you." Even in front of his wife, Mo Jingchun said it with confidence.

Hearing this, Xia Xiaomin, who was originally a bit sad, couldn't laugh or cry, but was still a little bit moved.

After all, when she first came to Candy Technology, her identity was questionable, but everyone knew it.

Taking a deep breath, Xia Xiaomin still took the resignation application and walked towards the boss.

"Boss, I am applying for resignation."

For a while, the office fell silent, and Mo Jingchun's family looked at Xia Xiaomin in astonishment.

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