Lu Yu glanced at the instrument pointed out by Director Lin and said with a smile: "Director

Lin, don't worry."

"It's just that it's not difficult to say, but it's not simple to say, I'm afraid it will take a lot of time to break it up for you here."

"How about I come back tomorrow morning to help you deal with this thing?"

"It's a little more important now, I need to talk to you."

Although Lu Yu only glanced at it, it was enough for him to figure out what problem Director Lin was facing now.

To solve it, of course, it is not difficult for me.

However, even if everything goes well, I am afraid it will take at least twenty or thirty minutes to help Director Lin completely figure it out.

It was also late, and Lu Yu still felt that the matter of forging materials was more important for the time being.

"Oh? What's more important?

Director Lin scratched his head and said, "Is there anything more urgent than our experiment?"

"It's kind of something to do with our experiment." I'm afraid this matter is not clear in two words, don't worry, let me talk to you slowly.

Lu Yu showed a wry smile, then coughed twice, and turned his gaze to Xiao Jiang and the other researchers behind him.

"It seems that what is the secret of Lu's total salary?"

Everyone quickly left the research room, leaving only Lu Yu and Director Lin in the room.

"This... Do you want them all to leave?

"What's going on?"

Director Lin's brows furrowed slightly, and he keenly felt that something seemed to be wrong.

Lu Yu moved a bench for Director Lin:

"You sit first."

"Here's the thing."


pondering in his mind, he summarized Director Lin in as concise a language as possible, about Boss Qian and General Manager Wang.

After listening, Director Lin's expression also changed instantly!

"You mean to say that a lot of our Zhurong 2 data was almost leaked because of spies?"

"Right. But before he succeeded, we discovered that there was a problem with this guy's identity.

"Only a thousand days to be a thief, there is no thousand days to prevent thieves, it is really dangerous."

Director Lin sighed and said with some emotion.

It is not a matter of one or two years that he has been the general head of front-line research work, and he has experienced big and small storms over the years, and it is not particularly uncommon to be targeted by spies.

Especially in the last two years.

Some countries are becoming increasingly faceless.

It's not so much weird to be targeted, it's better to say it's weird not to be targeted!

But this time, in Director Lin's career, it is also the closest to the data breach crisis!

"Chief Engineer Lu, do you have any plans for telling me about this?"

Director Lin thought about it and asked suspiciously.

He could also hear the tone in which Lu Yu explained this matter to him, not simply to strengthen their vigilance, but what other meaning was in it.


"Director Lin now I have an idea in my mind that I may need your help."

Lu Yu nodded.

"The current plan of the relevant departments is not simply to directly carry out arrests."

Instead, he would have the spy bring back a false piece of intelligence data." Of course, the falsification of data has to be done by our technicians.

From his pocket, he took out a copy of the data he had prepared before and handed it to Director Lin.

"Director Lin, I would like to ask you to help me evaluate, throw away any colored glasses, and evaluate it from a technical point of view."

"What do you think of the data in this USB flash drive?"

"This is..."

Director Lin couldn't help but have a trace of doubt in his heart, but he still took the USB flash drive in Lu Yu's hand and inserted it into the computer.

Soon, a set of data and a paper appeared in front of his eyes.

"Let me take a closer look."

Director Lin's brows frowned slightly, as if he had sensed this data, which was somewhat unusual.

He rolled the mouse wheel, focused, and continued to look down seriously.

"Aeropropulsion increases acceleration to a certain point according to Fermir's law, the speed ratio..." The

more he looked, the more surprised Director Lin's expression became!

Until he finished reading this paper, his mouth was even more open, and he couldn't close it for a long time:

"Chief Engineer Lu."

"This... This...... Is it your new research?

"If this theory can really be proved, it will definitely cause a big earthquake for our entire aerospace community!"

Although Director Lin simply read the entire paper in general.

But...... This part alone is judged by the combination of the rich knowledge he has accumulated in the field research positions for decades.

This paper, if it can really be proved successful.

Even if some of the theories can be successfully proved and derived, for the entire aerospace community, it is tantamount to triggering a tsunami!

"Chief Engineer Lu, you speak!"

He looked at Lu Yu with a hurried expression, and asked a little impatiently:

"This... Is this the result of your research?


Seeing Director Lin's reaction, a smile appeared at the corner of Lu Yu's mouth.

He nodded and did not deny it.

"That... That's a lot more important than the experiment I just talked about!

Director Lin's breath burned:

"I... I can't help it now, I want to invest some of our department's resources into it!

"According to the theory in this paper, our entire aerospace industry will usher in a technological innovation!"

"Chief Engineer Lu, should you also know what this article means?"

"Of course I know. This paper, in fact, means nothing. Because it doesn't make any sense at all.

Lu Yu smiled.

"Yes! It definitely is... What the?

Director Lin subconsciously wanted to echo, but after really hearing what Lu Yu was saying, the whole person was stunned!

"No, how could that not make sense?"

"If this can really be successful, with our current existing aviation research foundation in the Dragon Country, there will definitely be a leapfrog breakthrough!"

Director Lin said excitedly.

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