After Director Lin's side finished the matter, Lu Yu did not stay in the experimental center for a long time.

After a little instruction in the fruits of the labors of several researchers, he took a special car and returned to his professor's apartment to rest.

And Captain Liu's side was also going smoothly, according to their original plan.

"Captain Liu, I have already handed him the forged evidence."

"Can I make up for this?"

Yang Mo asked a little nervously.

"The surnamed Qian didn't notice anything unusual, did he?"

Captain Liu asked.

"He probably didn't notice anything wrong. I tried my best to act, as long as the material is not wrong, there should be no problem.

Yang Mo nodded.

She still has some confidence in her acting skills.

"It's good if there's no problem."

"You relax, as long as the final plan is successful, you are a meritorious performance."

"I'll help you report this matter to your superiors."

Captain Liu comforted with a smile.

He also knew what Yang Mo was worried about.

After all...... The financial case a few years ago is not big or small.

No one wants to go in and squat when they are old, especially a big beauty like a flower.

"Thank you."

Yang Mo sighed and left helplessly.

"Team Liu, then let's just wait for news from President Wang's side?"


Captain Liu nodded and said

, "According to that guy's efficiency, presumably we shouldn't be able to wait long."

"Everyone, get ready."

"Maybe in just this day or two, we can reap a great harvest!"

Hearing the four words "great achievement", everyone's faces showed a touch of excitement: "Yes, Captain Liu!" Sure

enough, it was almost exactly the same as what Captain Liu guessed.

About two hours after Yang Mo gave the evidence, Mr. Wang received a mysterious text message.

The content of the text message is extremely simple, only the evidence given by Yang Mo, and a list of requests and technical requirements.

"Sure enough, it still came."

"I really didn't expect that oily fat man to be a spy."

Mr. Wang shook his head, and his face was extremely complicated.

The word spy, often seen before, was on TV or in blockbusters.

Mr. Wang's impression of this word has always been 007's image of an ace agent with extraordinary skills, superb martial arts, and now a little high-tech!

I didn't expect that... It's not a good deal.

Even though he already knew the identity of Boss Qian, it was still difficult for Mr. Wang to combine this oily fat man with the image of that ace spy.

"Sure enough, those blockbusters are."

He shook his head and sighed.

"I remember that's how it worked."

"Press the button first, and then..." Mr

. Wang recalled the conversation with Captain Liu, and slowly took out the instrument that Captain Liu handed him from his pocket.

Then, press the red button in the center!



"Eavesdropping device detected!" Releasing current magnetic fields to interfere! "

Interference complete!"

A series of sounds came out from this small instrument, and Mr. Wang's expression also became serious!

"This guy is really cautious, he really has eavesdropping equipment!"

Although, the anti-eavesdropping device that Captain Liu gave him has shown that the successful release of the current magnetic field completed the interference.

But for foolproofness.

Mr. Wang still rummaged in his home, and after rummaging through the cabinets for a long time, he finally found a thing that looked like a small black box in a secret corner of the shoe cabinet.

"That's it?"

He recalled.

A week ago, I hired someone to install the previously re-ordered shoe cabinet at home.

If this eavesdropping device was to be installed, it should have been installed in the shoe cabinet at that time.

"It seems that I was targeted by them early in the morning."

Mr. Wang shook his head helplessly, threw the eavesdropping device in his hand into the garbage truck outside the door.

Then, back home, he dialed Captain Liu's phone number.

Soon, a calm voice came from the microphone:

"He came to you?"

"Yes, Captain Liu, I received an inexplicable news from my side, it should be him."

Mr. Wang quickly replied.

"So, he didn't put his identity directly out, but chose to act secretly?"

"That's right, this guy is cunning like this, he can't do such a stupid thing."

Captain Liu thought for a while and asked again:

"In a moment, we will put a package in front of your door in the name of express delivery."

"You pack up that package, pretend to be threatened, and give him the contents of this package."

"Pay attention to your acting skills and try not to be detected by him that something is wrong."

"Don't be too cheerful when giving things, pretend to be extremely entangled and reluctant..."

Captain Liu explained seriously.

In this serial plan, if there is any place where most likely to have a problem, he thinks it is Mr. Wang's side!

Therefore, it is more attentive to explain.

"Got it, I'll pay attention!"

Mr. Wang took a deep breath, forced himself to endure some tension in his heart, and said lightly:

"I have been with Yang Mo for so long before."

"I still learned a little about acting."

"Okay, over to you."

Captain Liu hung up the phone.

Mr. Wang, on his side, deleted the call, and then stood in front of the door and waited.

Sure enough, about half an hour later.

A package was delivered to his door by a courier, citing a gift from a merchant when he shopped online two days ago.

When I opened the delivery box, I saw that inside was a file with red printing clay forged on it.

Mr. Wang knew that this was a "top secret" level document in the secret system of the Dragon Kingdom, but it was a forgery.

"I hope there are no accidents next."

He sighed, rinsed his cheeks with cold water, and lifted his spirits to reply to the "mysterious man" who sent him the message.

"Who are you? Where did you get this evidence? Mr

. Wang tried his best to pretend to be uneasy.

"Who I am, you don't need to know."

"You don't need to know where I got this evidence."

"You just need to know that as long as you do what I say, no one will ever know the evidence, and you can continue to sit in your place with peace of mind."

"What do you want?"


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