After the two laughed for a while, Lu Yu suddenly thought of something, and asked curiously:

"Elder Zhong, how is the movie now?"

"I heard that Director Zhang's side, casting and other things have been busy and are ready to officially start shooting?"

"It's not bad, we've been so busy here lately, and I don't have much leisure to care about things over there."

Zhong Lao seemed to smile and asked,

"That female classmate of yours is called Liu... Liu Miaoer. Isn't she in the crew? "

How do you... Don't ask her? Excuse me? "

Eh..." Hearing

Elder Zhong's question, Lu Yu's expression suddenly became a little embarrassed.

"Elder Zhong, don't make fun of me."

Lu Yu smiled and scratched his head:

"I actually asked her before, but she mysteriously said that this is a secret of the crew, which needs to be kept secret and cannot be revealed to people outside the crew."

"I didn't want to embarrass her, so I didn't ask more."

"Can't reveal it to someone outside the crew?"

Zhong Lao was slightly stunned, and immediately reacted quickly, and said with a smile:

"You kid hasn't told her until now that this movie is..."

And I also provided the technical part, the main body of the real movie actually has nothing to do with me, so there is nothing wrong with saying that I am someone outside the crew.

Lu Yu smiled modestly.

His words were indeed too modest.

Although it is true that he only provided the virtual reality part of the technology to the film crew, it was up to director Zhang in the plot and other aspects.

But the question is... The biggest focus of this movie, and even why this movie can be established, is not because of the breakthrough brought by Lu Yu in virtual reality technology?

Without a breakthrough in virtual reality technology, the movie might not even exist at all!

"Oh, right."

Suddenly, Zhong Lao thought of something.

"The film is going quite well so far. But in some other ways, it seems to be a little bit of trouble now.

"I just remembered."

"I've been a bit busy with research lately, and I almost forgot to tell you about it."

Lu Yu was stunned: "Trouble?

"How much trouble?" Could it be that the audit did not pass? "

A certain department in charge of auditing in the Dragon Kingdom has always been a little strange.

Although he is a scientific research scholar and does not know much about this aspect of things, some acquaintances who were responsible for making movies and TV series in his previous life have complained to him about related problems.

Sometimes it is clear that a film is made well, and the theme is also to promote positive energy, but it will be inexplicably beaten back for retrial.

There are also some films, which are obviously shoddy and shoddy. But it just inexplicably passed the review and went online.

It's fascinating!

But the problem is...

If he remembers correctly, this movie should have been organized by the leaders from above after he put forward his initial idea, right?

Films with a certain official background.

It is impossible to have problems in the trial on the radio and television side, right?

"It's not a matter of censorship, how can a film review of this level have the guts to get stuck in the neck?"

Elder Zhong shook his head and said, "

If I'm not mistaken, it's a problem in attracting investment."

"At present, Director Zhang can't find a suitable investor."

"Although there are also some businessmen with feelings who are willing to join, compared with the size of the entire movie, there are still too few people in this part."

"Something went wrong in attracting investment?"

Lu Yu paused.

There is a cost to making a movie, but this part of the cost cannot be the director's own pocket, and most directors cannot have so much money to make a movie out of their own pocket.

Therefore, the money is generally paid by the investor.

If an investor sees a movie and thinks he has potential, he is willing to invest money in it.

Wait for the movie to sell online in the future, and then divide the account from it.

This is also the most common process in current filmmaking, and many big-budget movies come out this way!

"That is to say, investors are not optimistic about Director Zhang's film?"

"Why is that?"

Lu Yu touched his chin, a little confused.

"If nothing else, even if the virtual reality technology is light, the gimmick of introducing a formal movie for the first time should attract many audiences to watch, right?"

"What's more, this movie is still directed by Director Zhang himself, and the box office is likely to be guaranteed."

"In terms of theme, it is to promote our dragon country culture. It's easy to explode on the Internet..."

"Isn't this more likely to be favored by investors?"

"Why can't you find investors? There should be no reason why the capital should not be optimistic about this movie. "

He's a scientist, not a businessman, and there's something I don't understand.

It shouldn't be!

"This time the problem is actually due to the market, but in the final analysis, it is still a technical problem."

A helpless smile appeared at the corner of Zhong Lao's mouth:

"Junior brother, you are indeed very bold in the innovation of virtual reality technology, and the results achieved are absolutely incredible."

"But when applied to movies, there is a problem that is rarely overlooked."

"Oh? Is it cost to shoot?

Lu Yu thought about it and wondered:

"If you talk about the cost of shooting, it is indeed more expensive in some shots than on location." But if it's some Hollywood-style big scenes, use modeling instead of field shooting. The cost should be lower, right? "

The use of virtual reality technology to shoot movies is naturally not simply shot with traditional shooting tools such as cameras.

Instead, use some 3D modeling and high-tech like motion capture to shoot in real time!

Admittedly, if you are shooting some everyday images, the cost of using a simple camera is indeed much lower.

But the problem is that in this movie directed by Zhang, the style should be biased towards big scenes!

Although Lu Yu is a layman, he also knows that the cost of using 3D modeling to render this kind of large-scale scene shooting is definitely much lower than shooting in the field!

Even many scenes, it is simply impossible to shoot on the spot!

For example, if you blow up a certain tower, you can't really blow up some landmark buildings for the sake of making a movie, right?

"When I say cost, it's not about shooting cost, it's about viewing cost."

Zhong Lao sighed and said a little helplessly:

"In terms of shooting costs, indeed, there will not be much difference from ordinary film shooting."

"But the cost of viewing, it's different."

"If you want to watch a movie made with virtual reality technology, you have to at least wear a headset, right?"

"Otherwise, if you don't even have a headset, what's the difference between those glasses-free 3D movies?"

"But the problem is that the headsets on the market at present, even if they are cheaper, start at two thousand yuan."

"Moreover, the damage rate is easy to be high when worn by multiple people."

"As many seats as there are in the cinema, there are as many headsets as you have to prepare. While the price of one or two headsets may not be particularly high, all the headsets combined, that's not a small amount!

"And those people open movie theaters to make money, not to do charity."

"The cost of the headset, they have to get it back from the ticket price, otherwise few people are willing to do the things that make money at a loss."

"That's the problem."


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