"Tick tick..." The

raindrops were still falling, and in the small pavilion, Liu Miaoer, who was singing and whispering, finally plucked up her courage and slowly reached out to hold Lu Yu's finger.

She didn't know how Lu Yu would react, and she didn't know what kind of direction the relationship between the two would be if she really took the initiative to break the emotions in her heart?

Will Lu Yu accept himself?

Or, after breaking all this, the two of them will be embarrassed to not even be able to do it?

Liu Miaoer didn't know.

But women are emotional animals, emotionally, these thoughts, thoughts, seem to be forgotten one by one.

At the moment when her fingertips touched Lu Yu, Lu Yu's arm subconsciously trembled, and then the whole person's muscles tightened!


Next second!

Lu Yu directly grabbed Liu Miaoer's wrist with her backhand, twisted it hard in one direction, and at the same time grabbed her forearm with the other hand and pressed it down sharply!

While making movements in her upper body, Lu Yu's legs also subconsciously hooked at Liu Miaoer's ankles, throwing her entire center of gravity to the side!

An extremely beautiful judo move, straight done!



Liu Miaoer, who was originally apprehensive, was directly thrown to the ground by Lu Yu, and the whole person was directly stunned!

Thanks to the fact that the stone benches around here are not so densely placed, although Liu Miaoer was hit by this fall and fell all over her body, her waist did not collide with hard objects, and there should be no bone-level injuries.

But Rao is so, Liu Miaoer was still directly thrown stupid!

"You... What are you doing?! "

It's obviously such a romantic scene, why did I touch Lu Yu's hand and be thrown off directly?

And after reflecting what he had done, Lu Yu's face also froze!

After half a ring, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly, and he looked at Liu Miao'er cautiously:

"Are you okay?"

"Do you want... Shall I lift you up?

Liu Miao'er took a deep breath and said helplessly:

"You first let me slow down on the ground, hiss, it hurts to death."

"No, why are you..."

she gasped and rubbed her waist, not knowing what to say for a moment.

When Liu Miaoer stretched out her hand, countless possibilities actually flashed in her mind.

For example, Lu Yu will hold her hand, and then look at the two people affectionately, and the friendship will be sublimated...

This is the best possibility.

And the worse possibility, Liu Miaoer actually thought in her mind, such as Lu Yuhui seriously pulled her away, and then said something like "we are not suitable" to her.

If this is the case, Liu Miaoer can only accept it dimly.

But she never thought that everything that happened after she stretched out her hand would be so dramatic!

She thought about a lot of situations, but she didn't consider that Lu Yu would grab her hand and throw her out directly!!

It's not that Liu Miaoer's imagination is not rich enough,

but can a normal person think of this situation?

"Are you feeling better?"

"It should be fine, right?"

Lu Yu's eyes were full of apologies, and he asked cautiously.

"There should be no big thing, it just hurts a little."

Liu Miao'er said softly, "Help me." "


Lu Yu slowly stretched out his hand and reached out to Liu Miaoer.

Liu Miaoer originally subconsciously wanted to pull Lu Yu's sleeve and pull herself up, but suddenly flashed in her mind Lu Yu's "powerful" fall just now, and the outstretched hand subconsciously trembled!

Immediately afterward, she withdrew her hand and said pitifully:

"Forget it, let me get up by myself... I'm afraid you'll fall again

..." Lu Yu: "..."

He scratched his head, wanting to explain something, but when the words came to his lips, he didn't know how to speak.

In fact, Lu Yu didn't mean to drop Liu Miaoer, but the situation just now subconsciously stimulated his reaction to defend and counterattack.

Just now I listened to Liu Miao'er singing, and I listened to it very engagingly.

But suddenly, his hand seemed to touch something icy.

Perhaps because of the reward "advanced fighting skill intuition" given by the previous system, Lu Yu almost didn't even have a thought process, so he directly started to "subdue" the "enemy"...

After the real reaction, Liu Miaoer had already fallen to the ground....

"Okay, you go slowly."

Lu Yu also withdrew his hand, not knowing how to comfort Liu Miaoer.

After half a ring, Liu Miaoer supported herself and stood up with the pain in her waist.

"No, why did you just ..."

she looked at Lu Yu puzzled.

"It's a simple knee-jerk reaction.... Would you like to go to the hospital or take a look?

"I'm afraid that if something goes wrong with you, I'll be a sinner."

Lu Yu said with concern.

"It shouldn't be used, it's just a little painful, and it's estimated that I'll get up tomorrow and get almost fine."

Liu Miaoer sighed.

"No, your knee-jerk reaction, why... Want to drop me?

She looked at Lu Yu pitifully.

"I don't know why, it's like a knee jerk reflex... Suddenly frightened, maybe subconsciously make movements.

Lu Yu scratched his head.

This problem, he was also watching TV before, listening to some martial arts fighters or martial arts stars.

For example, a famous martial arts star and director once said in a variety show that his wife once wanted to surprise him, but he subconsciously threw it over his shoulder and threw it to the ground.

At that time, Lu Yu still felt that this might be an exaggeration.

But it wasn't until he got the reward given by the system that Lu Yu understood that this was really the case!

"Then can't you be gentle?"

Liu Miaoer pouted.

She recalled everything that had just happened and was speechless.

What a romantic scene it was, the sound of rain was sparse, and the two people looked at each other in the pavilion.

The result?

How did this suddenly change from a romance movie to an action movie?

This span is indeed a little too big, and Lu Yu himself feels very difficult.

"By the way, did you just mean to say something?"

Lu Yu asked curiously.

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