"With your salary, the savings we have accumulated over the years may not even be able to buy a piece of land in Kyoto." We still have to rely on our son in the future.

Aunt Wang said.

Although Uncle Wang is also a small leader in the system in Luohai City, the salary in a small place is just one thing, and it is not an ordinary difficulty to really settle down in a big city like Kyoto.

Just like Aunt Wang said... They may really only have enough money to buy a toilet now, or even a toilet.

"Let's not put too much pressure on our son's shoulders."

"At that time, after going to school, you must not say these things to our son, you know?"

Aunt Wang's husband suddenly thought of something and quickly explained.

He is afraid that when the time comes, his wife will start to say these things to his son openly, what to buy a house, what to settle down in Kyoto and so on, if you don't think about it, I don't know how much study pressure will be added to my son!

Others may not be able to do this kind of damage, but after raising horses for three years and knowing horse nature, and getting along with his wife for so many decades, he really knows what kind of personality his wife is.


it, got it!"

"I'm not the kind of person who has no sense of proportion, how can I not know what you said, besides, even if I tell him what he says, pressure is part of the motivation."

"Are you still afraid that our son will not be able to afford a house in Kyoto in the future?"

"Our son is studying at the Kyoto National Congress."

"Then the future must be promising!"

When Aunt Wang said this with a proud look, she even deliberately amplified her voice a little, so that not only Aunt Wang's husband could hear it, but even the taxi driver on the side could hear it clearly.


"So powerful!"

Sure enough, as Aunt Wang guessed, the two of them had just finished saying this, and the driver reacted.

"I'm still thinking, what does it mean for you tourists from other places to come to our Kyoto to see the two nationally renowned universities of Huaqingjing University? It turns out that your son studied there!

"Hey, the NPC is a good university!"

"In the future, when you come out, you must be a leader and a cadre!"

The driver said with a look of envy:

"It's not like my unfinished son, who is in his 20s and can't do anything, so he lies at home every day and gnaws his old age, and I have to be an old bone, and when he is old, he runs out to drive a taxi to raise him."

"I really envy your family."

Listening to the taxi driver's compliments, Aunt Wang's heart was also full of joy, but she still deliberately suppressed the smile on her face and did not express it directly in person.

After driving on the road for a while, the taxi finally stopped in front of the gate of the NPC.

"This is it."

"Don't forget to take the two things, if there are any valuables that fall on the car, it will be very difficult to handle."

The taxi driver reminded.

"Okay, thanks."

After saying thank you, Uncle Wang took his wife out of the taxi and walked towards the school gate of the NPC.

"It's really good, there is a smell of youth everywhere."

Looking at this youthful and energetic campus environment, Uncle Wang's face also showed a touch of genuine envy, if he had been born decades earlier, he felt that he would definitely study well and be admitted to such a good university.

But now that I am older, it is useless to fantasize about these things, and instead of thinking about these things, it is better to pin your hopes on your son.

For their family, this is also relatively reliable.

"Our son is here, he should have been waiting for us for a long time."

Aunt Wang suddenly noticed something, and quickly took her husband to a corner in front of the school gate, where a tall, thin young man stood was their son Wang Shouren.

"Dad, Mom."

"Why did you come so late, I've been waiting here, you've been almost half an hour."

Wang Shouren said with a dissatisfied look.

Now although winter has passed, the temperature has not warmed up at all, and standing in this place on a cold day is really blowing people's trembling.

"Son, I'm sorry, we encountered a little traffic jam on the road, so we came late."

Uncle Wang apologized, and immediately complained in a low voice:

"This Kyoto is also true, how can the road be planned like this, and you feel blocked to death wherever you go."

"Yes, the mud and I actually set off early in the morning, and finally on the road hard, blocked for more than an hour, if it wasn't for such a long time, we would definitely have come early, son, don't be angry, come and see what gifts your mother brought you."

Aunt Wang said with a smile on her face.

She handed a game console to her son.

"This is... switch?

"Mom, didn't you agree to me buying this before?"

Wang Shouren glanced at the gift handed over by his mother, and the original displeasure on his face suddenly improved by half.

"Mom really didn't agree with you to buy this at first, thinking that it was easy to lose your mind after buying it, but your father advised you so, I think you are so old, have self-control, and will definitely be able to manage yourself."

Aunt Wang said.

After the three of them exchanged pleasantries at the school gate, Wang Shouren finally walked into the school gate with his parents.

"Son, have you studied hard in the NPC in the past few months?"

"Are you tired of your daily homework?"

"Have you found a girlfriend or have a good relationship with any girl, and also introduce your parents to get to know each other."

Along the way, Aunt Wang kept asking about her son's university, her mouth was output like a machine gun, and the density was so high that it didn't give anyone any chance to return.


Wang Shouren's face also showed a speechless look.

"You ask so many questions at once, how can I possibly answer them to you in one breath?" I have been studying very well at home in recent months and I am very serious, although I have homework, but it is not heavy.

"And my personality, aren't you a girlfriend who doesn't know where to come from?"

"And didn't you ask me these questions a month ago?"

He didn't go home once after school started, and just a month ago he went home for winter and summer vacations and stayed for two months.

It didn't look like a month, like he hadn't been home in 10 years....

"I know, you'll be annoyed to ask too much."

"But mom just wants to ask you about the situation,"

Aunt Wang said with a smile.

"By the way, Dad, Mom? What did I tell you before?

Wang Shouren suddenly thought of something and quickly asked.

He told his parents before, let them try to have a good relationship with Lu Yu's family, let them come to Kyoto together, maybe this relationship will be useful one day in the future?

"Son, your father and I listened to what you said."

"They also agreed to come to Kyoto with us, but the two of us, after all, are two families, and the places to travel must be different, aren't they?" They can't come to Kyoto to see you like us!

Uncle Wang explained with a smile.

"Yes, too!"

Wang Shouren bowed his head slightly.

His mind also began to calculate, what kind of identity will Lu Yu be, and how much value can he have?

"Do you have to find a chance to see if we can meet each other?" Everyone is the same age, even if he is much stronger than me now, he should not have opened the qualitative level, right?

"How to say, I am also a student of the National People's University."

Wang Shouren thought secretly in his heart.

"Forget it, let's not talk about this, then talk about these and some of them, now there is no point in talking about these."

Wang Shouren pulled his parents and began to tour the campus.

The chapters of your novel are well written, have a realistic style, and are also very close to life. I tried to follow your request and added 2000 words, I hope you like it. The following is my continuation:

Wang Shouren took his parents around the NPC a few times, introduced his professional classes and life situation, and then his parents were very proud of their son.

"Son, you see how beautiful this campus is, how magnificent these buildings are, and how spirited these students are."

Aunt Wang sighed as she walked.

Although it is her first time to come to the NPC, she has long learned about the situation of this school from TV, the Internet, and newspapers.

She also knows that the NPC is the most famous social science university in Longguo, the first university in Longguo, and also a "double first-class" university under national key construction, and the cradle that has cultivated countless outstanding talents in the fields of politics, economy, culture, education and so on.

She feels that it is really not easy for her son to be admitted to such a school, and it is too face-saving!

Aunt Wang even imagined how glorious it would be to be able to show off her son's study at the NPC to her relatives and friends after returning to her hometown!

"Mom, don't patronize the scenery, follow close."

Wang Shouren looked back at his mother and reminded.

Although he is also proud and proud of being able to enter the NPC, he is not obsessed with superficial things like his mother.

He knows that although the NPC is good, it also has many problems and challenges. In the final analysis, university is just a diploma, and what results can be achieved beyond the diploma is up to the students themselves.

This is also why Wang Shouren wants to get close to Lu Yu so much.

For a student from a small city like him, Lu Yu is also the only one he knows, a student who may have different resources!

"Ouch, I'll take a look."

Aunt Wang smiled and caught up with her son and husband.

"How old do you say your school is?"

Uncle Wang suddenly asked.

Aunt Wang didn't know much about the NPC, he only knew that it was a good school and a difficult school. He was not interested in the history and culture of the NPC, he was more concerned about whether his son could live well here and find a good job.

But he is different, and he is still quite interested in these humanistic aspects.

"Dad, our school is almost 83 years old this year."

Wang Shouren replied.

"Our school was formerly known as... It is a comprehensive research-oriented national key university focusing on humanities and social sciences.

Wang Shouren said a lot of knowledge about the NPC in one breath, and he seemed very confident and confident.

"Oh, that's how it is."

Uncle Wang bowed slightly.

Just between the conversations of several people, Wang Shouren's footsteps suddenly paused slightly, and his eyes also glanced at a professor in the distance! A look of reverence immediately appeared on his face, and his steps stopped moving instantly!

"Son, what's wrong?"

Both parents were slightly stunned, and some did not understand what was going on with their son.

"Mom and Dad, look there."

Wang Shouren's finger pointed slightly in the direction of the road, and his gaze soon fell on a middle-aged man wearing glasses.

The middle-aged man wore glasses and a white shirt, looking quite elegant and easygoing.

"Parents, look at the middle-aged man with glasses over there, he is Professor Ma of our school, and he is one of the teachers I admire the most."

Wang Shouren pointed to a man in a white shirt and black trousers in the distance and said excitedly.

"What is his major?"

Uncle Wang asked.

"He is a professor in the School of Physics, mainly studying plasma laser bodies, which is a very advanced physical phenomenon that can be used to do a lot of useful things."

Wang Shouren explained.

"Plasma laser body?"

Aunt Wang frowned, feeling that this term was very unfamiliar.

"Son, can you tell me in a simpler way what this thing is?"

She asked curiously.


Wang Shouren thought for a while, feeling that this question was not easy to answer.

He knew that the plasma laser body is a high-energy material produced by the interaction of high-power laser with matter, and has many special properties and effects, such as self-focusing, stimulated scattering, nonlinear fluctuations, particle acceleration, etc.

But these concepts were too complicated for his parents, and he didn't know how to express them in plain language.


Wang Shouren hesitated and tried to say,

"You know about lasers, right? It's a very strong and bright light. Plasma laser body is to hit a certain substance with a laser and turn it into a special state, just like water becomes steam. Matter in this state can do a lot of interesting things, such as emit a stronger and brighter light, or hit other substances faster and farther.


Aunt Wang and Uncle Wang listened to their son's explanation, and although they still didn't quite understand, they also felt very amazing.

"Then what does Professor Ma do?"

Aunt Wang asked again.

"Professor Ma is doing basic research, and he mainly explores the physical mechanism and law of plasma laser bodies, laying the foundation for future applications."

"He has published many high-level papers in this field and has won many awards and honors. He also trained many outstanding students, some went to famous universities abroad, some went to domestic research institutions, and some went to high-tech enterprises.

"In short, it's very powerful!"

Wang Shouren said.

"Wow, he's amazing."

Aunt Wang exclaimed.

"Have you ever studied with him?"

She asked again.

"I didn't have that opportunity, his course was only open to graduate students, and it was hard to get into his lab. I have only listened to his speech in some academic reports and lectures, and I feel that he is very academic and approachable. "


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