The realization of their current plasma laser research cannon project is only one step away from completing the prototype.

As long as the current trouble can be solved, and then the launch test is successfully completed, then the prototype of the plasma laser cannon is truly completed!

Of course, the prototype will be a certain difference from the final result.

To be useful on exoskeleton devices, it is necessary to wait for a long correction time.

However, whether it is for Lu Yu or Professor Wang, it is already a rare thing to be able to advance the plasma laser cannon project to such a point in such a short time!

"I hope there will be no more trouble in the future."

Lu Yu took a deep breath, and then immediately instructed the laser source project team to start deploying the pulse intensity of the laser source crystal according to his idea just now!

Soon the first step to solve the problem is officially taken!


"But that's not enough, and it's not enough to use adaptive optics to automatically optimize the laser beam."

"So we also need a set of optical components and electronic control systems that can modulate laser pulses with multiple wavelengths, pulse widths, multiple phases, and multiple polarizations!"

Lu Yu slowly closed his eyes and started the high-speed simulator in his mind.

If you want to dominate such a complex experiment in a short period of time, it is obviously impossible to do it with the human brain alone!

And the researchers were not in a hurry, all of them were quietly waiting for Lu Yu to issue the next order, they all understood that as long as Chief Engineer Lu entered this state, he must not be disturbed!

"Group A, you add a frequency converter that can change the wavelength of the laser pulse, at least a frequency multiplier, tripler or mixer based on a nonlinear crystal!"

"Only in this way can you get laser pulses of different wavelengths!"

"The pulse needs to be controlled at 400 nanometers and 266 nanometers..."

One command after another was spoken in Lu Yu's mouth! The whole research group is like a precision machine, running with great rigor!

In the distance, Zhong Lao, who was waiting in the main control room, looked at the scene in front of him, and his eyes were quite emotional:

"This little monster not only has excellent scientific research ability, but also has a hand at the level of commanding people."

"yes, I also feel that there is something in him... Something that is unclear and unclear.

A researcher next to him echoed:

"When I first came into contact with Chief Engineer Lu, it was in the [Red Sun] project, and at the beginning, General Engineer Lu gave me the impression of a genius and prodigy with strong ability."

"I actually had similar concerns back then."

"For example, although Chief Engineer Lu is very capable, will he not be able to properly dominate a team because he does not understand the scientific research system of our Dragon Kingdom and the abilities of other scientific research scholars?"

"But when I really worked with Chief Engineer Lu, I found that everything was very different from what I thought."

"Chief Engineer Lu's ability is far more outstanding than I thought, as if he was born with an excellent understanding of the scientific research system of our Dragon Kingdom..."

Zhong Lao bowed his head slightly:

"It seems that your thoughts are the same as mine."

Lu Yu's personal ability naturally does not need to be said.

But from the perspective of a general manager, just having extremely strong personal ability is not enough to become an excellent general manager!

Even if you are alone, you can easily solve many problems encountered, but there are some things that the people below cannot react and understand, and the progress of the project will often be slowed down.

Of course, personal scientific research ability is also a cornerstone of security!

Even if your command ability is poor, as long as your personal scientific research ability is enough to pass, then the project will eventually be conquered!

But.... In terms of efficiency, it may be worse.

"To be honest, sometimes it's incredible to think about it."

"In less than a year, so many projects have really landed, and even sci-fi weapons such as plasma laser cannons are about to become reality!"

"If someone had told me this a year ago, I wouldn't have believed it."

A smile appeared on Zhong Lao's face, and he sighed:

"I hope there will be no accidents today, I believe that this little monster can bring this project out smoothly!"

"Well, Elder Zhong, we all believe in Chief Engineer Lu!"

The researchers nodded one after another, and their eyes showed a look of affirmation.

Although the entire research process will inevitably become more dangerous than ordinary experiments when it comes to the test of this weapon, the presence of General Engineer Lu is like a crushing stone, making their hearts full of security.

"After this step is over, it will be our turn to take action in the next process."

"At that time, we will have to give Chief Engineer Lu more worries."

"I can't let Chief Engineer Lu do all the work alone."

Everyone looked at each other, and their eyes were full of determination!

While the researchers in the main control room are concerned about the progress of Lu Yu's experiments, there are also some new progress on Lu Yu's side.

"Chief Engineer Lu, we have arranged the frequency converter according to your requirements."

"But first of all, the degree of entanglement between the plasma and the laser source is a little too strong! If we don't take some direct measures to adjust, we fear that it will be uncontrollable and ruin your arrangement! The

researcher in charge of debriefing and monitoring slowly oozed a drop of sweat from his forehead.

The current pressure on plasma equipment is also very high.

Although they are constantly adjusting the values and parameters to ensure that it can operate stably, the current situation has some uncontrollable risks!

If this continues.

The idea of not being able to get Lu Yu has not really fallen into reality, in fact, the plasma laser cannon mutin is the first to get out of control, and the risk occurs!


"I also found the problem, don't panic, listen to my arrangement next."

Lu Yu nodded slightly, calm and calm.

At present, he has been monitoring the problems encountered by the plasma laser cannon, although it cannot be said that every parameter can be clearly remembered, but it is also clear to the overall situation.

As the saying goes, you can't eat hot cans in a hurry.

If you panic too much, instead of solving the problem smoothly, you may worsen the already bad situation.

Therefore, you must be calm when it comes to big events!


Lu Yu took a deep breath, slowly suppressed the tension in his heart, and once again commanded:


"Group a, continue o set up a pulse shaper capable of changing the pulse width of the laser pulse, the parameters are based on the liquid crystal spatial light modulator or the DAZZLER of the acousto-optic modulator!"

"Group B, you guys solve the phase modulator!"

"What we urgently need is a phase modulator for electro-optic crystals or acousto-optic crystals, and the laser pulse that coordinates the phase refers to linear chirping, secondary chirping or other forms of chirping..."

"Linear polarization, circular polarization or other forms of polarization must be controlled within a reasonable range! Polarization setter for mixing waveplates or polarization rotators! "

The whole research group was suddenly busy!

"Group A mission accomplished!"

"Group B mission successfully completed! The pulse and polarization are already in place!

"Please Chief Engineer Lu continue to give instructions!"

Wasting even a second of time at this critical moment can have unimaginable consequences.

So at this moment, the researchers' devotion to Lu Yu's commands has almost reached 200%, and no one will be distracted!

Under the rapid progress, one order after another that Lu Yu had previously arranged was smoothly put into practice!

"What is the current entanglement of plasma and laser sources in the data monitoring group? Is it still under control?

Lu Yu picked up the communicator and immediately began to greet the data monitoring group.

"Report Chief Engineer Lu, the degree of entanglement has gradually decreased, and there is no risk of overload at present!"

"We lowered the intensity for the time being!"

"At least there is no risk of accidents in the experiment!"

The members of the data monitoring team were full of joy in their voices.

Accompanied by the Lu language. Just one by one, the commands fell to the actual point.

The entanglement of plasma and laser sources has also been reduced to freezing point to some extent, although interference with the experiment will still exist.

In the end, it is also unknown whether the plasma laser cannon can be successfully fired, but at least for now, there is no possibility of a direct explosion in this experiment....

That is, from the point of view of security!

They have solved the most dangerous and troublesome problem!


Hearing the answer transmitted back by the data monitoring group, Lu Yu's face also showed a look of satisfaction.

Only by ensuring the safety of the time schedule can we further find ways to solve the problems just encountered.

Just as the so-called cure the symptoms but also the root cause, if only this extent, is far from enough to make the plasma laser cannon run smoothly!

"We need to build an adaptive optics and plasma optics system that automatically compensates and optimizes the laser beam."

Lu Yu directly pointed out the most important question:

"Only in this way, when the plasma laser cannon is really used in actual combat in the future, can we ensure that there are no accidents!"

At present, the laser source and plasma often have entanglement problems, and the two sides are lost to each other.

Not only is the energy of the plasma laser cannon a waste, but it is also easy to cause unsafe accidents such as explosions.

With a group of their experts in the research room, the relevant parameters can naturally be adjusted in real time.

But when it comes to actual combat, is it possible to let these experts follow the soldiers to the battlefield, and brave the rain of bullets to help mediate in an accident?

No way!

Therefore, it is necessary to build a machine that can be adaptively adjusted!

"Install a wavefront sensor capable of detecting laser beam quality and wavefront distortion at the front of the laser source, preferably a wavefront sensor based on a Hartmann-Shaw sensor and a phase-layered sensor."

"It is possible to measure the mass factor of the laser beam, Strel'lby, point diffusion function and other parameters..."

"With these parameters, the laser beam can be further adjusted using the special properties of the plasma!"

"At the place of plasma emission, install a plasma grating and holographic channel!"

"This enables enhanced functionality of the laser beam by utilizing plasma reflection and holographic diffraction! And..." At

this moment, Lu Yu's brain was running at a breakneck speed, and a rough adaptive adjustment system was vividly sketched out in his mind!

He squinted his eyes slightly, and his mouth blasted out his thoughts like a cannon!

"Chief Engineer Lu's thinking speed, is he still human?!"

"Even if I were given a supercomputer, I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to do it to this extent!"

"No possibility, definitely! I definitely can't do it anyway! "

The older researchers' eyes are straight, they are also well-informed in this life, but watching such an anti-heavenly operation unfold in front of them, it is inevitable that the waves in their hearts will be terrified!

The level of surprise in the hearts of young researchers is incomparable!

If the members of the research team have stayed all the way from [Red Sun] at the beginning, the level of shock is not so great.

After all, they witnessed Lu Yu relying on mental arithmetic to calculate the interference of the earthquake on the [Red Sun] device step by step, and then adjust the data in real time to make the Red Sun run smoothly!


The other researchers who joined halfway through saw Lu Yu show such terrifying computing power for the first time!

Even Professor Wang next to him was taken aback!

Although he had witnessed the operation of Lu Yu when he had broken down the academic materials before, compared with the scene in front of him, the paper at that time was simply weak!

After all, at that time, it was only in principle to split part of the content!

But now, it is really against such a dangerous thing as a plasma laser cannon, purely relying on the composition of the mind to give instructions! The slightest mistake can lead to the failure of the entire project!

The huge pressure is in stark contrast to Lu Yu's calm and calm performance!

", what a monster."

The corners of Professor Wang's mouth twitched slightly, and then he took a step back.

He originally thought that if it was only limited to the field of plasma laser, although he could not compare with Lu Yu in terms of comprehensive ability.

But after so many years of operation, maybe in some practical operations, his ability is half a point stronger than Lu Yu!

But when the scene in front of you unfolded in real time.

Professor Wang's original inner thoughts were suddenly shattered.

"This son is inhuman!"

He took a silent step back and waited for the performance of the landing language.

Although the other researchers were shocked, they also knew the importance of this research work, and the work at hand did not stop at all!

Soon, the adaptive optimization system envisioned in Lu Yu's mind was truly implemented!


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