"I still don't know what is the situation behind the public opinion, you go and ask the male artist's agency to see what the specific situation is."


"Continue to keep track of the hot search situation."

"If there is any new situation, feel free to report to me, understand?"

Director Wang asked.


The subordinates also replied.

The calculation in Minister Wang's mind is actually very simple.

Although I don't know what the relationship between this Liu Miaoer and that confidential figure is, in order to ensure that there is no mistake, what should be done must be done first.

At least if you find out about things, once it is possible to involve the secret figure named Lu Yu, you must immediately cut off public opinion, and you must not let the trouble last time happen again!

Otherwise, if the superiors are held accountable further, and they have not done anything on their side, won't they be scolded again?

Of course.

If the matter itself is just a small fight between the entertainment industry, then there is no need for them to react so excessively.

After all, in this kind of circle that relies on entertaining the public to eat, similar hype things have not happened for the first time, and Director Wang has a number in his heart.

Not long after the order was given .... Liu Miaoer's new content on Weibo was posted.

"Director Wang, the matter is basically out of the question."

The subordinate said excitedly:

"We have already questioned the brokerage company over there, they said that Liu He did not report to them about falling in love, and they are very strict about falling in love, and they are not allowed to let any idol fall in love privately


"So this should not be a real thing, it's just a play that Liu He directed and performed."

Another subordinate also nodded and said, "

The situation found out on our side is the same."

"Liu Miaoer posted on Weibo that the screenshots she took when she went to investigate the surveillance camera can basically determine that the nature of the matter is a rumor directed and acted by Liu He."

"Including the photos, as well as the exposure of the media, all of them were premeditated by Liu He."

After listening to the reports of the subordinates.

Director Wang couldn't help but shake his head:

"Do you say that these star artists are idle and panicked?"

"Doing these things with three incorrect views all day long, and pretending to be quite like that, living a lot of himself as a victim."

"Do we want to deal with this matter?"

A subordinate asked cautiously.

"Rumor-mongering is already illegal, and if he is really just a victim, of course, we should not intervene."

"But the media photography that day was all arranged by him, so there is no excuse for quibbling."

"You know what to do with this kind of bad artist."

Director Wang said slowly.

"That... Director Wang, shall we ban it now? The subordinates asked.

"It's not in a hurry, there's no need to rush at this moment."

Director Wang said, "

Wait for the public opinion to ferment for a while."

"If you ban it just because of this, it is difficult to explain the reason to the public." After his rumor-mongering behavior is completely implemented, everything will naturally settle, and we don't need to find any special excuses. "


"Also, don't forget. "

During this time, continue to track the progress of this matter, if... What are the signs of involving confidential figures, and I don't need to say more about what to do, understand?

"Understood, Director Wang."


After explaining this, Director Wang was finally able to breathe a sigh of relief.

When he remembered the last time he inexplicably involved the top-secret figure in the Dragon Country, his back was still a little chilly!

That time was the first time I made a mistake, and I was almost scolded. If something similar happened again, or even if any important information was really leaked, then he would be ashamed of the Dragon Kingdom!

In ---


, Liu He was lying on the bed, closing his eyes and recuperating.

Just finished a day's shooting task, his mental state is also a little tired, and he can't even bother to open his mobile phone to see how today's hot search situation is.

These days... His popularity has always been rising, which makes him very happy.

As a second- and third-tier star, the last time he was the most popular, he starred in a small blockbuster school drama, so that many people knew his name.

At that time, Liu He still felt that his future was promising.

But right.... The popularity of a drama is limited after all, especially that kind of low-cost online drama, it is easy to copy.

So with more and more TV series of the same type, fewer and fewer people mention his name.

After the popularity gradually dissipated, it was completely impossible to replicate the success of the previous time, and now you can only act in that low-cost drama and look for an opportunity to become popular again!

In Liu He's opinion... This time the scandal with Liu Miaoer is simply an opportunity given to him by God!

But... What would happen next, he didn't know.

I don't know why, Liu He always had a faint sense of unease in his heart, as if he had missed something. But what is the problem, he didn't really understand it after thinking about it for a long time!

"The angle of the photo was so perfect that even if her fans didn't want to believe it, they could only accept it."

"As for... Debunking rumors, will anyone believe it?

A disdainful smile appeared at the corner of Liu He's mouth, thinking that he must have thought too much!

It was at this time that a phone suddenly rang, interrupting Liu He's thinking.


Dingding, dingding..."

"Really, it's all this, I have to call!" Who is it?

After Liu He couldn't help but scold, he helplessly turned over on the sofa and slowly picked up his mobile phone to look at it.

At this look, his originally tired expression suddenly became serious, and his body suddenly sat up straight from the sofa!

"Sister Ma?"

Seeing the caller, Liu He was frightened!

Sister Ma is his agent and the company's ace artist supervisor! She has cultivated a lot of explosive stars, and she is much higher than herself in terms of the value of the company!

And over the years, Sister Ma's control over artists has been extremely strict, not only forbidding to fall in love or forbid any black material, basically no matter what, you have to say hello to this Sister Ma in advance before you can do it.

It's just stricter than!

Finally, taking advantage of this Ma sister to go back to his hometown to do errands, he finally found an opportunity to plan such an act of stirring up a scandal with Liu Miaoer!

Now seeing Sister Ma calling, Liu He is strange if he is not afraid!

"Sister Ma... Aren't you still running errands back home? How do you think about calling me at this time ahhaha? "

After answering the phone.

Liu He immediately put on a sycophant smile.

"Liu He, you really can do it!"

Sister Ma's voice was very cold, as if squeezed out from between her teeth!

"I've only been away for a few days? Can you come up with such a big news? Do you know who is coming to me today?


From Sister Ma's words, Liu He sniffed out something wrong, and his expression instantly became nervous!

Although Sister Ma's attitude has always been very strict in the past, it has never been as cold as today! What he did during this time seems to have been discovered!

However, Liu He also knew that it was impossible to hide this matter.

In his opinion, he only needs to get things done, and there is nothing wrong with it. After all, as long as the heat comes up, the resources that can be obtained are more, and the company is too late to be happy, how can it pursue its own hype?

I'm afraid I can't wait to hype two more similar news!

At this thought, Liu He's mood was no longer as apprehensive as it was at the beginning!

"Sister Ma, I know that I took advantage of your absence during this time and thought of some methods."

"But isn't this all for the development of our company? Hey.

Liu He replied with a playful smile:

"Did any big director call you today?"

"Great director?"

Sister Ma laughed angrily and sneered:

"Liu He, Liu He, I originally thought you were simply stupid. Sorry, now I'm going to take back the invective I used to you before, you are not a stupid question, you don't have a long brain at all!

"And the great director!"

"I tell you, if you can't handle this matter properly, you don't want to film again in this life!"


Liu He was frightened, and his face suddenly turned pale:

"Sister Ma, you... Don't scare me! Who the hell called you today and you off like this?

"It's Optoelectronics!"

"Liu He, you are really capable, even people who are photoelectric can ask you by name, this is the treatment that the first-line stars under my hands do not have!"

"People came to ask in person, what happened between you and that Liu Miao'er, are you really together!"

Sister Ma gritted her teeth and said:

"I told you a long time ago, there are some heat you can't rub blindly, you don't listen!"

"Okay now, I won't help you with this mess, you can figure it out yourself!"

As soon as he said this, a nameless fire couldn't help but rise in the chest of Sister Ma, a strong woman! She almost killed Liu He!

Originally... She had three days left to take leave from her boss, and she didn't come back at this time at all.

Originally, in her hometown, Sister Ma still wanted to see how the data of the artists under her during this time was, so she casually looked at Liu He's data. This look, Huo, this paste coffee heat value and search value actually went up so much at once?

Sister Ma was originally quite happy!

She looked at the Weibo hot search list again, and immediately knew what was going on!

The idea of rubbing Liu Miaoer's heat before, Liu He mentioned it to her before, but Sister Ma vetoed it!

The reason couldn't be simpler, Liu Miaoer, a little girl who had just entered the circle, could directly force Wang Ting to be blocked! You can also get Director Zhang's [Dragon Kingdom Mythology] resources.

To know... That is a resource that many first-line traffic female stars can not reach, and she has successfully obtained it!

No background, who believes?

This is also why Sister Ma didn't let Liu He rub the heat.

She is not disgusted with the behavior of "rubbing heat", but she is unwilling to let Liu He kick on the iron plate and bring trouble to the company!

But.... Liu He doesn't seem to understand this truth!

Originally, after seeing the content of the hot search on Weibo, Sister Ma was so angry that she directly wanted to call Liu He for questioning!

Outcome... Before she took out her mobile phone, a call was made to her mobile phone first, and the institution that called was still photoelectric, isn't this directly equivalent to "pronouncing the death sentence" to Liu He?

Therefore, she couldn't even take a break from vacation, and directly returned to Kyoto in anger!

"Sister Ma, really... Is there really no way?

"You're not scaring me, are you? Didn't I just stir up a heat? At most, it can be regarded as a bit of a scandal, and this will not be banned! "

Gossip? Do you have this way! Sister

Ma's face turned white with anger:

"The people's agency is engaged in a scandal, that is to let the two artists discuss with each other in advance how to do it!" You are good, directly communicate with the media in advance, do not greet the other party's artist, and do not care whether the other party's artist agrees or not! "

Do you know that your behavior... It's called rumor-mongering! It is illegal!

"Strictly speaking, it is light for you to be banned!"

Sister Ma really feels like she has a big head now.

She has even begun to think about a question, why does the company recruit artists use such a stupid fool? But anyone who knows a little bit of law should not be able to do such a stupid thing!

"Sister Ma, then, then what do you say I should do!"

"I really didn't think about it so much, I felt that I could stir up the heat of the scandal, just..." Liu

He also realized the seriousness of the matter, and his face turned white all of a sudden!

I thought that the most I could do was to ruin the reputation in the circle, but according to Sister Ma's words, not only might I be banned, but on the contrary... It is also possible to send in!

How did Liu He accept this?

"Hehe, I didn't know to be anxious earlier, I didn't know how to be anxious at night, and now I know the consequences before I start to worry?"

Listening to Liu He's pleading, there was no trace of sympathy in Sister Ma's eyes, some were just full of disgust!

However, to say that you don't want to help, that is also angry.

If she decided to completely abandon this artist, she would not have rushed back directly from her hometown, after all, the company's various publicity and marketing on Liu He... A lot of resources have also been invested, such an artist, if it is abolished now, it will be a pity!

"This way."

"While this matter has not been completely implemented, you contact those media as soon as possible, let them remove all those marketing drafts, don't hype up any romance!"

"Also, how can you make a statement to refute rumors, saying that this matter is completely false!"

"Finally, you go to Liu Miao'er yourself and confess to her."

"Tell people frankly what this rhythm is all about, and then pretend to cry and sell miserable, and honestly admit a mistake."

"It depends on whether people are willing to forgive you."


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