"What problem?"

Director Lin was slightly stunned, and asked curiously: "You just said it, whether it was about the physical examination or the research situation of their Zhurong."

"What you ask, I answer."

It was the first time he had seen Lu Yu show such an expression, so he couldn't help but be curious about this question in his heart.

"I just want to ask us about the next physical examination.... Those are the more troublesome items, is it semi-anesthesia or general anesthesia? Lu Yu's voice was a little nervous, but also a little embarrassed.

"Half anesthesia or general anesthesia?"

At first, Director Lin didn't realize what Lu Yu was asking, but after reacting, he suddenly felt a little funny.

"Don't worry."

"If you have any opinions at that time, just communicate directly with the doctor there, and everything is subject to you."

"Don't worry, ahahaha."

Director Lin said with a smile.

Emotional Lu Yu is worried that some things are not anesthetic, and they can't stand it!

The two talked again, and after the progress of the intelligent group algorithm on Director Lin's side, Lu Yu did not continue to stay here for a long time, but returned all the way to the front line of research.

In the process of going back, Lu Yu's heart is also quite complicated.

On the one hand, he felt... Applying anesthetics is easy to slow down the brain's thinking activity in a few days, which may affect the next research process.

But if you don't take anesthetics.

That's really unbearable.

Other physical examination items are good to say, but if it is a research project such as gastroscopy or colonoscopy, let alone no anesthesia, even if it is only half anesthetic, the person really can't stand it.

So... Sometimes in order to be better in the next research state, I can only get a general anesthesia.

Lu Yu closed his eyes slightly, and there was a helpless look in his eyes:



since the matter of the physical examination has been discussed, it is also an unrealistic situation to change this matter next.

What Lu Yu can do next, that is, explain himself before going to the physical examination... Do it all first, so that when you go to the physical examination next, the researchers under your hands can get the research work down step by step, without any mistakes!

He did not continue to stay in the office, but went directly to the front line of research and put down his initial research proposal.

"Everyone take a serious look first to see if there are any problems."

"If there is no problem, then our next task will revolve around this plan, and everyone has no opinion, right?"

Lu Yu stood in position C and asked directly.

"Yes, Chief Engineer Lu!"

"We have no problem and can execute according to your plan!"

The researchers carefully examined the research report in hand, and after a general look, everyone breathed a sigh of relief!

It has to be Chief Engineer Lu!

The plan on the report is very detailed, although it is only a research process of about a week, but Lu Yu is the point that will be able to notice, and all of them are specially marked!

If the research work is carried out according to this plan, then even if they want to solve some problems, it will be very difficult!

"Chief Engineer Lu, don't worry."

"In your absence, we will definitely continue the research work according to the plan you gave us, and we will definitely not let you worry!"

The researchers patted their chests and assured.

"Well, there's nothing wrong with everyone, right?"

Lu Yu asked again.

He still wants to be insured, and if you have a problem, it must be much better to raise it here than to go for a physical examination and then have any problems!

At least prepare in advance and be able to plan well.

Otherwise, at that time, I have to worry about the physical examination on the one hand, and I also need to worry about the research status of Zhurong No. 2 on the other hand, think about it... It might be a bit torturous!

At this thought, Lu Yu said with a smile:

"If you have any questions, you can directly raise them, don't be embarrassed to know?"

"Got it, Chief Engineer Lu!"

The researchers did not ask any questions, they all felt that Lu Yu's research plan was detailed enough, if they still couldn't understand the things on it.... That's really unworthy of being part of this project group.

I have to say, but it is a small detail, maybe there is something to improve.

But that's what the next detailed technical meeting will explore, at least at the executive level, and there's no problem.

Don't say it's them, if this project book exists, maybe those graduate students under them can understand what is going on here, and how can there still be problems?

"Okay, you guys don't have any problems."

Lu Yugang wanted to end the topic, but at this moment, a hand was raised:

"Chief Engineer Lu, I have a question I want to talk to you about, isn't it... It's not a problem, it's just an idea.

A researcher stood up, a look of apprehension in his eyes.

"You say, don't be afraid."

Lu Yu also did not hesitate at all, and directly signaled that the researcher could speak freely:

"If comrades have any ideas, we will seriously consider them."

"Okay, then I will tell you directly to Chief Engineer Lu, the scheme you proposed is mainly focused on the material structure of the micro-motor system, but the compatibility problem we are currently facing... There are also accidents that can be caused by electromagnetic interference.

"I feel... We can also solve it together in passing. "

The main focus of electromagnetic interference is actually adjustable with algorithms."

"So..." "

Can we borrow a little algorithm-level talent from Director Lin to help us solve this micro-motor system-level problem in advance?"

"I'm not saying that our comrades here are incompetent, I'll talk about this first."

He put a shield on himself in advance and said with a smile:

"The research direction we set here at the beginning is mainly gathered at the level of micro-motor systems, about algorithm theory... Although I believe that everyone should have some research, but professional things, it may be better to let professional people do it.

"What do you think?"

He swept his gaze around and looked at everyone in the institute.

"We all agree on this."

Although everyone looked a little embarrassed, they did not shake their heads, but agreed to this suggestion.

At the beginning of the grouping, they took into account the ability of everyone and the direction they were good at, and researchers who were better at algorithm-level problems generally followed Director Lin's group to solve the application problem of intelligent group algorithms in microsatellite network systems.

Researchers who are better at motor problems are following the footsteps of Lu Yu to study the theory of micro-motor systems.

Both have their own strengths.

It is impossible to say which group's comprehensive ability is stronger than the other group.

Moreover, the research of motor systems also requires a certain amount of common sense at the algorithm level, although you are not required to be a god at the algorithm level, but at least to reach a proficient level, it is possible to do a good job under your hand!

This is also the point of embarrassment on the researchers' expressions.

Although it is not very difficult to solve the problem of electromagnetic interference, but... To use a lot of high-level algorithms, the difficulty may be easier for researchers who are more proficient in the field of algorithms!

But to them... The difficulty has risen a bit, and they have talked privately these days about how to solve problems at this level.

However, few results have been achieved.

That's why the researcher today made this proposal in front of everyone.

And the rest of the researchers will behave so embarrassed, the reason is even simpler, let Chief Engineer Lu borrow troops from Elder Lin's side, doesn't it mean that they "can't do it"?

And... They also had to come up with this suggestion, which was even more embarrassing.

Lu Yu cleared his throat and roughly swept around:


Looking at the expressions on everyone's faces, Lu Yu also guessed what was in their hearts, but... He didn't point it out directly.

"Algorithmic questions about electromagnetic interference."

"Let's not rush to discuss the question of whether to borrow troops from Director Lin... It's a little too early to discuss.

"According to my original plan, after the physical examination is back, let's discuss together which algorithm to use to solve this trouble, or we will do it according to the original plan first, how about it?"

He first left the topic perfunctory.

However, the researcher who made the proposal at the beginning continued: "But Chief Engineer Lu. "

Our material and structural problems are almost at this stage, and after the last two high-precision tests, we should be able to produce results."

"Light is tomorrow.... It should also be possible to devote energy to more multi-level research projects.

"Like we tomorrow.." If you grasp the efficiency a little tighter, maybe you can solve the electromagnetic interference problem in advance!

His eyes were full of excitement.

The rapid progress these days has made many researchers present almost forget how ordinary scientific research steps should go.

With the landing chief engineer, the speed of overcoming each step of the problem is a little exaggerated!

And many researchers have gradually adapted to this process, hoping to make the already extremely fast research process faster, and this proposed researcher ... is one of the more radical in this group!

He believes that with their ability, even the day that Chief Engineer Lu goes for a physical examination can overcome the problem of electromagnetic interference by the way!

That's why this researcher came up with such a radical plan!

He had thought that Lu Yu would agree to his suggestion.

And yet....

Lu Yu shook his head:

"Well..." "

I know what you think."

"But there is a saying in our Dragon Kingdom, I don't know if you have heard of it?"


The researcher who proposed this idea was slightly stunned, and did not guess what Lu Yu wanted to say.

"It's not fast."

Lu Yu said lightly:

"For our research tasks at this stage, paying attention to speed, that is one of the aspects."

"But more important than fast is to be stable."

"Or rather, what we need to do should be fast and stable!"

"Isn't there an advertising slogan? Running fast does not necessarily win, not falling is success. The electromagnetic interference problem only needs to use algorithm steps, which can solve this trouble to a certain extent, but have you ever thought about it, different algorithms... The advantages and disadvantages are equally different!

"What if the algorithm used has excellent advantages, but the shortcomings will interfere with our next research process?"


Lu Yu stopped speaking, and did not continue.

Their next research mission is not just to launch a microsatellite network system! The next thing that needs to be done is to counteract the conspiracy of the Eagle Country while launching Zhurong II!

And this, there are more layers to consider!

There are indeed many solutions to the compatibility problem caused by electromagnetic interference problems, and it is also quite simple to select a suitable algorithm to re-load the system!

However, different algorithms have different advantages and disadvantages, and some of them, the advantages seem very tempting, but the shortcomings may affect the next countermeasures against the Eagle Country!

So... These decisions must not have been made so early.

Lu Yu's idea is also to wait until he has thoroughly completed the physical examination before proceeding to the detailed planning of the next step! This is the easiest step, and often the one you need to consider the most!

Just because it's fast, you can't help the seedlings.

"Yes, Chief Engineer Lu."

The researcher who made the proposal at the beginning was not angry when he heard that his plan had been rejected, but a look of doubt flashed in his eyes....

"Chief Engineer Lu seems to have something to say?"

"Isn't our next research mission just as simple as getting the microsatellite network system to the sky?"


he pursed his lips, feeling that he was vaguely aware of something, but couldn't say it.

In the next meeting, several people put forward their own suggestions, mainly around the compatibility rectification and coordination issues, and Lu Yu also fine-tuned the initial plan one by one according to these ideas!

This is also the benefit of Zhurong No. 2 who can have a lot of people!

If you just focus on the plan and do it step by step, then only some graduate students and doctors from famous universities with a decent level can actually basically solve these troubles.

However, to fine-tune the scheme a little, or improve it, the level of knowledge required is suddenly orders of magnitude higher!

And this: It is the best effect brought by the experts and scholars present!

Although the scheme proposed by Lu Yu at the beginning is good enough in a sense, this does not mean that these plans have no room for improvement!

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