Ye Qiaoqiao blinked his eyes and looked at his roommate Liu Miaoer with a smile.

"Well, it seems to be really like this."

Liu Miao'er couldn't help but smile bitterly.

Although the security system of this school is indeed a bit troublesome, for my current situation, it is always possible to avoid a lot of troubles.

Or when she first entered the school, she complained more than once, how to get a takeaway is so troublesome? But now... Question the school, understand the school, praise the school.

Liu Miao'er is now a hit, and she can be regarded as a deep understanding, why did the school leaders make such a decision?

In case the rules for entering the school gate are really relaxed.

I'm afraid that the media and paparazzi who have no conscience will fill this school.

"Forget it, let's not talk about it first."


"Tomorrow after eight mornings, I still have to go to ask for leave, trouble is dead."

"Okay, good, then I won't disturb you Miss Liu."

"You can help me take the headphones, I plan to brush a drama at night and then sleep, the TV series I chased saved more than a dozen episodes in one go, and I plan to watch it tonight." Ye Qiaoqiao said with a grin.

"Isn't your TV series forty minutes a episode?"

"After watching an episode without any left, will you be able to get up tomorrow morning?" Liu Miaoer asked rhetorically while handing the earphones on the table to Ye Qiaoqiao.

"Isn't it okay to sleep in class tomorrow morning?"

"Sleeping in the dormitory, how can you sleep in the classroom, sleep quality is good?"

Ye Qiaoqiao smiled:

"With our big hypnotist here, I can sleep peacefully in less than 5 minutes on the table." And I slept soundly, without any nightmares, which was more comfortable than when we slept in the bedroom.

Liu Miaoer lay on the bed with a lazy face, and began to think in her mind about where she should meet her parents tomorrow.

It is probably impossible to take them to school to play and be a guide yourself.

Or rather, it was possible before.

But later, some students exploited the loopholes in the rules and made appointments with those self-media people and paparazzi, letting them walk into the school with them in the name of their families and relatives, and then secretly filming the top actors and other actors in the school, which caused many students trouble.

The point is that this matter is not easy to investigate.

People say that they are relatives of a classmate, can they still let them take out the proof of blood origin?

This is obviously unrealistic.

So during that time, after the school held several meetings and discussed this matter, it reached a unanimous agreement, that is, it directly calculated this matter across the board.

Whether it is the student's parent or not.

Direct access to the school is not allowed.

This has indeed caused trouble to many students, and this situation is nothing for Du Liu Miaoer now, but at the beginning.... When I first moved into the school as a freshman, I walked in with the pile of luggage pushed my suitcase by myself.

If it weren't for the help of some seniors and seniors at the school gate, I'm afraid I would have to be exhausted.

Liu Miaoer was thinking about it while lying on the bed, squinting her eyes and preparing to fall asleep.

The moonlight is like a cloud, and the white moonlight shines on the windowsill.

Today, under the high degree of urbanization in Kyoto, the neon lights have illuminated the night, and although the white moonlight can be clearly seen, the stars next to it have ceased to twinkle.

Some people will be missed for this.

There are many astronomy enthusiasts who constantly protest to the relevant departments, feeling that this will interfere with their observation of the stars in the sky, after all, under the shroud of light pollution, even the best astronomical telescopes are very susceptible to a certain degree of interference.

But where can the vast majority of citizens manage this?

For the vast majority of small citizens, being able to sleep peacefully is already good.

As for looking at the stars? Could it be that these street lamps cannot be dismantled, and then walking at night still has to carry a lantern shrouded, isn't it directly back to ancient times in one breath?

Liu Miao'er suddenly ruffled her hair and pinched her face.

"Why did I somehow start thinking about these things?"

"Liu Miaoer, Liu Miaoer, there are many things tomorrow morning, you can quickly give me peace of mind."

She thought secretly in her heart as she rolled over.

But the world is like this sometimes, and the more you want to fall asleep faster, the harder it becomes to fall asleep.

Time passed minute by minute, and Liu Miaoer rolled around on the bed, but she couldn't sleep.

In a trance, Liu Miaoer didn't know what was going on, and thought of Lu Yu again.

"What is he doing now?"

She waited for her mind to start thinking about it.

In Liu Miaoer's imagination, Lu Yu is now wearing a white coat, working overtime, pointing out the rivers and mountains in that very high-tech laboratory, frowning and pondering from time to time, and doing some very dangerous experiments with his own hands from time to time.

Of course, these ideas are very different from reality.

As the chief engineer, how could Lu Yu be personally responsible for a specific business?

At most, he is the subordinate to guide to complete some general arrangements, let alone try to take risks.

But people, imagination is always limited.

Liu Miaoer has also not been exposed to related scientific research work. Just as many peasants in ancient times thought that the emperor used a golden hoe to cultivate the land, she could only guess Lu Yu based on some of her imagination, what is she doing now?

"Alas, it was all sent to him... I don't know a few messages.

"None of them gave me back."

"Hmm..." A

look of sadness appeared on Liu Miao'er's face.

But suddenly I don't know why, her psychology suddenly clicked: "Eh, will he have already seen my news at this point in time?" Or have you already spoken back to me?

She secretly thought in her heart with some expectation.

In the past few days since she sent the news, Liu Miaoer actually expected Lu Yu to quickly reply to her.

And she glanced at her mobile phone every few minutes from time to time to see if there were any new messages sent over, and also looked at the class, and subconsciously took out her mobile phone to look at it when she went to the cafeteria to eat, just to see if there were any "surprises" in the mobile phone.

However, after a few days, there is still no news at all.

There was no news, and her heart was no longer as apprehensive as it was at the beginning, and gradually became a little disappointed.

But today I was lying in bed and insomnia... Liu Miaoer suddenly thought of this again, could it be that Lu Yu had already seen the news and sent her a reply?

Although the probability of knowing this matter is very slim.

But maybe it's a woman's intuition.

Liu Miaoer still couldn't help but climb out of bed, took the phone she was charging back up, and then turned on the screen.

Worried about interfering with sleep quality, she directly turned her phone to silent, or entered the do not disturb mode.

Unless someone calls three or five times in a row, there should be no noise, even if there is really some news sent over, there will be no such message prompt.

If you want to verify your conjecture, you can only look at your phone.

As soon as the screen lights up....

"Really sent me a message back!"

Liu Miaoer's face suddenly showed a smile and a look of joy.

She never imagined that her sixth sense would come true!

And the news... Just a minute ago sent to his mobile phone, if he got out of bed a minute earlier to get the mobile phone, he could not see this message, he could only say that he had a clear mind, and it was no coincidence that it was a book.

"Is he asking me out?"

Look at the message sent by Lu Yu.

Liu Miaoer thought a little happily.

Immediately, her fingers gently tapped the screen and sent a message back to Lu Yu:

"Okay, it just so happens that I have to meet my parents tomorrow, if you set the time for tomorrow, it's really a little embarrassing, but the day after tomorrow... I can squeeze out this time, so let's meet at the school gate then?

"Okay, you set the time."

After about a second, Lu Yu's news quickly came.

"Then it's decided!"

The smile on Liu Miaoer's face became sweeter.

Perhaps because of the smooth agreement, Liu Miaoer's mood at the moment also became a little excited, obviously she had put down her mobile phone, but she still couldn't sleep for half a day.

In desperation.

She could only take out her mobile phone again, found a school professor's class and began to listen, anyway, she couldn't sleep, it was better to listen to the class to enrich her knowledge and prepare for the next exam in advance.

After putting on the headphones, the lesson began to play.

"The late 19th and early 20th centuries were a time of stars in the ocean of art."

"Theories of drama move from realism to modernism. The change of literary and artistic thought directly affects the change of problems and methods in theoretical research.

"In contrast, realist drama theory aims to reflect real life realistically and objectively, consciously showing the scientific spirit of advocating truth and the critical spirit of advocating freedom..." Listening

to this course on drama performance, Liu Miaoer felt that her eyelids became heavier and heavier, the clear words gradually became blurred, and the video began to make her eyes flicker.

She originally thought that while she couldn't sleep, she would simply study hard.

But as soon as this video was released, it made her feel sleepy and constantly flooded her heart.

What top hypnotist?

After glancing at Ye Qiaoqiao, who was brushing the drama under the bed, Liu Miaoer finally had no choice but to raise her hand and surrender: "No, sleep, still."

She yawned and fell asleep with endless sleepiness.


On the other side, in the apartment of the professor of Longke University.

Seeing that Liu Miao replied to his message so quickly, Lu Yu's eyes couldn't help but flash a look of surprise.

At this point, generally for those who are engaged in research, and those who stay up late and work overtime outside may not have slept, but she didn't expect that she was still awake, and replied to her message almost immediately.

"Forget it."

"I'm going to bed early too."

"There are still research tasks to deal with tomorrow."

Lu Yu did not continue to stay in the living room for a long time, but after roughly thinking about the tasks he needed to deal with next, he returned to the bedroom alone and fell asleep.

His next task... A lot indeed.

On the one hand, the exoskeleton armored equipment is still waiting for itself to load the plasma laser cannon onto the exoskeleton equipment, which sounds like just installing an advanced equipment on a certain armor, which seems quite simple.

But actually... There are many technologies to worry about, and the difficulty of real operation is very headache.

In fact, according to the plan of the beginning of the Lu language.

He should have returned to the Exoskeleton Equipment Armor Center a long time ago, thinking that he was just coming to Zhurong 2 Aerospace Center to solve a little trouble by the way, which should be solved soon.

But... Unexpectedly, Director Lin actually said that the Eagle Country side also targeted them here, wanting to sabotage secretly.

This is not something that will be solved in a while.

In addition to the task of Zhurong 2 Aerospace Center, the nuclear magnetic resonance technology on the other side also requires a lot of effort to build an intelligent algorithm so that it can improve performance.

If we can really save more lives, it is very meaningful.

It's worth it.

It's just... In a short period of time, it is even more difficult to pull away.

"So I have to go to sleep."

Lu Yu rubbed his temples and lay on the bed, trying to let himself fall asleep faster.

Since there are many tasks ahead, we can only seize every minute and second to try to solve everything at hand as quickly as possible.

The day after tomorrow to see Liu Miaoer.

It just so happens that tomorrow I will first solve the matter of electromagnetic interference on Zhurong No. 2 on hand.

After Lu Yu planned in his heart, he also felt that his eyelids became heavier and heavier, and finally he officially fell asleep.


Day, Kyoto, the air was a little cold

, Lu Yu woke up and simply used it, and after breakfast, he went straight to the Zhurong 2 Aerospace Research Center and began to personally guide his researchers on the layout of electromagnetic interference algorithms.

He also simply held a small meeting, let everyone say their views first.


"In the face of electronic interference, we have to consider the overall layout."

"We can't ignore the interference that other factors may cause just to better solve this problem."

"In particular, it must not conflict with the intelligent group algorithm problem on Director Lin's side."

"Let's talk about your thoughts first."

Lu Yu sat in the C position, his gaze swept around the conference room.

"Although I am not here for the past two days, let you try not to touch this problem first, but I believe that you have been running this industry for so long, and you will not be able to come up with any ideas in the face of this problem, right?"

"Hehe, Chief Engineer Lu, we did already have some ideas of our own, but we strictly followed your order and did not implement it."

Several researchers laughed.


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