Technology Treasure King

Chapter 2165: 2 sister's wedding (middle)

To this day, almost all changes are faster than the speed of light, and they are more intense than nuclear reactions. For example, any hanging silk that could not afford KFC in the past is now a super-rich in multiple solar system levels, even galaxy level.

In some clothing-oriented "style" pursuits, there was a warehouse planet dedicated to storing clothes. The tie and the like that are not usually used have also gone through various shopping. Now the number has been as high as the number can be given to all the earth for free. The man has a tie.

People who don’t like shopping, or who are still not very accustomed to shopping on the Internet, almost everyone is a shopping expert. The main reason for this phenomenon is that there is more than one wife, usually the most beautiful in the entire universe. Level beauties, according to the most beautiful level of human tastes on the earth, I believe that they will help you take care of your life. They will buy thousands of clothes and buy them home. It is the result of a day’s shopping, because there are countless consumer organizations. This kind of limited time shopping, crazy shopping, your alien super beautiful wife is also a smart life, so you can't control this shopping passion from super poor to super rich.

And even if the old country bachelor of the past is very stingy, especially irritable and bad tempered, how can he not enjoy life in the new superhuman life, superhuman mental conditions?

When life reaches the superhuman level, it is naturally intelligent and noble.

The second sister of the abdominal muscles actually invited people from the world instead of the earth, including travel expenses and even an image packaging fee. In short, you will not be embarrassed by coming here like a poor man.

But this is a very delicate wedding banquet arranged by Hua De Liu. Even if some people on earth and aliens walk together, they can only watch their own scenery and live broadcasts in their own world. For example, the information world is divided into the information world of the earth and the information world of the universe. Although there is a large amount of alien world information in the information world of the earth, this is the same carefully arranged content, at least there will be no explanation of the "ultimate secret".

Although there have been many related rumors.

The earth is only a test field, a test race of powerful civilization arrangements. In the past, people died and entered the universe to gain immortality. The body is always healthy. Never need to work because there is no job. It is a very highly developed universe society. Oh, by the way, if you don't have the abs, you're still a poor ghost forever. It's like our... ancestor.

Yes, ancestors, none of them really "dead". And they have almost endless bills, as if they were endless.

There is heaven but no hell. Only the power of the former devil. do not worry. It's the age of Abdomen now. The real achievements of Abdomen are great, successful and immortal beyond all your imagination.

But almost the entire society does not believe it, even the guys who like to spread this kind of information do not believe it. This means-what good is it for yourself? Instead, pay for countless ancestors? No, I will never admit it!

This is the biggest scam in the universe.

So this is indeed the largest wedding in the history of the universe. It seems that countless fellows who are still poor will come desperately. Then I quickly saw the golden age region of the cosmic economic miracle that can only be seen in the information world. The multiverse is also a famous golden place.

Infrastructure is very good b. It can be called the top wealthy area in this hillbilly universe, all of which have been processed. Now even a small celestial body is processed into a celestial garden or a private meteor hot spring bath. The hot energy of the small celestial body is used to create hot springs for yourself to enjoy. I can see my huge starry sky in a more natural way.

The important infrastructure that I saw along the way, like the time-space light gate, is linking everywhere without money. From one galaxy to another galaxy is the fastest speed in this redneck universe. It completely kills the highest speed ever in the redneck universe, because the redneck’s The various cosmic communications are still at the past level, and they have not been fully updated, and there is no need for it. Doesn't it need money for updates? Do it without being sure!

And the joint consortium that sells countless necessary technologies is definitely not the style of the abdominal muscle brother, but the Grandet style that completely stands on the opposite side of the abdominal muscle brother.

Then countless people in the universe are holding various shopping vouchers, welfare vouchers, items that can only be consumed in the territories of human beings on the earth, otherwise, don't you need money for the special transportation of goods from other regions?

Use these purchasing power to dress yourself, because the most important significance of this wedding to countless people and "people" is to stand out in the earth and human world, just like a ten-rate set of dragons has the opportunity to walk on the Oscar red carpet, you What are you waiting for, what else is needed? At least the dressing must be perfect, perfect, perfect.

Try to express your idiot’s "true talent", and you can make a blockbuster of the earth's human world by becoming famous overnight. Many of the earth's human beings are now directors and blockbuster film investors. No reason, making movies is like It is as comfortable as watching movies, just like God.

Besides, is he still the stupid monkey of the past?

Besides, is he still the brain state of a stupid monkey in the past?

Don't you know how to pretend? Don’t come up and say deeply: "I love the celestial dynasty, and the celestial dynasty makes me do evil."

The voice is very low, so that the eyes of monkeys on other indigenous planets in the universe must be shining.

"I have a dream. I hope that one day we all know that we can walk on the stage of history, change everything, say no to all the most reasonable and outstanding phenomena that affect the future of mankind and the situation of white world leaders, all evil and violence! Because I love America, super, and sincerely. My dream is the American dream."

"Scream in surprise, you will watch a brilliant and great movie! Beware of being laughed to death, and beware of being moved. This is a comedy you have never seen before. This is a movie of your beautiful soul that penetrates your soul."

Having said that, because of the limited financial resources, the cosmic people can only try to dress up, and they don’t have much status. When you enter the galaxy where the wedding banquet is held, you should either go in immediately or go home, but the cosmic people are always the universe. people. There are all kinds of self-knowledge, experience, life wisdom, high-tech life software and websites. The life assistant tries to ensure his best appearance.

Then there are the doglegs of the earth human beings. They are the members of the higher-level pyramids that ordinary cosmic people dream of. They are responsible for various wind exploration work at this moment. They come in first to see how the whole universe dresses and dresses themselves. They are actually one of the bosses. How does this dressing style feel, if it’s great. Then the boss at least knows what to wear.

Then there are human beings on Earth, who have already arrived, on a scale like the emperor of the universe. The vehicle is the huge and most luxurious "limited edition" Cartier starship.

"Cartier"? Yes, it is the King of Jewelry Starship, the famous luxury brand on the earth in the past was bought by the Universe Consortium, and then operated wholeheartedly. All kinds of goods are available.

No reason. The most well-known luxury brands already exist, and have they worked hard to build and promote? That's stupid!

In short, the luxury brand in the universe is, what product you want from our company, our company will produce it for you, from Cartier toilets to Cartier solar system mansions.

From the apple of Cartier fruit to the pistachio of Cartier nut.

Among them, the most well-known brand for luxury goods is "Imported Goods from Abdomen Brothers Advanced Universe".

Anyway, the more developed the technology, the more advanced the society, and the power of capital is still the most shameless and inferior virtue without any personality.

The last is the important person. Specially invited people, relatives and friends of the abdominal muscle family. There are also people from the second brother-in-law’s male family who have just succeeded in the poor ghosts of the universe. Now that they boast of being a great cosmic celebrity, they are as successful as earth human beings, even though everyone knows the greatness of human beings like the earth. What kind of virtues are the cosmic elites, and they all know what their origins are.

Including my abs. Abdominals knows the earth humans in particular.

But all kinds of power, financial resources, influence, status, and authority to this level, it is difficult for you to understand rationally, only the result of kneeling and licking immediately.

The important person until now is basically only He Ming. It can be seen that the sudden appearance of He Ming's dress is huge.

Oh, yes, some important guests of the man arrived earlier. They wore the armor of the universe's top interstellar warriors and the like, which they thought were very good. They expressed their extreme heroism and could also promote their martial arts content after the famous cosmos.

Because in the original universe, the wedding banquet of the top emperor in the original universe, this dress is the appearance of the top style master, the emperor of the universe. Now even some super artifacts are armed. I feel so beautiful.

As a result... first the earth, then the universe, all began to laugh.

It's so funny, it's a failure!

If you wear this "military uniform" everything is useful, why do you need other clothes?

In He Ming’s opinion, the most important reason for this openly ridiculed situation is that the navy of countless clothing companies promotes, hype, try to be legal or completely start to break the law, we must maintain today’s golden years and not spend money. The blinking style is also an American consumption model. Don’t worry about the future as much money as you spend. Multiverse will pay for us. We have abs!

Otherwise, everyone is pursuing this style, and the golden age of my company can be over, which also means that the era of the universe's economic miracle will be greatly hurt.

Therefore, this kind of behavior has caused countless countries in the universe, and the regime is quite indifferent. If you want to go to court, come casually, your own economy is the most important!

However, Brother Abs is still Brother Abs, so he finally appeared on the stage, and he loved it in zebra costume, so... so that countless people from earth humans to important figures, usually men, breathed a sigh of relief, suddenly calmed down and laughed The mouth is always open and there is no pressure.

Not to mention women, from even wanting to give up the wedding banquet, hiding and crying alone became particularly confident and satisfied with oneself.

Everything goes without saying.

The crucial moment is the abdominal muscle brother, always innocent and full of love and peace.

The important figures behind the second brother-in-law were also greatly relieved, especially some “losers” who had the courage to finally change their clothes, and this time, don’t worry, no matter how good they are, they will choose to be as good as the abs. Get up, you can immediately refute it with the rude but omnipotent earth civilization type: The abdominal muscle guy also wears this way! And how do you think you are?

The realistic effect under the above background is the most sensational and huge effect, oneself, one's own "zebra outfit." Except for the zebra outfit, there is nothing left. At most, I washed my hair this time, but I still have no makeup. Underwear is still a very casual short-sleeved shirt, although it is a set of the same style, including shoes and socks.

It is a pity that Brother Abdomen unbuttoned all the buttons, so successfully destroyed the temperament of this suit, and turned into a full zebra outfit.

It's too much to save the desperate from fire and water!

It's too much to save the helpless at the critical moment because the chick who is nothing compared to aliens is between **** and heaven!

He Ming didn't notice it, instead he thought he had reached a certain height. This is wonderful and outstanding. I believe it must be given to the host. Your boss has enough face.

The carpet is endlessly long and very huge. He Ming suddenly wants a sweaty BMW to ride it even more chic.

Then the speed of running out of the cosmic horse race is even better. It's still an ordinary racehorse of the universe level, other extraordinary horses are too exaggerated. Not suitable for horse betting.

But he didn't know if the second sister would rush out and chop him.

Then the carpet has to be walked. Otherwise, the second sister will yell at him again, are you deliberately trying to ruin my wedding?

And He Ming would never do such a "showy" thing, he felt this way was extremely stupid.

He Ming waved his hand and moved, making the countless cosmic people who are thinking about empathy and want to escape. The earth people are dumbfounded. Is this the style of the abs? Abs' confidence?

Well, everyone knows, you can't change a person who thinks he is the most handsome. The stubborn thinking of my most idiot.

And the reason why He Ming is not in this world, this universe. The reason for all the influence is too simple, because the influence is from top to bottom, not from bottom to top, which means that there is no need for Gao Shuaifu to learn the bitterness of hanging silk. They have a great opportunity to have **** and never spend it. For a certain period of time or lose all Gao Shuaifu's face to soak a fungus, although it is a pink fungus.

Because although he can’t get started, but from Gao Shuaifu’s point of view, Gao Shuaifu’s knowledge, Gao Shuaifu can only smile and say, “Time goes by, Ms. Fungus, sooner or later you will become due to the deposition of body pigment. Black Fungus."

"So you must not be arrogant. It is not good to laugh too early. Even if an old woman was once called the Four Beauty of Xiangjiang, she is still an immortal wife, it is all useless, useless."

"As long as Gao Shuaifu is still Gao Shuaifu, he will always have "charm", especially the more he is dying, the more attractive he is."

He Ming kept moving, and the carpet he was on suddenly became one of the hottest carpets. Countless people came over immediately, catching up with and following the abs, behind the abs, his own style, his own Score, perfect! Perfect memories with infinity!

Well, I will laugh when I dream!

It was very sad that the cosmic poor b was immediately cancelled on this road, because the earth humans and important people immediately seized this road.

It’s too much like the present, because my horses are at least tens, hundreds, or thousands, so this critical juncture can’t be as natural as it used to be, just be casual, yes, it’s a zoo. A monkey, this will destroy your social life immediately, instead of letting you become the protagonist of the stall literature and slap your face.

Actually, you don't have any face-slapped, only everyone, who is also a top-level superior, feels like you are crazy, it is really shameful.

As a result, the Abdominal Family on Earth, who was also somewhat nervous before, hurried over at the speed of light, and kept the demeanor shouting all the way: "Brother Abdomen, wait for us!"

He Ming had to stop, occasionally facing the camera with the "Brother Abs, please look here to take pictures" camera equipment reveals that the talented Abs needs you in the United States, I am late, comrades, and the latest scissors hands, However, because he is full of talents for the abdominal muscles, He Ming's scissors hands become "careful, this is the hand of God who is good at creating eunuchs."

There are a large number of people from the Abdominal Family on the earth, but only very good men gather together to be courageous with each other, and they can also take the opportunity to see how bad each other is.

It was the teenagers in the past. At that time, when they were older, they were solitary and very stylish, and because of various face-turning problems, it was difficult to laugh often with relatives and friends of other abdominal muscles, even if they were good people. There is no way, because the huge doglegs around you, the army of your relatives and friends will prevent you from bowing your head like this. Why?

Super power is not afraid of you!

Besides, if you do it first, the abdominal muscle brother will immediately release you!

There are also some members of the abdominal muscle brother family on the earth that can still be mixed into the circle of teenagers, including old men in the past. After they become supermen or super powers, their mental state is particularly young, as if they have become Kid King, so if you want to mix with the kids, other people's lives are not suitable for you.

There is no other way. Otherwise, who will you go with? Your own son? It’s not appropriate, absolutely inappropriate. You have seen your grandparents play with your grandchildren. You rarely see your father and son laugh often, and play together with the dream of 300 million primary school students.

For teenagers, if their grandfather or other grandfathers do not pretend to be big, then everyone can still play together, but it is difficult to be good brothers, let alone cute, beautiful and **** alien wives.

By the way, the original wives of human beings on Earth did not succeed in taking the position. For example, when pregnant with a child during a fertility frenzy, now they are gradually in the cold palace. This has nothing to do with cruelty. It is really...Look, the abs does not have time How many girls are there? More than ten, how many girls? I don't know anymore!

The reason why there are so many girls is the arrangement of loyal doglegs, doglegs carried all the illegitimate things on their own, only to live a happy life for the master, laugh, flirt, and swear.

It is true that any slave of the king who has lost his **** as the main feature on the indigenous planet should be more know what kind of life the master wants, what kind of happiness, so carefully arrange it, wow, a Qian Hangsi, the young member of the Abdomen family, just came out of the virtual game and started eating. There is only one big beautiful waiter who waits for him to eat, in the entire room.

When she turned and bent, why was that **** so big and round?

In this way I made a mistake that a man would make... I'm still a boy, let alone! Youth is used to pay the price of love!

Well, to say something rude is how the boy used to suffer in the world of stupid monkeys, and the pursuit of a girl who is not even ugly in this era, but can only be "what is this, the face of parasite freak?" The price of the love of adolescence, because I can't get started all the time, because I've been played and insulted all the time, and was titled "Dangsi, Spare Tire, Panman, Hahaxia".

So in this era, go and be happy, absolutely don't need the "What is this still?" female monkey of Bird Earth.

The era of equality between men and women has come on earth.

ps: The first one. (To be continued...)

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