Technology Treasure King

Chapter 338: Default position

Chen Ziqi cleared his throat and said congratulations, "You are going to be a branch officer," and said that before the national unity parade, the Central Bureau will expand to 16 members, and 3 new leaders of the participating countries and 3 leaders of the former Soviet Union will be added. Alternate members doubled. In this case, the integrity and rationality of the collective leadership system is maintained. After all, it is impossible for the Russians and other ethnic groups to have no representation in the state leaders.

   And because He Ming has contributed so much, he desperately needs unity (coupling). Therefore, he was promoted to an alternate committee for an unprecedented, 21 years old.

   Of course, this is the default result after discussion, so the original military position is automatically cancelled, and the military rank must at least be promoted to the general level. He hasn't even seen the original soldier.

"Chief, let you choose one of these good positions first!" As for the position, Chen Ziqi smiled and handed over a document, five beautiful wives and two sisters, a mother who came after hearing the news, of course only one Mom... They immediately took the documents and were excited to discuss.

   The incredible King of Superman, what kind of noble position will he be assigned as an alternate member, deputy national level?

   The top leader of the Siberian Construction Corps is actually a farmer who grows Gaoyou corn. Because there is no doubt that the country has decided to vigorously develop Siberia. High-oil corn is not a human thing. It can grow in frozen soil. It is really amazing. With this plant, it is not a problem for China to feed several earths on the current territory.

   If a politician who is determined to climb upward, he will immediately choose this position. On the normal track, a bunch of politicians will definitely break the head.

   The jurisdiction area exceeds 10 million square kilometers, and the incalculable resources are tossed to your heart's content. Therefore, it is easy to make big achievements and see if you are a talented countryman.

   In the current system, the chairman has almost the same power as a dictator, and he can only be impressed by his brilliant and real achievements. So this is the best choice, and it is easy to go one step further and rise to the core of power.

   "Let me go to Siberia to eat ice and snow? NO." He Ming refused directly.

  Chen Ziqi smiled and said, "Then choose the leader of the new municipality, there is a certain army in hand, it can be described as a military and political two!"

   Moscow, St. Petersburg, Eastern Siberia, Kuibyshev and other important cities in the former Soviet Union will be promoted to municipalities directly under the Central Government.

   As for the top leaders of municipalities directly under the Central Government, the secretaries of the municipal party committees cannot be elected officials, nor can they be selected from the top leaders of the CIS. In a turbulent new country, it is unlikely that a mortal will be the leader. And there is a certain army in hand to prevent riots, etc., which has more power than the leaders of China municipalities.

   "Too far, right?" He Ming was optimistic about Moscow, and later went out and shouted, "The highest leader of Moscow is here!" Finally realized his dream of becoming an official. But think about it, not very reliable, and will soon leave the world to live in the dead world.

  The top leader of a municipality is so busy, how can there be time to eat, drink and play? What is the point of being promoted in the ant empire? Just deceive yourself and others.

   "Son, this is a deputy state-level official, a national leader, you should be content. Any one is smoke from the ancestors of the He family!" He Ma said in shock. I really can't think of how my son can do so many great things? What's more unexpected is that you are not interested at all?

   The wives also shook their heads, and did not agree to go to the former capital of the "minor ethnic group" to be the secretary of the municipal party committee. The place is too unfamiliar. The language is Russian. Without brainwashing for hundreds of years, it is impossible to forget Russian and speak fluent Chinese.

   It seems that they are all positions of real power, a prince of one party, a leader of the department.

He Ming shook his head and decided to be the head of the police department (the former head of the police department has chosen the secretary of the municipal party committee of the new municipality because he was Superman), appointed as the chief inspector, and in the Ministry of Justice (a huge department similar to the Citi Ministry of Justice, headed by the Central Committee member. ), under the dual leadership of the Military Commission, that is to say, military rank and police rank can be used together at that time.

   "Then should I wear a police uniform or a military uniform?" He Ming asked with a smirk.

   Chen Ziqi did not answer, but shook his head regretfully, "What a good commander of the Corps, what a good secretary of the municipal party committee of a municipality directly under the Central Government. Have you really not considered the chief? This has a bearing on your political future!"

My mother also persuaded him for a long time, but He Ming laughed mysteriously: "You guys, you will soon understand the truth of the universe explosion! Everything is floating clouds! Don't explain!" His mother was "puffing" him severely. pause.

   But everybody thinks about it. When the policeman is a good head, at least when driving a car, you dare not ask the relatives of the leaders of the leaders to get out of the car and check if you encounter traffic police or something.

   also dealt with some things, including activating the garbage processor, high-oil corn seeds... He Ming lamented that it was really hard to get off, and it was really stupid to choose to bind. It seems that you have to go to the world of the dead and ask the administrator to unbind, otherwise you will activate and activate the ants for some time in the future... It's annoying!

   After finishing the process, I started to enjoy it online. Unsurprisingly, the world is in chaos. In normal countries, in Europe, Internet users in developed countries such as Britain, France, Germany, etc. have their eyes green with envy. Is this OK? A superpower that is twice as large as China was swallowed at the end of the Cold War?

   The government tried to work hard, using all espionage in the Soviet Union, diplomatic means, etc. However, it is sad to find that it is meaningless before the Superman era. With the increasing number of Chinese soldiers, the CIS has been irreparable. After all, the army will either be defeated, or disbanded on the spot, or incorporated into the Huaxia system.

   When the elites and the ruling class surrender in an all-round way, and the opponent is invincible, what is the point of everything?

   The Maple Leaf Country is in chaos, and the people who marched are extremely angry. The **** former prime minister publicly fooled the public opinion and took the treasure of life privately to become a superman, which is really hateful.

   But what is the way to deal with a Superman? Ask Huaxia people to take action or ask Big Brother Citi to throw a nuclear warhead to try your luck and see if you can kill it.

   In Citi, because of Franklin, the shame of Citi, the scum of the free world, Citi still failed to recover. Congress and the acting president do not know how to deal with the current situation.

   In the past, I would definitely not hesitate to launch a conventional war to interfere with the great changes in the Soviet Union, because that was the best means. Therefore, Citigroup has enough power. It only needs to stand up and use the power of NATO military organizations to defeat China under conventional forces and control China's ambitions, so that they can never climb.

  Because China's conventional military technology is too poor, only economic development has gone. The human sea tactics have no effect before high technology.

   But now it’s the age of Superman, you will be slaughtered by millions of high-tech troops. Looking at the fate of the "Reagan", it is clear that the so-called invincible navy is meaningless.

   Citi only chooses to strengthen its defenses, because they have no fewer spies in the former Soviet Union than China ~ ~ naturally understand the fate of the former Soviet Union's nuclear arsenal.

   Although it is clear that this was the result of a fatal assault after familiarizing with the intelligence, since then, only efforts have been made to strengthen the defense of the nuclear arsenal.

   Because once the nuclear arsenal is attacked and controlled, Citi is a doll that China can play as it wants.

   In the former Soviet Union, because the Internet was merged into all of a sudden, this meant...In simple data, downloading from 2M to 20M. And suddenly free speech, you can surf the Internet as much as you want, and vent crazy.

   violently attacked Chinese netizens and insulted the invaders. And the Chinese netizens quickly let the new citizens learn what is called a minority and the superiority of the winner.

   As for the smart people, regardless of these incidents, they have already begun to ponder the business opportunities after being merged into a superpower. Anyway, they only travel from XX Province to the Far East Province, etc., as long as they have car money.

   As for the rebellion and so on, the Chinese people are not too worried, because the CIS is no longer the heroic country of World War II. It is rotten up and down, and few people stand up to resist, let alone those who resist by force.

   Just like another time and space, a big country is annexed by a country like Citi, normal citizens are treated, everything returns to normal, prices are stable, and there is hope for life. Who would oppose the United States?

   Therefore, many people have pointed out that the most important task of China at present is that the economy can afford to annex a superpower that is superficially wealthy, the facts are empty, and the people are waiting to be fed. And he bet that the country will keep throwing packages to him.

   100,000 square kilometers of fertile land in the Far East is still a profitable asset. Other...tragic!

  PS: The second one is for collection and recommendation.


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