Technology Treasure King

Chapter 407: Earth Authority

~www..《》~Chapter 457 Earth Administration

Everything on the earth is monitored by the world of the dead every second. Under observation, it seems to be passive, non-malicious, and detailed to the global version of a cell. "Trumen's World" that everyone is automatically added to at birth involves everything. Of course, there is no personal one, because he will eventually die, so it’s not fun to see that he used to fly a plane, or use tricks to harm people, such as car shocks in the field, field battles.

Other events, such as major battles from ancient times to the present, the world of the dead has countless angles from beginning to end, including countless wonderful details. People can watch a video to understand what caused the Battle of Feishui, and Alexander swept the Persian Empire. Such a miracle of war.

Of course the person involved, the loser yelled at him, and the winner, such as Brother Xie An, touched the young and clean chin and smiled, Ajian, you... are too weak.

A large number of games can also get detailed data, which can be used to replicate the real world and real battles, and then players have a strong sense of substitution. It is very strong, very cool, and more comfortable to open and hang. For example, the game that He Ming is very obsessed with is a true copy of the real world for multiple periods of time. Is it detailed to the attributes of a data character? It is related to the person in history, there is no mistake, including every illness in life , Injury, the impact on the physique; or what caused the change of fate.

Therefore, once an ordinary person dies, it is a very incredible feeling to look at their own life experience.

And returning to the world of the dead, or **** (the eternal kingdom), knowing the development of technology, I can't believe it, it's absolutely like primitive people can't understand when they see a computer.

But this is only a very simple technology, because technology is like the process of a person just walking. Now in the world of the dead, he has turned into tens of billions of superluminal people, advancing at high speed in countless scientific worlds, or stopped tens of thousands. No progress in the year.

Although He Ming has super IQ, his personality is still his, his personality is still him. He wakes up like a dream after he lost a large group of eggs in a desert crab like sleepwalking, but he wants to go to the sea to catch it. Although it is easy, He Ming Jue is not happy, because how to deal with it?

The joy of releasing life overwhelmed the wisdom analysis that would definitely endanger the human world, and just as the little brother dominates the brain, this wisdom analysis was kicked away by He Ming.

It's my shit. No, the bag is broken.

Then he patted his **** with peace of mind, regardless of the end of the world.

A few seconds later, the Earth Management Bureau of Dead Man World managed the earth, and the ecology department immediately learned of this situation. In the end, all the information was quickly concentrated in front of an elegant and strong creature.

"It" burst into laughter very quickly, the abdominal muscle brother is so funny.

Although "it" is handsome and strong, it is definitely not a human being, because its hands can be turned into hundreds of flexible little tentacles, which can manipulate the light curtain hundreds of times faster than ordinary humans.

Soon in the largest light curtain, the face of a goddess, the top leader of the Earth Authority, gradually emerged.

The two conduct a video dialogue with captions, pictures, and videos.

"Hello goddess, 158 seconds ago, the East China Sea Ecological 10-grid Observation Team (differentiated by grid, convenient for monitoring) sent an incident of alien species entering the earth, the level is red (red level equals danger, which means that humans cannot control , And will be eliminated by the sea crab). The person involved is the abdominal muscle brother, oh no! The first seed league hopes."

Shaking his head and smiling bitterly, a small tentacle moved a video and dragged it into the big light screen. There was the funny scene on it, as well as the details of the desert crab.

"This is from the'rice cooker' universe, scientific name: 0128 type natural yellow hairy desert, ocean crab. There are hundreds of genetic adjustments, which is equivalent to the current level of biotechnology level 5, and the viability is 111 points, excellent. You can eat sand , Including sea mud. High breeding speed and high fecundity. Uses: high-quality delicious seafood, edible. It can change the ecological environment and transform the desert into a wetland."

It introduced and moved another report into the light curtain. It said: “If we don’t interfere, the global seas and desert areas will be occupied by desert crabs within one year. Within ten years, humans will be severely affected and a large amount of living space will be lost. Occupied, they have no ability to fight against sea crabs. In 50 years, the Earth Proving Ground can be cancelled and it has become a seafood farming planet."

In the end, there was a joke. The goddess of the Authority nodded blankly, her eyes moved, and several light curtains appeared in turn. After 100 seconds, He Ming deliberately tore the bag open, her expression was very innocent, but she did not forget to peek nearby.

The appearance is really ridiculous. The goddess of the Earth Authority watched for a long time, and suddenly smiled, which shocked the tentacle subordinates. My mother, how many years have passed, and the first time I saw the boss laugh.

"I know it's him..." The goddess' face was a little bit dumbfounded.

The subordinate laughed and said, "Of course it is him. He is our great lucky star. Since the emergence of this "cosmic myth" that shocked the alliance, our level has been elevated and has become an important department. It has also changed from a test field to a shining star field. A large number of scientific departments have also entered the research and analysis of humans on the earth. And recently, the No. 1 seed, oh, our abs is really generous, and sent it Our 300 billion gold yuan fund is really "Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh..." Well, recently there have been more **** who ask for leave and travel."

It's so happy. Because the Earth Management Bureau is equal to the government department, although the productivity of the dead world is almost omnipotent, except for example, it cannot make life treasures, ancient gold suckers... Therefore, everything in the government department is updated almost all the time, including updating equipment. , Update some tools.

However, there is always money to be used. For example, a certain "person" suddenly wakes up one day and feels uncomfortable with the cute little tentacles that have followed "him" for thousands of years. Then, he is not pleasing to his whole body. , Okay, let's have a beauty operation, but the handsome tentacle in the handsome tentacle needs a lot of gold dollars.

Another "person" has accumulated a year of vacation and intends to spend a year with the family to complete the life plan of "knowing a hundred travel stars".

Of course, "he" and "they" don't want to frown, and repeatedly calculate the balance between the meager salary and endless enjoyment...

It’s alright now-He Ming heard that there is an agency of the Earth Administration, in order to open the rules, there are flattering, and warning: Don’t **** shoot me and the earth’s carbon-based monkeys in the happily field battle, car shock and other actions to create a nation . I can kill you with money, and I can kill you with money!

300 billion gold dollars were sent in one breath...For an insignificant small organization, it was simply... a special issue.

The goddess of the Earth Management Bureau first let her subordinates finish their nonsense, and then said: "Don't interfere, it will affect the mood of the No. 1 seed. Just in the Yellow Sea, the center of the Bohai Sea, set a growth circle with a diameter of 500 kilometers and put the food that crabs like... Just take No. 3 fish and insect plants, and adjust the sea crab genes in the plants to reduce the speed of reproduction to the earth can withstand; reduce the aggressiveness and the bite force of the crab claws to prevent them from harming humans."

"Understand, those guys' crab claws can definitely break bones, so friends who love the beach, the sun, and the beautiful women, many toes can't be kept."

With a smile, a large number of small tentacles were busy working together, and within a few tens of seconds, they produced a result that satisfied the goddess of the administration.

Because I’m not sure what I’m thinking about, there is a slight decrease in fertility, but it’s not obvious, because in case people have the idea of ​​using desert crabs to benefit mankind, for example, people with hot seafood think that eating seafood every day is definitely heaven... …So, you must be annoyed when you turn it into a normal creature.

He is now a super man, and there is no problem in letting the earth toss him. How could the Earth Administration irritate the super man in this regard?

It also improves aggression, can live peacefully with creatures in the ocean, and share No. 3 fish, insects and plants. This is equivalent to the fact that humans find countless delicacies on the streets every day... There are such test sites, and a large number of specialized strongholds appear every day. Good food. Therefore, the original inhabitants, the main apes are generally big fat people, and the civilization is still in the primitive age, and ghosts evolve because they don't worry about eating and drinking.

After reading the report, the goddess agreed to approve it, because everything can be adjusted at any time. This is the almost omnipotent magic power of high-tech, the real divine power. The powerful gods and demons are just thugs, but unfortunately, the fate of the multiverse is determined by these thugs.

"Go." The goddess's light curtain disappeared, and the tentacle elite began to work, but looking at the Bohai Sea, the Yellow Sea region, the inner bay half-wrapped by the peninsula, shook his head and smiled, "Just throw it away, and this place becomes A paradise for desert sea crabs, an indescribable place for producing delicious seafood in the universe..., with a diameter of 500 kilometers, nearby countries, China, and the newly unified cold country, they don’t have to worry about food and clothing."

"I'm **** your lung..." Enjoying a meal of sea crabs from other universes, everyone almost bit their tongues, except for Superman and Superman who are safe and sound, and the other carbon-based monkeys are almost after eating and smacking their mouths. Painful, and after an unprecedentedly rich breakfast, the building began to be remodeled and renovated. When the Pu family became rich, they would naturally go to the limelight, enjoy life, and enjoy shopping. So at noon, He Ming couldn’t help muttering in Chinese. In a word, deep helplessness, **** it, my uncle's time is ruined by you, I want to have sex, not the envy and hatred of admiring carbon-based monkeys.

Park Jimin, who was crooked and beaming around him, turned his head very happily and said, "My dear, what did you say?"

"The sentence just now is a compliment in Chinese. It expresses my ardent love for the Great Han and the Republic of China. I love it so much that I can't wait to penetrate my lungs." He Ming wears extravagant glasses, so he looks like a handsome and elegant professor as a young and young girl. The student answered the puzzle and in return, touched the thigh of the "girl student".

Park Jimin prides himself on knowing He Ming very well, and he knows that he is not a good thing when he looks at him. Now it is the classic Smecta's pouting expression, "Well, thank you dear for loving the cold country. But please take care of it. , I don’t accept women from the same ethnic group. Be careful!"

Threateningly, it was a pity to see him, although he was dressed in a peasant costume and muscular, not being a fitness duck. But no matter how you look at a face, it is endlessly gentle, endlessly handsome. In the previous shopping, it was absolutely loved by everyone, and the rate of turning back exploded. No need to hook your little finger, leave a mobile phone number for a look, and find an excuse to serve the people at night, and go to the motel.

Just in front of the door of a luxury store, Park Zhimin was among a group of excited family and friends, Kim Dabang, (after enjoying a lot of big crabs in the morning, he bowed and decided to change back to his original name. Angrily Pu Muyi After chasing, it is really hopeless!) Ru in a dream with a smirk. Softly nasty, many times, again... From the voice to the expression, from the expression to the look in the eyes, warn together, "Honey, I don't love girls, don't find me girls. I know I can't do anything to you, but I don't just treat girls It's the same, trust me!"

"Where is it? You are my true love among all the people, and thousands of people." Of course, among the carbon-based female monkeys on the earth, he added a sentence in his heart, He Ming said with a "sentimental" expression. The result is classic... invalid.

I immediately looked at the neighborhood. After everyone entered the gate, there was no welcoming waiter, so they viciously grabbed the chick’s beautiful buttocks and kneaded it vigorously... No way, the **** cold country chick is too smart, it's useless to flicker Yes, there is no Hua Xia girl... Gentle and kind (innocent to cheat).

Therefore, you can only speak like a man, and actions are better than words. No, Nietzsche said, "Go and see a woman? Don't forget to bring a whip."

Of course, that's a statement of impotence. He Ming must be, "Go and see beautiful women? Look, I'm not Nietzsche's hungry, I'm a woman who wants beautiful women. Then, don't forget to bring mace!"

"Well, I admit that your nonsense is very real." Park Zhimin gave him a look, and dragged him into this luxury shop. Oh, it should be said that a department store that sells luxury goods is about seven. On the eighth floor, He Ming said, except for not buying Japanese products, "give you time for a cigarette... cool!"

In the developed society of the cold country, all high-end shops have a door-to-door function, but in order to show off his wealth, Jin Dabang is full of luxury goods from beginning to end... Guang Cartier wears four left and right watches... Pu Zhimin felt helpless after "relentlessly" teaching, because friends, relatives, including dear little Lolita, are all dressed in this...

"Oh my God, I'm going crazy, you idiot, please see what you look like." In the department store, there is everyone’s favorite, a foreign brand-name jewelry store. Soon, Park Jimin can’t wait to kill his brother. Yes, I'm about to become a jeweler, and look at the little Lolita, too, my God, I'm covered with jewels...

He Ming calmly smokes, and there are also cold country brand jewelry stores nearby, but he was surprised to discover that the cold country people, like the Chinese people, think that their domestic products are garbage, they love European and American products, especially the products of the little devil...

Fortunately, He Ming does not buy ghost goods. He will never pay for Japanese goods. He has no choice except for some cars. After all, ghosts and mortal high-precision industrial products are inseparable from the backward carbon-based monkeys of the earth, but jewelry, clothes...Fuck you Mom's devil goods, they become ghosts after wearing them.

And now, in this luxury jewellery store, Jin Dabang is crazy. He is more professional than a professional robber and asks the waiter to take out all the good goods, no matter the price, and hand it to him as soon as possible. The waiters were naturally full of joy, because the news that this group of people was scanning the goods in the bustling commercial street of Suwon had spread.

Because of the close communication in the cold country industry has more or less national background, a certain family background, because unlike the Chinese adults, He Ming used to sweep goods in Songjiang, which only triggered It's just a sensation in the commercial street. The bosses love to eat alone and will never tell you, "Hey, a fat sheep is here." They only say, "You know? A fat sheep is here. I sent it. How about you? "The other side's smiled eyes cut his heart to death.

The cold country is different. One or two hours after the start of the scan, there are a lot of luxury goods staff, please ask them to go to a certain place, look at the awesome store.

Do everything possible to please a few more enthusiastic guys who dominate the direction of the entire sweeping team, such as Pu Mu and her friends.

As for a certain perfect creature, although they understand that that guy is the big payer, the real brother, but they know at a glance that that guy doesn’t like shopping and sweeping goods, because there is no such thing as sweeping goods. Fanatic, and, seeing him in a peasant costume, you know that’s right, ah...returning to the basics, the money is so much that everything is weak, fortunately the people who pick up girls are not weak, otherwise the perfect creatures are extinct how embarrassing, and there is no way to pick up girls now. Come out to pay the bill for the benefit of the people.

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