Technology Treasure King

Chapter 403: Pistol and diamonds

Chapter 413: Pistols and Diamonds

Among the bustling, densely packed crowds comparable to those of African army ants, Chen Yongde has a strong physique and is very powerful relative to his surroundings. However, among the beautiful chicks and the noble wives, he is like the fallen leaves in the river, just like the people around him. The crowd rushed forward a little bit, getting in touch with a few unusually beautiful chicks and wives.

When they looked back, he immediately put on a very helpless expression; while the beauties turned their heads, there was a happy smile on their faces that men knew.

The sound in the ears is very noisy, and various tweeters yelled with loud or hoarse voices, "Please line up, separate, and don't move forward at once. There are many diamonds, so everyone has a share!"

But the body touches all over, and from time to time, I have intimate contact with the bodies of several beautiful women. I haven't said the feeling of the fiery lower body topping all kinds of buttocks.

Like, just one word.

The little brother who is practicing toad gong is really supernatural, full of vitality, and enjoyment dozens of times in the past? Strong, healthy, and vitality that has never been there before, and the most important thing is that little brother... Hey, go back to the factory to brag, not envy, jealousy, a group of men's eyes are red.

Aiming at the most beautiful wife, Chen Yongde pretended to be pushed by the crowd and leaned forward involuntarily—oh. The wife snorted, but there was nothing to do. Her husband didn't know where he was pushed by the crowd, and the strong man at the back did not fall down after pulling himself a few times. The fall was very miserable. Just now, the crowd brought out a few men and women who were trampled and beaten, but still shouting "I have to line up!"

The little brother exclaimed, Chen Yongde licked his lips happily, thinking about the past few days, the days of being happier and living gods than gods, it is really cool, it turns out that a strong superhuman body is the beginning of all enjoyment, a disease-ridden person. The king is absolutely not happy with a strong beggar.

The gratitude to the abdominal muscle brother in my heart is indescribable, not a beacon of life, but a living lamp.

Of course, there are also expectations for the diamonds that are about to arrive, "Damn, from the morning to the afternoon, I am hungry and screaming, and I see the end, thank goodness." I cursed in my heart and vowed to live later. Swallowing a Quanjude roast duck, anyway, I have a lot of money.

Of course, he didn't think that he was born as an idiot. Now in Ma Lanshan, let alone Quanjude roast duck, even the duck necks from the street stalls can't be bought.

Due to the strong body of the practice toad, it is difficult for Chen Yongde to sleep late. Although he goes to bed after one or two in the middle of the night and wakes up at six or seven in the morning, he is full of vitality and can't sleep anymore, so he ate breakfast early in the morning. Watching the TV, then... "Quick, quick, quick!"

The old man took out all his savings and transferred 230,000 to his credit card (he was dumbfounded at the time, did the old man embezzle, so much cash?), and took his parents’ citizenship certificate and drove the old man’s broken card. Car, because air tickets are definitely not available, and it’s a joke to take a car. You have to drive by yourself.

Hurricane on the highway all the way, and finally be regarded as relatively fast foreign buyers, local people with money, all proudly show off diamonds, absolutely show off on the streets, without hesitation.

As for the thief, come on, the new pistol has not seen blood yet. Proper self-defense is not against the law. Hua Xia in this world is not guilty of resisting some forced **** and killing others.

It's a pity that stealing, robbery, and the other party killed you in self-defense. Of course, if you are stolen, if you subdue the other party, or the other party pleads guilty, and obediently follow you to the police station, but you still shoot someone to death, that would be a deliberate murder.

Throwing the broken car to the side of the road, Chen Yongde rushed into the crowd. Soon, because there were soldiers from the internal security department nearby to maintain the order, he couldn't jump in at will, so he quickly lingered behind a few beautiful wives and chicks, all the way to the end.

"Oh my God~~" The wife before him exclaimed in surprise. Chen Yongde looked forward from the fragrant hair of several wives and immediately shouted, "My mother!" Unidentified diamonds, like buying walnuts, are stacked directly in the cargo compartment. The light of countless diamonds is really, really, bright and blind!

At the end, there is a row of soldiers from the internal security department armed with guns to form a line of defense. There are only a certain number of people at each juncture, so as to prevent the possibility of stealing diamonds under the chaos of the crowd.

Several wives passed the juncture and trot all the way with excitement. They had a total of 2 minutes, 1 minute to walk, and 1 minute to select diamonds. Of course, it takes only seven or eight seconds to run a distance of ten meters in one minute of walking.

Before the juncture, Chen Yongde rubbed his hands and waited, casually glanced at many signs with red letters and white background nearby:

"The Superman forces take care of the diamonds, please don't make bad ideas."

"There are three steps to buying diamonds. One, hurry up to one minute to choose diamonds. Two, pay. Three, cooperate with inspections to prevent theft."

"The theft of diamonds is a felony. The surveillance camera and body search are very detailed. Please don't commit a crime."

Withdrawing his gaze, Chen Yongde thought for a moment, "Daddy borrowed money and gave me a card with 70,000, so it is 300,000, buy 3 pieces. I don’t have to worry about the citizenship certificate, to distribute the 3 giant diamonds? *, the key I’m worried about money at a time."

"Prepare, hurry up and choose diamonds. Stealing diamonds is a major crime. Do not do stupid things with a sentence of more than ten years. Please stay awake at all times..." The relevant staff gave a thought warning, and then, everyone cheered, "Please buy. Happy drilling."

Hundreds of people including Chen Yongde were released. He immediately rushed over. After practicing toad kung, the physical fitness of the athlete made him the first person to rush to the diamond bar. Looking up close, he was dazzled and didn't know how to start.

A waitress who received him whispered in a hoarse voice: "How many pills do you buy? If you represent a person, you can only buy one."

"Buy three tablets. These are my parents’ citizenship certificate and mine." Chen Yongde quickly took out the certificate from his arms and handed it to the service staff. They also acted quickly and entered the citizen certificate number on the nearby computer to check the truth. False and record the information.

"Okay, please choose three."

"Oh~" Chen Yongde rubbed his hands, carefully picked up a diamond and looked at it, and his heart beat violently—really, no wonder there were medical staff in white clothes standing by nearby.

Looking at it, two minutes passed in a blink of an eye. Chen Yongde picked three of them that looked the largest and had the best appearance, but they were all round in the same shape. Because parents have repeatedly explained that they are preparing to make rings, they all choose round shapes. This is the most classic and most popular diamond cut shape. Of course, it is also the most conservative shape. No matter what, this is a rare one to be passed on to future generations treasure.

After all, in the generation of his son's son, the Superman King Abdomen must be alive and very young, but such a good thing is probably gone.

Swipe the card to pay, and after a detailed body search, this is all done. In fact, from the moment to the exit, on both sides of the road, there are rows of internal guard soldiers watching the eyes on both sides of the road. They want to steal something or take something. , Unless the speed of the hand is so fast that the human eye can't see it, otherwise... the prison is waiting for you.

Put three diamonds in a very sturdy silk bag as presented, and put them close to your chest. The next moment, Chen Yongde took out a holster connected to his belt by a small alloy iron chain, and took out a short, exquisite large holster. The caliber revolver immediately shines.

Holding the diamond bag, I put bullets on the revolver one by one. This behavior was completely performed in broad daylight crowds. However, the men and women who admired diamonds nearby regarded it as nothing, because many men and women mostly reacted like this: they bought diamonds. , Put bullets on his pistol to prevent robbery.

It is an instinctive reaction under the possession of huge wealth. Just like the landlords of the Republic of China, if they have money and food, they must build strong buildings and buy guns to form defense forces.

However, Chen Yongde's revolver still attracted the attention of many people. Many people who knew the goods recognized at first sight, "Alaskan revolver? It is absolutely powerful. It is not a problem to knock down a cow with one shot, but the price is also high. Old and expensive..."

"I'm still a macho, very muscular, take a look at him, no wonder you use 1911 all over the street." A Bai Fumei holding a few diamonds despised the tall handsome and rich.

Gao Shuaifu touched a m1911 pistol on his waist and said, "He is a revolver. It is very troublesome to load bullets. How can it be convenient for me to practice the skill of changing magazines. Now I can change one in a second and fight each other's firepower. , I'm sure to win. Do you think there are so many sharpshooters? One shot heads down?"

"Big idiot, let's go, do you still think you can fight firepower? Street gunfights? Forgot the first item in the gun manual,'A gun is a murder weapon.'" Bai Fumei took Gao Shuaifu and left, with a gun, unless it was Little Superman lives, the anger among ordinary people is much less, and they absolutely dare not quarrel, or the overlord of the school dare not ask the boy for protection.

Who knows if you go to school the next day, people will kill you with your father's gun and go to the underworld to collect your protection money!

After the bombing was over, Chen Yongde looked at the insurance and the revolver. The more he looked at the pistol, the more he loved it. It really is a big killer. He threw all his savings in, and he asked for some silver from his father. He just started, it's not easy for him, but he is very satisfied with his strong power and perfect appearance.

People, don’t you spend money to be happy?

In the forum, I will always be the most popular ones. Of course, everyone despises those pure gold desert eagles, which are the guns of the local tyrants.

Not to mention that Chen Yongde searched for Malanshan but didn't buy a fast food, only left hungry.

After a group of people enjoyed a hearty lunch, the extremely satisfied actresses took the disc back and forth to leave. It was too much trouble to go by plane, and there was no disc stability, fast, um, warm, and incredible views of the earth.

After sending away Girls’ Generation and iu back, it was already afternoon, and the time was almost spent, and the commercials were arranged, of course, during the prime time of the evening, brainwashing and brainwashing every day.

Then, He Ming decided to return to the world of the dead to live a happy and happy life. As for looking for Chinese male and female celebrities to make commercials, after thinking about it, he lost interest. A group of male and female celebrities who were tired of watching them would shoot commercials with them?

Let's wash and sleep, thinking about the beauty, my brother abdominal muscles is not a fake fan, who asked for a while to kidnap.

Go back to the mansion of the dead world and enjoy the thrill of "sudging, tumbling, tumbling..." during Gao Shuaifu's uprising, and open a small light screen on the side to appreciate the huge storms of carbon-based monkeys on the earth.

Chinese citizens are triumphant, cheap giant diamonds. People in the European and American world who can’t eat giant diamonds say giant diamonds are so envious and hateful. For them, such diamonds are absolutely dreamed of, and one year’s salary is enough to buy them.

It's a pity, Abdomen is not sold to non-Chinese citizens. As a result, there are a lot of funny comments in the European and American worlds, "Brother Abs, please serve the people and save us in the abyss of the capital world. Please sell us diamonds."

"I have a dream to be a bride who is not discriminated against, wearing a huge diamond of 9,999 yuan or more than one hundred carats that symbolizes a lifetime of happiness..." A black girl's message was immediately cited as a classic. Someone left a message: "It's a lifelong blessing, but it won't happen if you look at you."

"Brother Abs, lead us to overthrow the exploitation of capitalism. Citigroup is willing to vote to join China in a referendum. For the sake of mankind and freedom, we believe in Brother Abs!"

"Upstairs, if you become a Chinese citizen, you have diamonds, you have toad merit... I am willing to vote for it."

He Ming smiled and shook his head. If you don’t have an atomic bomb, everything is easy to say. It’s not fun if you have an atomic bomb, unless he is willing to go to the dead world and engage in technology to defend against the atomic bomb. In the dead world, many people use optical brains or write Believe him to do something for the earth.

Because only he has this ability, other people, even famous historical figures, such as Alexander, are not enough to influence the world of the dead.

If there is no He Ming, the fate of the world is very likely. The consortiums that control Citi will definitely destroy the earth out of unsatisfied interest needs, or the resources of the dead world are not enough. These stupid, selfish monkeys Out of the interstellar age.

Look at a high-tech discovery for money. If it affects interest groups, it will be shelved, ignored, or maliciously eliminated for various reasons. Those capitalists don't care about the future of mankind and the development of civilization, but only care about their own money and their own power.

Just as there are trillions of carats of huge diamond resources in the Commonwealth of Independent States, but in order to prevent diamonds from being cheap, some people collude inside and outside to make the price of diamonds increase year by year... Of course, this is understandable, just like before a person owns jade. It is completely different from the mentality after owning jade.

Before owning it, hope that the cheaper the better; after owning it, of course it skyrocketed every day, wishing to sink the noodles. From then on, Jade...As for how many people die, who cares about foreigners?

Therefore, the more you understand, He Ming feels boring about things on earth. From top to bottom, he is a very sad carbon-based monkey. He is selfless. Without him, there would be no chairman... okay.

Therefore, He Ming has no desire to strive for hegemony, and he has no thoughts in the past. He can do something for the country after he has made his fortune. Now he is completely the country, and the people do something for me.

I didn't do it myself to make China a world power. Let's go to sleep, it's too much trouble. What is a world power? For example, Citi uses violence and evil means to exploit the world, such as food, etc., and uses high technology to carry out genocide?

Only in the eyes of the dead world will expose how ugly one is.

Because in comparison, no matter how vicious the lord in the Middle Ages, he eats alive people and has no offspring in his head, and directly exterminates one race, countless races, like demons in human skin.

There are countless people like this. He Ming doesn't want to change such a world. It's a joke, but he appreciates it.

Because He Ming is one of the evil cute carbon-based monkeys, and they are so evil, don't they just highlight his 45-angle holy light? Take a look, kneel and lick, I am a cosmic saint...

How much does he know them, how much he loves, appreciates, and tastes ~ ~ enjoy their stupidity and cuteness, evil and hypocrisy.

Therefore, He Ming hastily glanced at the people who sent him all kinds of requests. He didn't need to learn about their protected life on the earth through the extremely high status. He bet that 90 is doing evil in his lifetime, and after "death"—— Gotta pretend asshole.

He wants to be really moved. According to what they did, hell, those people laughed in their hearts, and on the surface they tried their best to publicize. See what, I suggested that the abdominal muscles bring love and peace to the world.

In fact, if he had the courage, he would definitely say, "Look, I'm fooled by the abs."

"Fuck him." He Ming smiled. Anyway, I am a hanging silk, happy hanging silk. Let the big people worry about those things. Let them be the noble and ugly world of the dead, the carbon-based monkeys who have lived on the earth. Appreciate, or swear, or feel ashamed.

Of course, only the carbon-based monkeys that have lived on Earth do not care about other life forms. Who cares about the lives of aliens? On the other hand, if you want to be super beautiful, you still choose the carbon-based super beautiful female monkey that has lived on the earth.

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