"Xiao Du, we already understand your thoughts." Fang Jin said, "We will discuss this matter and give you an answer in two days."

"Okay." Du Xingyu agreed.

He feels that the success rate of this matter is still very high, because the biology department of Peking University is already the best in the country. Moreover, Peking University is rich. Last year, Peking University’s annual revenue reached more than 30 billion.

It is not only an institution of higher learning, but also has its own company and medical school.

The medical institutions affiliated with Peking University alone can bring it a large amount of revenue every year. And his own research plays a very important role in medical technology.

It is relatively more convenient to stay at Peking University, whether it is academic research or other aspects. If that doesn't work, Du Xingyu will choose the research institute or large group with the best conditions.

These companies now want to poach him, and privately, some companies have already offered him particularly generous terms.

But Du Xingyu didn't want to go to a company that was too commercial, as that would restrict his research direction.

Because of Du Xingyu's incident, Peking University's school committee held a special meeting to discuss it.

"Du Xingyu is indeed a rare talent. But the conditions he proposed are also very demanding. The cost of an independent laboratory, which is among the best in the world, starts at a few hundred million, or even more. For a graduate student, is this kind of treatment right? Too high?" someone said.

"I think it is not only not high, but also very reasonable." Su Yutang said, "I know Du Xingyu's academic level best. Although I am his teacher, in some aspects, I am ashamed to say that he has surpassed me!"

"As far as I know, several foreign universities and research institutions have sent invitations to him. The treatment they give is no lower than ours!"

"In the past, we paid high prices to recruit talents from prestigious foreign schools. Now that we have cultivated top talents ourselves, why don't we find ways to retain them?"

Su Yutang's words made everyone feel a little ashamed.

Fang Jin said: "A hero must be useful. Du Xingyu has made such a big breakthrough at a young age. The most rare thing is that he doesn't pay much attention to fame and fortune. What he wants is research conditions. If we satisfy him now, I believe that in the future he will bring our biological sciences at Peking University and even all of China to a new level!"

"If the school cannot provide the money, our medical department is willing to contribute!" Peking University Medical Department is one of the six departments of Peking University and has an independent administrative system.

They are also a very wealthy academic department, and the annual revenue of those affiliated hospitals is astronomical.

"Since everyone has no objections," Xu Chang said, "then I propose to give special talents special treatment and recruit Du Xingyu directly in the name of the school. Let him become our scholar. When his qualifications are sufficient, he can also serve as a lecturer or professor. …”

"Du Xingyu, the school has generally agreed to your conditions." Su Yutang informed Du Xingyu, "From a graduate student to a scholar at Peking University, with your own independent laboratory, you are the first of our school!"

"Thank you, teacher." Du Xingyu thanked him. Su Yutang contributed a lot in this.

"Haha, give it your best. I believe that your true talents have not been revealed yet." Su Yutang said firmly, "Life science is a great and mysterious subject. To this day, we still know very little about biological science."

"There are still countless problems waiting for us to overcome...You young people have active thinking and can do more creative research!"

Du Xingyu stayed at Peking University and became a scholar at Peking University. The school has started to build his independent laboratory, and the location is near Su Yutang's laboratory.

Therefore, before the laboratory was completed, Du Xingyu's main working place was still in Su Yutang's biological laboratory.

The little Tyrannosaurus rex he cloned was named "Dawei", and netizens affectionately called it "Dawei Tianlong".

With an ample supply of food, Dawei's size grew rapidly, and the laboratory's culture chamber soon could not accommodate it.

In order to let it grow better, the Beijing Zoo spent tens of millions to build a "habitat" tailor-made for it and invited Dawei to live there. Observe and study it at the same time.

On the day "Venus" entered the zoo, the entire zoo ushered in an unprecedented peak. The Tyrannosaurus Rex Park was blocked and the online queue was said to have reached hundreds of thousands!

Many people in the market want to see the "true face" of Tyrannosaurus rex, and some foreigners even made a special trip to the capital to see Tyrannosaurus rex.

"Dawei is the first generation of cloned Tyrannosaurus rex. Current observation results show that it can grow smoothly as long as the food, temperature, and oxygen content are sufficient." Du Xingyu explained to the researcher responsible for observing Tyrannosaurus rex in Guanmen Gate.

"But it is not fertile yet. Use its cells to clone again. After a few generations of culture, it should have the ability to reproduce. Whether you want to do this or not is up to you and the park to decide."

Du Xingyu has no intention of spending all his energy on cloning dinosaurs, although the outside world now calls him the father of "Tyrannosaurus rex".

His next plan is to build a complete "human genetic map." This is different from cloning. In the cloning process, Du Xingyu didn't know what the function of some genes was, but he only had to follow the example.

The "Human Gene Map" he wants to build is to find out what kind of genetic information each gene in human genes contains and what kind of physiological manifestations it will have.

Many scientists around the world are already doing this work. The United States proposed the "Human Genome Project" decades ago.

So far, 25,000 genes and 3 billion base pairs in the human body have been measured.

Modifying and controlling these genes is what Du Xingyu wants to do. Only in this way can he have a way to improve human genes and make human beings longer-lived, smarter, and a true interstellar race!

Before completing these tasks, Du Xingyu first received an invitation from the Ministry of Medicine.

"Hello, Mr. Xiao Du, my name is Xie Ziqian, I am the director of the Peking University School of Medicine and the Peking University Affiliated Hospital." Standing in front of Du Xingyu was a man in his sixties.

"I've read your paper on cloning dinosaurs. It's so well written! Especially the part about in vitro cell cloning, all the experts in our hospital are reading it!"

"I'm looking for you this time to ask you to give some advice to one of our research teams..."

Xie Ziqian came here to ask Du Xingyu to give them some guidance on stem cell induction and cultivation techniques.

The affiliated hospital has a team that specializes in studying these. The purpose is to use stem cell cultivation technology to culture human cells and tissues in vitro to treat some diseases.

"In fact, stem cell cultivation can not only induce and cultivate specific cells." After understanding the content of their research, Du Xingyu said, "If the conditions are right, we can even use stem cells to cultivate human organs in vitro."

"Cultivation of human organs in vitro?" Xie Ziqian asked, "Such as skin?"

Growing human organs outside the body is no longer a new concept. The medical community has long been able to grow organs such as human skin outside the body.

"Not just the skin, but all organs in the human body, including the heart, kidneys, liver, etc., can actually be grown in vitro." Du Xingyu said, "As long as the technology I proposed is used to improve it."

Hearing his words, these medical researchers were very surprised, "Can it be done like this?"

If it could be done to this extent, I don’t know how many patients would have to suffer. In the future, for organ transplantation, there will be no need to worry about not being able to find the transplanted organ, and there will be no need to worry about rejection or anything like that.

Because the person's own stem cells can be directly used for induction, and new organs can be grown in vitro for transplantation.

"It should be possible." Du Xingyu nodded, "In my previous research, the edited gene was folded into the cell nucleus to create pluripotent stem cells, and then induced into totipotent stem cells. This was how dinosaur embryos were created."

"Using this technology, it is not difficult to cultivate human totipotent stem cells."

"We only need to induce the totipotent stem cells again, let them develop the cells needed by the patient, and create an in vitro cultivation environment to grow human organs."

After hearing his words, all the medical researchers looked puzzled. Obviously, they did not believe it.

If it can really be done, this technology will shock the world more than Du Xingyu cloned dinosaurs!

People can only take a fresh look at dinosaurs, study paleontology, and study genetics.

The in vitro organ cultivation technology mentioned by Du Xingyu will completely rewrite tens of thousands of years of human history! Benefit all mankind!

"Since you invited me to participate in this research project," Du Xingyu said, "I propose that we directly use mice to start studying in vitro organ cultivation technology."

The researchers were a little hesitant, but Xie Ziqian agreed directly: "Of course! You can all give it a try!"

After Du Xingyu left, everyone asked Xie Ziqian again.

"Director, do you really believe what he said about in vitro organ cultivation? Forget about skin and the like, we also have this technology. But cultivating kidneys, livers, etc., is this too exaggerated?"

"Yes, this person is too young. Professor Su Yutang must have given me a lot of guidance before cloning dinosaurs. As for him, I feel a little confused!"

"Are we, a group of experts, all trying it just because of his idea? The technology is not mature at all now, and it will only be possible in a few decades!"

"Our current situation is that before 'one' has been studied clearly, he directly raised the target to 'ten'."

Xie Ziqian comforted him: "Don't worry, everyone. Have you all read his paper on cloning Tyrannosaurus rex? Isn't it very insightful and groundbreaking about the induction and cultivation of stem cells?"

Everyone nodded, they couldn't deny this.

"That's right." Xie Ziqian said, "If there are three of us, there must be my teacher. Du Xingyu came to our project because he was recommended by Professor Su Yutang. You must learn from his strengths."

"As for whether we can complete in vitro organ cultivation, that is another matter. In short, our ultimate goal is to study the induction and cultivation technology of stem cells, which does not conflict with our research goals."

Obviously, Xie Ziqian didn't think they could accomplish such a "great" goal. As long as they could complete one-tenth of the progress, they would have accomplished their research purpose.

"In short, everyone should cooperate and study hard. Maybe we can make some important discoveries and breakthroughs!"

"Okay." All the researchers nodded.

Thank you everyone for your tips. More updates about the helmsman will be made later. I still have some problems with my cervical spine today.

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