Technomancer Of Marvel

Chapter 11 - 11: A New Boss

-------------- 7:36 pm 8/29/2003, Mercy Graves Apartment -------------

Mercy looks at her watch noticing the time, and begins to question the person on the other side of the message. She grabs her stuff and puts it by the door. She then moves to the window of her apartment. Looking outside she tries to see if there are any cars parking outside her building and tries to confirm the legitimacy of the message. Currently there is nothing out of the ordinary outside.

Mercy-" I think I'm going crazy. First I find signs of fraud and then just as I am close to finding evidence I get random messages popping up on my screen. Going home with evidence that just appeared from nowhere is one thing, but for this person to make me leave home for a week… I would be crazy to trust this person completely."

As she continues to question everything that has happened the last 30 minutes, she sees a black sedan pull up outside her building. A car she has never seen in the neighborhood before, and parked right in front of the entrance.

Just as Mercy begins to regret doubting the voice, she receives a text on her phone.. Looking down at the screen, she is surprised to see a message in the same format as earlier on her phone.

[They should be walking into your building now. You need to grab your things and go to the storage closet on the floor beneath you. You shouldn't doubt my info again. Once you get to the supply closet, wait for my signal and then you can leave as soon as possible out the back door.]

Receiving the new message, Mercy sighs in relief and grabs her packed bags. Then rushes to the stairs so she can reach the supply closet on the floor below her. Heart racing and adrenaline pumping. Mercy waited impatiently for the message so that she could get to safety as quickly as possible.

[ They just left the elevator for your floor. Take the stairs to the ground floor and exit through the back door. Call a taxi and ride 2 blocks away from the hotel and use an ATM to withdraw as much cash as you will need. For the next week you have to use cash and can't use your credit/debit cards or ID. Type the name of the hotel you're going to for the week and I will take care of the rest]

Complying with the orders given in the message. She was then told that when she gets to the hotel to check in, that she should say that she is a guest of Mr. Wayne. Although Mercy was confused about the orders, she was at least relieved to finally have a name to go with the mysterious messages. She then begins to hail a taxi as she hears police sirens in the distance.

10 minutes later, the taxi finally drove her 2 blocks from the hotel she was planning to stay at for the rest of the week. After stopping by an ATM she finally made it to the hotel. She went to the reception desk and did as told, stating that she was a guest of Mr. Wayne. The concierge then smiled brightly and ordered someone to carry her bags and lead her to her room. Or course Mercy was further surprised to find out that the hotel room she received was the executive suite. Putting down her bags and getting relaxed, she finally has time to think about everything that's happened today. Then pulls out her computer and begins to thoroughly read through the evidence and files that were given to her earlier.

Mercy-* Even though I agreed to this earlier, I never had the chance to really read through everything that Kenneth was doing with the company's financials. Looking over everything now in this file, it shows that if things were to continue the shareholders and customers will lose a lot of money. While Kenneth was stealing tens of millions of dollars from the company and the shareholders. If this had continued the company would also go bankrupt as Kenny would have all of this money hidden to the side, with no one knowing. Hold on a minute. If I stay with the company, then when everything goes bankrupt this will ruin my credibility and chances of working for a major company in the future. *

Just as Mercy begins to think about how things will turn out once the scandal is revealed, she starts to see the screen of her computer flicker. On her screen she starts to see the picture of a man. (think of Ben Affleck as the 'face' of Bruce Wayne.) As she looked at the screen confused, the man began talking to her.

???- "Now I know you have a lot of questions, but let's start by telling you who I am. My name is Bruce Wayne. You can think of me as your new boss."

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