Technomancer Of Marvel

Chapter 3 - Waking up

Born on May 4 of 1996, to the happily married couple of Jasmine and Alexander Shade, was a quiet baby boy. This child was named Damien Shade.

The parents of this child were both successful in business. Alexander being an accountant that works independently, while able to choose his clients. More often than not he ends up working for a lot of people with financial problems and helps them to clear their debts by properly managing their money. Jasmine on the other hand works as a lawyer, doing her best to make sure that those who commit crimes get their consequences.

Growing up Damien spent a lot of time with his parents, who always made the time to be with him. His dad being an independent accountant was able to often work from home and take care of Damien. While his mom, wanting to spend time with her new child, took time off from work for three years after Damien was born. It was a loving and caring family. Damien was also considered smart for his age. Since he was three years old he was starting to show that he learns things quicker and easier than all the other toddlers around. Already being able to read by himself, Damien began to get curious about things.. Beginning to always ask questions about anything that catches his attention. By the age of 5 Damien was considered a very bright child. Always the top of his class and able to easily memorize everything he learns. But Damien had recently developed a quirk of taking things apart to see how they work. But luckily, the things he has taken apart so far were restricted to things easily put back together. Damien was always a very kind, energetic, and outgoing child. Which were qualities that attributed to him making many friends with his classmates.

Watching the last of the memories flash past his mind Damien now realized what has just happened. He was reborn into the body of young 6 year old Damien Shade and was now in Marvel on March 8 of the year 2002.

Damien-*Now that I know I am in the MCU in the year 2002 I have to make sure that I remember everything I can about the MCU. Then I have to test my powers and begin to plan for the future.*

Opening his eyes for the first time in this new world, Damien slowly sits up and decides to look around himself to regain his bearings and reaffirm his memories. He sees the room that "he has been living in for the past six years. The toys and action figures on the floor, tv and game system in the corner, and cartoon posters all over the walls. He closes his eyes again and thinks about his powers.

Damien-* The GOC said that I would know what my powers were and instinctively know how to control them. Lets see if what technomancer power i have*

Focusing on his technomancer powers, Damien starts to feel something. A slight signal and connection coming from the corner of the room. He focuses on that connection and it splits into 2, one feeling bigger than the other. Opening his eyes, he sees the tv in his line of sight. Focusing again on that strange connection he wills for it to turn on. The next thing he knows, the TV flickers on.

Damien-" This is amazing! I can actually control it with my thoughts. I'll have to get more practice over my powers but first things first is to research the current events and get used to this new life."

Jasmine-"Damien come down for breakfast! The food is getting cold!"

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