Technomancer Of Marvel

Chapter 8 - 8: A new Beginning

As Damien thinks about that, he goes to his closet and pulls out a box of old electronics parts. The parts in this box have increased from last time. Even including things like modems, electric watches, and other components of PCs. Closing his eyes Damien thinks about the two things he currently needs. Right now he needs an advanced server with an unprecedented amount of processing speed and memory. He also needs a small, durable, and concealed supercomputer that he can carry around at all times. Looking into the box and doing inventory on all the stuff he has collected over the past year, he begins to let his powers design the two devices while further specifying what he needs them to do. Even though his mind is enhanced the best results would come from letting his mechanical intuition and technological constructs abilities take over.

(Meaning Damien uses the technological intuition part of his abilities to build advanced tech without fully understanding how the tech was made and why it works. )

Using his abilities, Damien first makes the server for Alfred. He makes a metal box 10"x10"x4" that is seamless. This server somehow has a built in chargeable battery, with a 12 hr battery life. The ability to connect to any known network.. ( I'm talking about wifi/radio/infrared/ satellite. Things like that) an advanced firewall and network security. This server is also undetectable with the technology of today. Also having 10 Petabytes of memory and a processing speed of 1 terabyte a second.

After the server was completed the watch floated in front of Damien and separated into its smallest parts. His powers then started to make miniature computer parts and other components to make a seamless digital watch. The watch itself is durable under 500 lbs, waterproof, and automatically adjusts to the size needed for the wearer. A direct connection to the server within 10,000 miles. Built in GPS, a direct connection to the super computer in his room, and had a terabyte of memory storage. The watch also had holographic projection and hard light projections. This watch face had the time, date, and a back-light/night light/flashlight. The watch itself had 3 buŧŧons. One for the light, one to switch from time to date, and a third for a stopwatch/timer. Making it seem even more like a normal digital watch. Although at the same time, the watch was a computer. This supercomputer could be accessed through the holographic projector or with Damien's powers. The inner computer could also be used to control the watch and its functions.

Opening his eyes, Damien looks at the two devices in front of himself. Admiring the work of his powers while connecting to them to figure out how they work. Afterwards he put the watch on his left wrist and tucked the server in his closet and plugged it into an outlet. Then after triple checking the security and the limitations and control protocols in place he proceeded to move Alfred's main program to the server.

Damien-"Alfred. I want you to run a diagnostics on the systems of your new server and let me know if there are any issues running your program. "

Alfred-"Right away sir. Beginning diagnostic. All systems operational and efficiency is 230% compared to the previous system. How else can I be of ȧssistance, sir?"

Damien-" For now all I want is for you to learn everything you can about law, creating and maintaining a business, and practice your hacking with me. "

Once he has Alfred start researching those topics Damien begins to virtually go through all the steps necessary to start a new business. Using his hacking skills and powers to speed up the process.

Damien- * With this done I can now use my business to cover my hero activities and expenses. Now I should use the name of my business to buy a few properties and prepare for the future. I don't expect it to grow enough to compete with Stark Industries, but I want to make Wayne Industries become well known. *

Using his Company name, Damien opens up a company bank account and transfers 1 million dollars into the account from his personal account. This leaves around 50 thousand in his account though.(The rest of his money is currently in stocks) He also gave all the account details to Alfred and had him secure the accounts and keep watch over them.

After infusing 1 million into the company account he then spends10 minutes searching all junkyards and dumps in New York. Damien wanted to buy a junkyard going out of business and at least 6 acres of land. Doing so he found a small junkyard in Queens with 5 acres of land. The place was in the red and bȧrėly scraping by. Using his powers to quickly pull up all info related to the place he found that it was a family business that went under due to growing debts. Damien then sent multiple emails out, using Wayne Industries email address, to the owners about buying their company. He gives them a starting bid of $100 thousand. Giving them a month to respond and leaving the contract and final payment up for negotiation.

Damien then had Alfred use the info in his database to draw up a contract with the family so that the son could manage the company but can't make any business decisions or changes to the company without Damien's consent. Damien saved the contract so that he could have lawyers look over it and make a new draft. Hopefully if the family agrees the junkyard could become a subsidiary of Wayne Industries.

Damien-" Alfred. I need you to find some trustworthy and experienced people to hire as a legal team for Wayne Industries and its subsidiaries. Do a complete background check and survey their interactions and work history. They need to be in New York or willing to move here. Kind people willing to do the right thing, and guaranteed not to betray the company or take advantage of their position. Monitor them for a week and give me the list then. "

Alfred-" Yes Sir. I am now compiling a list that fits the parameters given. It will be complete after monitoring their behaviors and investigating them individually. It will be complete in one week. Is there anything else I can ȧssist you with Sir?"

Damien-" Actually there is. Access file "Marvel" hidden in the super computer and download all info only in sub file "characters". I want you to locate and monitor all people on that list. "

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