Technomaster In My Hero Academia

Chapter 10 - Birth of Iron man

"Okay...let's do this right.."

"Dummy , you're standby on fire safety ...and you roll it."

I said to the two robotic arms i had made my ȧssistants.

"This is stark MK-1 flight simulator test #1

activate hand controls

Let's start up with 10% no 5% percent thrust capacity and achieve lift

in 3...2....1" I said pressing the buŧŧon on my hand controls.

"psheeww THUD.." with a sudden lift i was pasted on to the ceiling and fell down.

"Arrgghh...." I ġrȯȧnėd in pain as dummy sprayed the fire extinguisher onto me.

"Damnn....I thought it was 10% in the movie..?"

"Actually sir the thrust capacity of our current thrusters is much ore than you estimated."

"How much"

"About 10%.."

"That explains it..Guess I'll need hand stabilizers too for a successful lift."


[ Few days later ]

"Okay this is stark MK-1 flight simulation #237

Let's take it nice and easy with only .1% of thrust capacity

And dummy if you spray me with me getting on fire I swear I will donate you."

"Sir miss Melissa is trying to connect intercom" Jarvis interrupted me.

"Not now Jarvis...

And in 3...2...1..."

I said activating the thrusters and lifting off the ground.

"Ohhh....ohhhh ..ooooooo I'm okay..." i shouted flying around .

"Tony...What are you doing...?"

i was startled by a voice coming from below and nearly lose my balance.

"Woah woah..wooooo...."

I cried trying to regain my balance and finally came down safely with a thud.

"Yeah...I can fly.." Turning around Melissa was standing there with a surprised expression.

"Oh hey mel. How come you're here..?"

"What... I'm not welcome here...?"

"No that's not it..."

"Anyway whats this are you making some kind of weapon ..?"

"No no you saw me right . This is just a flight stabilizer... Completely harmless".

I said showing the hand stabilizer to her

"Phshe" The thruster exploded into life knocking me back out.

"Kyaaaaa" She screamed seeing me knocked down.

"I...didn't expect that.." I said while getting up in pain.

"You're gonna hurt yourself this way.."

"Don't worry I'm fine mel.."

"Why didn't you come to school this week."

"Oh it started huh.."

"You didn't know..? "

"Well I did know it was time to start the school but didn't know the exact date."

"Well , will come tomorrow..?"



"As you can see I have my hand full right here , with these."

"You can do it in free time besides you can't skip school."

"Oh I did talk with mom on that , I'll take an exam to skip grades. And when it's age for me to go to highschool I'll go to U.A"

"Skip can't do that...

And why U.A..? Are you going to be a hero..?"

"Ehh, i didn't tell you..? "


"Well sorry about that. Yes I will become a hero"

"But this very dangerous, even though your quirk is good it doesn't have any offensive power."

"And that why I'm working on this bad boy right here" I said tapping the thrusters.

"Besides i have a very strong body. I'm also thinking of picking up some martial arts."

"But....if you go..I'll be lonely..!" She said with pout on her face.

"Stupid girl..we both know you got friends other than me." I said flicking her forehead.

During these years she made quite a few friends.

One might say she's a popular figure at school.

"In that case I'm also coming with you."

she said staring at me.

"I'm sorry what.?"

"I said I'm also coming with you to U.A"

"Nope.You're not."

"And why do you think that..?" She was smug

"You think uncle would let you..!"

"that...errr... I will make him agree somehow"

"You don't have any powers.."

"I will also make something like you are doing...." She said dead stare to my eyes.


"Sighhh.....fine come on.."


" will help me in my projects.."

"Of course.."

"And learn some martial arts also...any kind is fine.."

"Martial arts....what does it have to do with developing tech.."

"You're not making these stuff for order to use it's maximum potential you'll need it too"

"Okey....By the way..what Are you making"

"A suit."


"Yeah kind like an exoskeleton costume i guess."

"Mmmm i think I get an idea where you're going."

"Come on I'll show you the design."


[ After 6 months ]

6 months have passed since Melissa joined me in the production of my suit.

It's in the final phase right now the production is almost complete.

The chromed titanium-steel plated prototype is right in front of me for its first test.

Dressed up in black skintight suit i stepped onto the ȧssembling platform.

"Okay I'm ready mel. Bring it." I called out to Melissa who was standing at the control station.

"MK-1 initial ȧssembling process start." She said pushing buŧŧons.

Mechanical arms came to life as they started putting. the armour on me.

Putting on the mask i asked

" Jarvis you there."

"At your service , sir..."

"engage heads up display"

"HUD Check"

"Check all interface preferences"

"All set sir" Jarvis replied as all kind of interface was brought before my eyes.

"You hear me mel.."

"Yup.Loud and clear."

"All right want do you say"

"I have indeed been uploaded, sir we're ready to go" Jarvis replied.

"Okay tony . Let's check with some walking" Melissa gave out the instructions. to me.

"Importing virtual walk around preferences. Calibration virtual environment..."

"Okay finally check control surfaces" As I gave out the command all the thruster and flaps and such started moving for the test.

After some time everything was settled.

"All right tony. The simulation is a succes. Jarvis start losing power and run a diagnosis test." Melissa again.gave out instructions.

"Start losing power."

"Aah wait...tell you what .. do a whether and an ATC check and start listening to ground control."

"Tony....what are you thinking.."

"Sir there are still tons of terabytes calculation to be done before an actual flight test."

"Sometimes you gotta run before you can walk."

" we can't do a flight rest yet."

"Ready 3...2....1...go"

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