Technomaster In My Hero Academia

Chapter 16 - The new particle


I sat on the chair finishing the fitting of all equipments for the isolation of new particle.

"Jarvis....check if there's any orientation errors."

"Sir , there is a slight error of -.025mm in the central area."

"Hey mel can you get me something to make this balanced."

"Wait a minute.....I got my hands full here...."

"You know there's really no need for reinforcing the whole experiment area. We just need some on where the energy beam wiil hit."

"You can't be too careful now....."

"Just finish it quickly and come here....."

"Sir , there is a mail for you from U.A academy and one for you too miss."

"U.A .....? Is that our acceptance letters....?"

"Mel....she's already gone...!

Looks like someone's excited.."

"Tony.....look i passed....!" she said with letter in her trembling hands and few drops of tears on her eyes.

"Hey..hey..what's with the waterworks...? I told you didn't i "

"You're not gonna check yours....?"

"Naah , I'll do it later. Come on we have a particle to find.


[After sometime]

"Okay....dummy....handy you two roll it...

This is stark particle isolation experiment number 1

All systems final check..."

"Checked..." Jarvis replied.

"Emergency shutdown protocol on standby..."

"We're good to go here.." Mel said with a thumbs up.

"All right folks....the moment of truth...

Activating energy emission in 3.....2....1.....start."

I said hitting the start buŧŧon....

Soon energy generated from 5 arc reactors condensed into a single beam was sent into the big ring shaped setup.

As moments passed on the colour of the light started changing like the rainbow and finally it settled on pure white light.

"Sir the enrgy output is maximum , the point of reaction will start in 10 seconds"

"Quick position the collection device..."

"Postioning complete tony."

"Jarvis...sent the beam right onto the collection reactor on very second of reaction."

"collection in"

The centre of ring was opened and the beam of white light rushed on to the new modified arc reactor setup i had set there.

Reaching the arc reactor all the energy was suck into it and arc reactor came to life with a white glow..

But soon I noticed that too much was being absorbed which is making it unstable.

"Kill it."

Hearing my command Melissa stopped the process immediately.."

" have created a new clean energy source and a new particle"

Jarvis said as I slowly walked towards the arc reactor..

"Jarvis....what's the current output..?"

"Sir..the estimated output is ...1 terajoule per second with an efficiency of 89%."

"One terajoule per second....!" Melissa said with visible shock on her face.

"With something like that you can power a whole city or even a country for a lifetime.."

"Or.... something more powerful for sometime." i said with a huge grin on my face.

"Jarvis....make a project file named bleeding edge."

"On your personal server sir..?"

"Of course you know me..."

"Are you going to make another one...?"

"I will need to make another one....

Jarvis bring up a live model of MK - ALPHA"

Soon the hologram of an armor was brought in front of me..

This is the current best suit i have...

With a sleek design and a retractable semi/full helmet.

Also equipped with multi directional repulsor blasters , unibeam , sonic cannon etc.

"Let's see if this works....." I said putting the scanned copy of new particle arc reactor into the suit.

"Commencing test.....armor efficiency reached 310%

Operation time reduced by 230%

All weaponries also greatly enchated in power sir."

Jarvis stated the test results.

"See , it's too powerful for my current technology.

I will need another armor which will withstand the power soon."

"Just when I thought I could take a break..." She said sadly.

"We got school too now , remember ." I said shaking the acceptance letter in my hand.

"Now that you mention it. I will need to buy new stuff for the school year....!"

"Ohhh....I don't like where this is going...." I thought as slowly walking toward the stairs.

" We're gonna go shopping tomorrow. "

"Nooo.....i dont wanna come."


"I got so many cloths now, that i even stopped counting.."

"But they are old fashioned.."

"I haven't even wore all the cloths you bought me last time we went for shopping..." I retorted.

"You are...coming with me....." She said with an angry face.





" happy..." I said while walking up the stairs.

"Yaaaay..." I could hear her happy shout from below....

"Damn.....she was so cute with that face....." I thought covering my blushing face.

"Noo..bad tony...."




"Ah..... yes..what's it Jarvis...."

"About the name for the new particle....I'm not sure about i asking now though"

"What happened now..."

"Your Oxytocin levels are skyrocketing sir. Resulting in change of emotional state."

" no no..I'm fine....anyway , about the name for the new particle how about energon..?"

"It is available in the world index sir...Do you want to publish the results now...?"

"Nope . I need refrain from making this public for now .

"Affirmative sir."

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