"Hey there fellows....It's me..

Now most of you must have thought this is the author , but it was ME....TECH...

Ha ha ha ha...

You see what I did there ....

Anyways Mr. author has entrusted me with the task of informing you that , this one will be the last of bonus chapters that will be released for sometime before he finishes all his jobs and researches about the next story arc.

But do not skip this....

If you do....then I will look for you , I will find you and I will Eat you...



Just kidding....I don't like human meat. Unless you're made out of chocolates. I love chocolate."

"Hey tech who are you talking to...?"

"Oh....I was just conversing with the readers..."

"The readers..!"

"Yeah...now don't disturb me.. shoo"

"Mmmm.....it must be a side effect of the bonding. Don't worry buddy we'll fix you up soon."

"Hey im not insane.....can't you see them... they're staring at us....right now..."

"I don't see a damn thing....come on tech..this is why I told you do not watch movies all the time."


Today was Mel's birthday. I had forgotten about it.And Jarvis reminded me of it today itself.

Problem is....I don't have a gift.

and I forgot about the birthday it self.. She's mad at me about it.

"What should I do....shall I make something for her....?"

"Oh...oh....I know..make an antigravity gun for her." Tech buŧŧed in.

"Why... would she want an antigravity gun."

"Then....how about a disintegrating cannon..."

"Don't you have anything other than weapons of mass destruction.. Tech.."


"How about you wrap yourself in ribbons and say ' I'm your gift ' "


"Moving on ...."

"Don't change the subject. Where did you even hear that...?" I tried to ask him.

"Ohhh ...a necklace , a necklace would be fine.."

"Like I said...wait actually why not...it's a great idea.."

"Isn't it. Huh...I'm the best.."

"How about we add some homing functions and protective functions into it too....oh I know ....."


And thus we purchased a good looking crystal and employed the nanobots also into it and finally forged it into an exquisite looking necklace.

"Hmmm not bad bro...you have a great future as a jeweler if you quit hero businesses.." Tech said looking at the finished necklace.

"What can I do....I'm the best." I said putting it inside the jewelery box.

"Tony....you're still up.." I heard Mel's voice from from the door.

"Aahh...yeah..I had something I was working on...."

"Go to sleep it's late. Oh and can you make the breakfast tomorrow yourself..... please....!" She said clapping her hands together.

"Wha.....what happened...."

"I promised my friend that I'll go out with them tomorrow..."

"Yeah....he's in the Same class as me "

"Oh...wait a sec ' he ' "

"Yeah... please can you manage tomorrow. It's only one day ."

"Yeah..yeah... I'll handle it." I said in a dead tone.

"Thanks...you're the best.." She said going out.

I don't know why....but I felt anger rising in me.

"Woah...woah stop right there buddy. That's some dangerous thoughts you're having.." Tech said to me.

"Mmm.... you're right tech. I think I'll sleep now. I'm just tired." I replied going towards the bed.

Next morning.

Brushing my teeth I started walking down the stairs to the kitchen.

"Tony...you're up early today." I saw Mel walking towards the main hall dressed up.

Wow she looks beautiful.

"Aaahhh...you haven't left already....it's 8:30 now." I said grabbing a loaf of bread and putting some ham on it.

"Yeah...I know...I lost the thought of time getting ready." She said hurriedly.

"Well , you should speed up . Now wouldn't want to make them wait." Biting on to the bread I replied.

"Yeah...bye.." Taking he purse she walked to the front door fast.

I said on the chair chewing the bread slowly.

"You're just gonna sit there." I heard Tech's voice from my head.

"Oh....now that you remember it we have a lot of testings remaining right."

"Screw the tests Tony. Did you forgot...I can feel you."


"You're not some loser are you.....just gonna watch your girl get taken away.."

"Who said she's my girl.."

"Didn't you.... didn't you think like that the whole time.."


Seeing me quite again he shouted.

"If I knew my host was gonna be some pussƴ like you who would watch as you get NTR'ed I wouldn't have bonded with you."

"Where did you get that word now..."

"That's not the point is it. Now get the hell up and go outside." He said fȯrċɨbŀƴ making my body to stand.

"You're Right tech. We don't give up that easily. At least untill I confirm the truth....Let's go it's show time."

"Wait....you're gonna go out in pajamas...?"

"Oh.... Sorry.." I turned to go change.

"Wait right there. I'll take care of this." He said covering my body and morphing into a black turtleneck suit and a tuxedo.

"What's this..?"

"It's like this , when you go to spy on someone right.." He said in an excited voice.

"Right....why not.." Putting on a black shades also I went before the mirror.

"Goddamn I look beautiful ."

"Ok...show time "

Walking through the front door in slow motion I stopped at the garage.

"She went out on our car..."






Later in the cab

"Totally uncool..." Sitting in the back seat I mumbled.

Tracking down our car it was currently in front of a mall in musutafu.

Paying the cab I got out and started walking towards the location.

At the front of the mall she had just gotten out of the car.

Hiding behind the pillars and walls then blending into the crowd I covertly got near her.

"Yeah... thanks for dropping me. I'll call when it's time to head back." As she said to our driver he sped off..

After that she started walking inside the mall. With me tailing her.

She kept visiting stores over and over changing them over time.

"She didn't meet up with anyone yet. Did she lie to me...?" I thought standing my back against a wall.

"Tony , two guys have been following you since sometime now.." Tech told me.

"What....why didn't you tell me this before....? Could it be shield it something.."

"I don't think it's shield...it's called a security.."

"Shit....they must have thought I was tailing her out of some ulterior motive.."

I thought moving from my spot.

"Tech , where are they. "

"They're currently in the store right behind you"

That's when I noticed that Mel had moved again. "Shit we lost sight of her."

Going forward quite a bit I saw her entering another store. The security was right behind me.

Taking the chance I also entered the store.

Quickly moving through the sections I found her.

Somehow all the employees I came across in the store were looking at me quite weirdly.

Anyways peeking through I saw her holding a pair of ..... undėrwėȧr....?

Why would she buy something like that now...?

Could it be that she's preparing for her date.

I was in deep thought when I heard voice behind me.

"Ummm.....sir.. would you like to buy anything...?"

"Tony...it's an employee, quickly grab something and pose like you're choosing.." Tech told me.

So grabbing something right in front of me I turned around.

"I... don't know....which.." And she was now looking at me like I'm a creep.

That's when I noticed what I was holding in my hands.

I was holding a pair of bras in my hand. While the girl in front of me stared.

"Uhh...umm..seems too big...right.." I said with an awkward smile.

"Security , he's in here..." She shouted.

"Shit..." I could only run now. Making my way out of the stands holding various types of undėrwėȧr I got to the other side.

"Tony.....! what are you doing here....?"

From a dressing room behind me I heard Mel's voice.

Turning around u could see her head peaking through the curtains.

"Hey Mel....I uh...this is not what it looks like..." I tried to explain.

"Dude you got a bra on top of your head." I could hear tech saying between his laughter.

"Shut up tech. This is all because of you.."

"What did I do. Your the one who jumped into undėrwėȧr , not me.."

While I was arguing inside.

The employees and the security were almost here.

"Looks like he's on the other side...." I heard noises coming.

"Come here..." She pulled me inside just as they arrived.

From the dressing room I could hear the sound of their footsteps.

"Miss are you inside...?" Someone asked Mel.

"Yes , what's the matter....?"

"Did you see any man in Black clothing around here...?"

"No.....I didn't see anyone.." She replied eyeing me.

"Ok.. please be careful. He seems like dangerous. If you meet him please contact the authorities.."

"Thank you , I will."

And they walked off to another side to look for me.

"Sigh... thanks Mel. You're a lifesaver.....gaah." Before I could complete a slap landed on my face.

"Idiot...don't look." she said covering her body with the cloths and turning my head.

"Oh..... damn... she's nȧkėd..." I thought as my face turned red with embarrassment.


Later in the cafeteria.

I am right now sitting face to face with Mel on a table. And there is a strawberry smoothie right in front of me that I want to drink so badly.

Looks like she's still pissed off from the recent incident.

Her face also have a shade of red too.

Slowly moving my hand I tried to grab the smoothie..

And was met with a deathstare from her.

"So you followed me around since the morning.."


"And even came into a women's clothing store.."


"Don't to have anything to say...!" She couldn't bȧrė with my silence anymore.

"C...can I...take the... smoothie..." Hearing me say she was stunned still.

"Gaahh....why the fu*k did I ask that..."

I screamed in my head , as a certain person was laughing their ȧsses off inside my head.

"I can't believe you. After all of this , that's all what you have to say...? You're concerned about your damned drink...?

And why would you follow someone around like that. Are you thinking about becoming a creep..?"

"I said I'm sorry didn't I...? I just wanted to look out for you.."

"Yeah , like you could have saved me from trouble when you're the one who's causing it."

Ok...now that's my final line of patience.... standing up I said to her.

"I am sorry that I ruined your day. I genuinely am. Don't worry I won't buŧŧ into your matters on the future anymore.."

But her response was not something I imagined.

"Sit down...who said you could stand up...?"

"Excuse me...?"

"You came barging and ruined my day out and you expect me to just let go of you..." She said with an eerie smile.


After that I was made to go with her around in a shopping spree one more time.

And this time from my wallet.

Plus that ȧssh**e tech didn't allow me to use his storage to store all the shopping bags.

And finally we finished the day with a movie and together.

Is it just me or is she enjoying see me spends up my money.

When we came out after the movie , it was already night.

Eating the dinner from a nearby restaurant , we decided to take a bus home.

Arriving at our stop , we got out and started to walk to the house.

"Sigh....my poor wallet. It lost so much weight today.." I thought looking at the almost empty wallet.

As we were slowly walking uphill I looked towards her who was walking in front of me waving her arms like a child.

"Phew.....looks like she's not angry anymore....oh the present....." That's when I remembered the necklace I had made.

"Aahh...um... Mel"

"Hmm.. what happened , are you tired...?"

"I'm... sorry for... forgetting about your birthday.."

Taking the box out I gave it to her.

"It's a bit late...but , Happy birthday."

Taking the box in her hand , she stared at me intensely for sometime. Then turned around and walked off quickly.

"whaa..hey.. wait for me. Don't go alone" I also ran behind trying to catch up with her.

When we reached home it was already 8'o clock.

Due to the fatigue accumulated. , I fell asleep the instant I fell on the couch.

After a while Melissa came besides me with a blanket in her arms and covered me.

Leaning on to me she kissed on my forehead while I was sleeping soundly.

"Thanks for the present...! sleep tight"

Before going to her own room to sleep.

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