Technomaster In My Hero Academia

Chapter 8 - Wake up call

"Hey , could I borrow the sports section..?"

It was an old man with white hair and wrinkles on his face.

Without thinking much , i gave him the page and went back to thinking...

"Life always doesn't go the way you want it , doesn't it...!?"


"You know , you remind me of Peter parker. When his uncle died aside from that., it's the same thing."

Hearing the name Peter Parker , my ears perked up and I looked at him with wide eyes....

This face...How could I forget it

"Oh my God.....holy shit... aren't you..."I shouted at him.

"Ohh I'm Stan lee..." he said bringing his hands up for a handshake.

Grabbing his hand , i was still stunned by the appearance of the all father of marvel in front of me....."

"But.....aren't are you here...?"

"Ohhh...I've been on a trip for sometime now. But decided to drop by when I had a chance.."


"Doing nothing will not change anything you know.....on the other hand even the slightest of acts will make a difference.."


"It's okay to cry... mourn....its human nature. No one's perfect... they never will be,

But some people try to make others life make a difference,

that's why they're called heros.

Your father was one too , not all heros wear capes after all...


It's your turn...

Tony stark.....with great power....comes great responsibility...." He said giving back the paper to me.

When I looked back at him....I saw no one there...

"Was that really him...." i thought looking at the paper which was in my hands.

Thinking about what happened a smile grew on my face. With a newfound determination in my i heart , i headed my home at a fast pace..

Reaching home I saw mom who was in the kitchen , who was taking food to the table.

"Mom , you shouldn't be working. Remember what the doctor said.."

"'re back ....Come sit after washing your hands...Let's have breakfast"

"Okay" I said running to wash my hands.

After the breakfast i immediately went to my lab , which I had not visited for the last month .

There was a protected box with stark industries symbol on top of it

"Jarvis..what is this box...?"

"It was a delivery from the stark headquarters 28 days ago sir."

"From the HQ..?What does it contains....?"

"I believe it contains 50g of palladium sir."

Hearing it my mind was in turmoil again.But soon i controlled myself.

"Thanks ,dad." I said taking the box in my hands.

"Jarvis....Boot up the systems.... we're picking up where we left." I gave out the command while walking towards my work station.

[Few hours later]

*Insert iron man theme*

"Sir , the casting is completed...."

Jarvis's voice was heard and I turned around to check on the newly forged palladium ring that will go inside the reactor.

"Well here goes nothing...." i thought putting the final piece into the construct.

And switched on the lower supply.

With the initial current supply arc reactor lit up slowly with a buzzing....

"Congratulations sir. You have succeeded in the creation of miaturize arc reactor."

"Mmhhm go me.....Whats the power output.. ?"

"It gives 3 gigajoule per second with 98% efficiency sir."

"Sweet. Now that the power has been taken care of looks like it's time for the suit.."

"Tonyyyy....Come's time for dinner...." I heard mom calling me from the upstairs.

"Looks like , I'll have to start fresh tomorrow morning.."

During the dinner

"You seem busy nowadays...." Mom said placing some more food on my plate.

"Mmmhmm....I have something I must complete..."

"Don't take it too much okey...Take some rest sometimes..." she paused...

"Is there something you want to tell me mom...."

"Noo.....after the incident... you've been down.

I'm just happy to see you doing well again."

"No , I just realized that I have been running away this whole time. I....realized what I wanted to be..

"What you want to be...?"

"I.....want to become .....a hero mom."

"What....." She looked at me with a surprised look which soon turned to panic

"No can't be a hero.."

"Why..... "

"It's took dangerous.....You could get in fights., get injured even get killed ...

if something happened to you what would I do..." Soon tears formed in her eyes..


"No no no....."



"I promise you. Nothing will happen to me..I'll be extra careful.."


"Listen to me mom...this is what I want to do....what I want to be....please...this is the only way...I could ever make dad proud....








"What did you say..."

"I said fine....."


"But....promise me you won't get into any dangerous places.."

"Eeerrmmm maybe...."


"I said of course...." I said frantically....


[ Bedtime ]

"Sigh.....that went well than I expected.....

Even thought I couldn't blame her even if she refused.....

I'll have to start the designimg of suit tomorrow.....

Maybe I should pick up some martial arts also.....or else this body would be going to waste..."

Thinking .... slowly i fell to sleep after sometime.

When I woke up i was in the same white place where it started all.

And in front of me sat the same old god who sent me back to my world

"Looks like you've been through a lot lately." He said with a small smile on his face .

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