Tang Xia had been in low spirits since she saw that scene. She would feel bad as long as she remembered that Li Xianxian walked with Ye Yifan hand in hand while Ye Yifan didn’t refuse.

At the very time, when Tang Xia was in a bad mood, the system reminded her that it was time for her to broadcast the third live show in the broadcast room.

“Though I don’t feel well, I must do what I should do.” Tang Xia thought in her mind.

So Tang Xia logged in her live account listlessly… and entered the broadcast room. She had to start the live show no matter how she felt. Then Tang Xia turned on the camera in low spirits.

This was her third live show. The number of her fans had surged due to what happened recently.

When she logged in and entered her broadcast room, a flock of Fans entered and wait for her live show after hearing the news.

Tang Xia had gained some popularity through the first two live shows, which turned out to be excellent. In the broadcast room, there were some fans who waited here for Tang Xia’s live show day and night.

Tang Xia tried to cheer herself up. The first words she said after entering the broadcasting room was, “Thanks to all the cuties who have been supporting me for so long. Thank you for watching my live show. Thank you.”

“You finally broadcast again, anchor. I’ve been waiting for this for too long.”

“That’s right. Eh? There are so many new faces. It seems you have been more and more popular.”

“Of course. Tang Xia was so honest, frank and lovely. How can she not be popular?”

“I agree with the last poster. The anchor is excellent!”

“Hi, I’m fresh here. I will appreciate your guidance.”

“Take it easy, the last poster. We will do our best to teach you what to do.”

Though the live show hadn’t begun yet, the spectators had been in high spirits before the screen and Fans were exclaiming through the bullet screen.

Tang Xia was muddled when she saw this, staring at the bullet screen and glancing over the comments.

Tang Xia felt it unbelievable to have so many fans in her broadcast room, which were larger in number than any other time. Tang Xia originally thought that she would lose lots of fans after the crisis caused by the video, but the truth was that the number of her fans surged instead.

“So is this the power of sensationalization? No wonder there are so many stars who are fond of it and become the most searched hashtags all the time.”

“So this is the shortcut to bring about the rapid growth of fans. If this could happen to me more times, I would sweep the online world soon.”

“She felt excited when she thought about this. But forget about it, anyway. I don’t want to suffer from that torment for the third time.” Tang Xia thought in her mind.

Then she gazed at the screen blankly for a while and finally came back to her senses.

She said to the camera with gratitude, “Thank you for watching my live show. Thank you so much for taking time out of your busy schedule to visit my broadcast room. Thank you.”

“There are so many things happened recently that I thought I would have lost my fans, or I would be criticized by everyone on the Internet. But…

I never expect that there’re still so many people in favor of me. I welcome you all whether you’re my fans who like me or spectators who come here just for playing ‘Truth Or Dare’. Thank you.”

She paused and then continued, “But I have to shut down the private chatting function lest it would delay the process of my live show. I beg your understanding.”

Then Tang Xia saw a mass of messages on the bullet screen. “That’s ok. Come on, anchor!” “You’re the best anchor.” These words made her delighted. Now she could be seen as a popular anchor.

Before Tang Xia’s live show started, someone had already sent her some presents. Tang Xia felt a little bit familiar with the name and remembered that this was the upstart after looking at the bullet screen.

At the same time, plenty of messages were sent on the bullet screen.

“Catch the upstart!”

“I’m first! Take a photo with me!”

“You are indeed the upstart. I haven’t seen you for a long time.” Tang Xia said, “Thank you for watching my live show, the upstart.”

“You’re welcome, anchor. Just focus on your live show. It’s been a long time since I watched your live show last time. My presents are just a piece of cake.” The upstart replied.

“Does the upstart know the anchor?”

“What if I say that I’m convinced by you instantly, the last poster?”

“Stop speculating, please. We don’t actually know each other and he is just one of my loyal fans.” Tang Xia explained after having a look at the bullet screen.

“I’m the anchor’s loyal fan! I liked her and will never betray her.” The upstart’s abrupt lovely style made people feel unaccustomed since he always acted as cold and elegant in the past.

“Is the last poster a fake upstart? But how could you behave like this within such a short time? Are you a girl?”

“That’s it. The upstart used to be cold and elegant, after all. Did… anyone steal his ID?”

“Stop doing that, attention whores. This is originally what I’m like. My ID wasn’t stolen. I am the upstart. I am.”

“Why do I feel the upright is so lovely now?”

“Don’t be so careless. Let’s play a trick on him. Come on.”

It was almost time. Tang Xia stopped looking at the bullet screen and got herself ready for the live show. Suddenly someone named “Hell Shura” came into her broadcast room when the show was just about to start.

Tang Xia noticed him but didn’t pay much attention. But for some reason, a wave of comments appeared on the bullet screen.

Tang Xia read the comments with curiosity. She didn’t expect that there were so many people who knew him. The ID, “Hell Shura” was just Ye Yifan’s disguise.

Tang Xia was stunned with her mouth opening wide. She didn’t know Ye Yifan had such an ID and she wasn’t sure why Ye Yifan would watch her live show.

But there were more and more comments showing on the screen, as a result of which… the contents became slanting in a strange way. However, there were mentions about Li Xianxian.

And some people even compared Li Xianxian with Tang Xia, while some started taunting Li Xianxian.

“I hate Li Xianxian so much. I’m fed up with her coaxing voice.”

“Me too. I hate her for her mincing manner.”

“And she wanted to couple with Ye Yifan with force. Bitch.”

“Are you talking about Li Xianxian? Forget it, I would say. I’ve already got tired of Li Xianxian, who dared to presumingly spread scandal with Ye Yifan.”

“Yes. Didn’t you see Ye Yifan come to watch Tang Xia’s live show? Anyone would understand there is something fishy behind this.”

“I’m in favor of Tang Xia and agree with you.”

“Yes. Tang Xia and Ye Yifan will be well matched seeing from their looks.”

“What should I do? I seem to have read a romantic novel of hundreds of thousands of words. My nose is about to bleed and I’m going to be out of control of myself.”

“Hang on, the later poster. There is still a long way to go before you pass away.”

“I’m in favor of the couple and I love them forever.”

Tang Xia looked at the bullet screen in silence and blushed to her ears suddenly. Even the upper part of her neck seemed to be red.

She checked the private letters to see if Ye Yifan had told her in advance that he would watch her live show.

But she found nothing about Ye Yifan’s private message after glancing over for many times, while Ye Yifan kept silent on the bullet screen.

Spectators started to urge Tang Xia to start the live show, who had postponed for a long time.

“Are you making up, anchor?”

“Are you still here, anchor? Or did you go to the toilet?”

“Come on, anchor. Start the show now. Be quick.”

Of course, Tang Xia noticed these messages that urged her to start the show quickly. She shut down the private chatting function and started her live show under the urge of the spectators.

The live show for this time, in which, as usual, they began selecting stories, and the story “Born To Be King” was selected by the system.

Tang Xia had just glanced at the title when white light flashed before her eyes. The live show had started!

Tang Xia squinted dazedly, and then opened her eyes and woke up.

But she was surprised when she woke up and heard someone screaming close to her ears.

“You slacker. Get up to work. You know nothing except sleeping. Get up right now.” Tang Xia was dazzled and looked around, only to find an old lady who pointed and shouted at her.

Tang Xia sobered up suddenly and started searching the background of the story. The old lady who pointed at her nose and shouted at her was her mother-in-law in this story.

“Is this the so-called “evil mother-in-law? I finally see.” Tang Xia thought in her mind.

Seeing Tang Xia stare at somewhere in a trance without any response, the old lady became even angrier.

“You want to take a beating? I’ll punish you for not answering me.” The old lady, who had birdeyes, looked viperous and frightening. She was now glaring at Tang Xia ferociously.

“You’re a hen that never lay eggs. Get up to work now, or get lost as soon as possible!”

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