Hearing the curses from behind the door, Tang Xia felt quite awkward. Although she did not know what Chu Tiankuo was thinking, she wanted to bury herself as her face blushed with embarrassment.

“You can put me down now.” Although Tang Xia spoke in such a low voice, Chu Tiankuo heard her words clearly and furrowed his eyebrows. As he was thinking that she was a married woman, which made it rather inappropriate to hold her in his arms, Chu Tiankuo put her down.

While Tang Xia wore that embarrassed look, her mother-in-law opened the door and walked out.

Her mother-in-law, who kept on cursing her, had a rather terrible and impatient expression the moment she saw Tang Xia at the door. Then she froze for a while and became terrified when she saw the man standing beside Tang Xia.

“How dare you, Tang Xia! I regarded you as a troubled woman as you possessed such an enchanting face! Are you displaying your strength by bringing the man home that you hooked up with?”

While Tang Xia’s mother-in-law scolded her, she looked Chu Tiankuo up and down. Although she knew little about name-brand clothes, she could tell that his clothes were definitely pricey.

Then she wondered how Tang Xia could hook up with such an excellent man and how they could look somewhat great together. Then her expression became more terrible.

She was thinking that Tang Xia had flagrantly embarrassed Jiang Yuecheng by bringing her paramour home.

After hearing what her mother-in-law had said, Tang Xia’s expression became quite ugly while she tried to control her temper because Chu Tiankuo stood beside her, making her incapable of offending her mother-in-law openly and talking about home affairs.

“Mom, I sprained my ankle and happened to meet Mr. Chu who offered to take me home. It’s not what you think.”

When her mother-in-law saw Tang Xia struggling to explain, she became angrier as she thought that Tang Xia kept on explaining because of guilt.

“What? Why would you act so guilty unless you were caught? Tang Xia, I’m telling you, you are still my daughter-in-law! How shameless you are to hook up with another guy when you haven’t gotten a divorce!”

As Tang Xia noticed that her mother-in-law kept on talking, she looked at Chu Tiankuo apologetically and found that Chu Tiankuo also wore an awkward look on his face.

He never dealt with ordinary women, so he did not what to do when he met such a rude and unreasonable woman for the first time. All he could do was just stand beside Tang Xia, looking at her.

Although it was quite a normal scene, her mother-in-law regarded it as flirting between Tang Xia and Chu Tiankuo.

Jiang Yuecheng, who was in the room, heard the wrangling and walked out with his eyebrows knitted. “What are you quarreling about so late?”

He walked out with a quite impatient look and froze when he saw Chu Tiankuo, who was standing aside.

As her mother-in-law saw Jiang Yuecheng come out, she felt more emboldened. So she pulled Jiang Yuecheng close to her and started to swear while pointing at Tang Xia.

“Yuecheng, she, a coquette, dares to bring her lover here although we are still at home!

“Imagine what shameless things they would do if we were not at home or they were in a place that nobody could see!”

Her mother-in-law kept on swearing while looking at Tang Xia with a proud expression. She had not liked Tang Xia when she met her for the first time because a girl would not be obedient with such a beautiful face.

“As expected, Tang Xia would have fooled Jiang Yuecheng if I did not open the door on them.

“Jiang Yuecheng has always been a simple and honest man, so he would believe whatever the coquette says. Luckily, she shows the cloven hoof today. I wonder how Tang Xia will explain what has happened today.”

However, Jiang Yuecheng was just standing aside without saying anything while his mother thought that her son could not accept all of this and had become too angry to speak. So she began to swear to her heart’s content in the hopes of venting her son’s anger.

“You two, explain to me why you are still together so late!

“Going off of how you know each other, tell me how you’ve met him after you just sprained your ankle. What a coincidence! Make a better excuse next time! How shameless you are!”

Tang Xia’s mother-in-law scolded her endlessly while she did not know what to do with Chu Tiankuo in front of her.

Jiang Yuecheng was quite shocked when he saw Chu Tiankuo and wondered why his boss would appear with Tang Xia this late.

After hearing his mother’s words, Jiang Yuecheng figured out what had happened. The first thing he did after he came to his senses was immediately stop his mother from swearing. Then he looked at Chu Tiankuo apologetically or even alarmedly.

Before Jiang Yuecheng’s mother could understand what was going on, her son said gingerly, “Boss, why are you here?”

After Jiang Yuecheng’s mother heard what her son had said, her proud expression turned terrified. “Isn’t this man Tang Xia’s lover? How can he be my son’s boss?”

Although Chu Tiankuo did not think too much of it, he felt it hilarious when he saw the changes in the expressions of Jiang Yuecheng and his mother. Then he took a look at Tang Xia and nodded his head.

“Tang Xia sprained her ankle and injured her bone. She cannot walk by herself so I took her home.”

Looking at Jiang Yuecheng’s mother, who wore a ferocious look, there was a glint of gloominess in Chu Tiankuo’s eyes. He explained for Tang Xia especially in order to prevent Jiang Yuecheng from misunderstanding her.

As he finished his sentence, he took a meaningful glance at Jiang Yuecheng’s mother. “I’m impressed by your mother’s imagination and eloquence.”

Having heard what Chu Tiankuo had said, Jiang Yuecheng’s heart trembled because his mother had severely scolded Chu Tiankuo. He was afraid that Chu Tiankuo would be irritated by his mother and fire him, which would make his losses outweigh his gains.

But Chu Tiankuo just played it down and did not criticize his mother further. “Tang Xia is in poor health, you’d better take good care of her.”

Then Chu Tiankuo got close to Tang Xia and tapped on her shoulder. “Take good care of yourself.” Then he said to her in a voice that could only be heard by the two of them, “You cannot escape from me, my little girl.”

“Take care, Manager Chu.” After Chu Tiankuo left, Jiang Yuecheng let out a long sigh of relief and pulled Tang Xia into the house immediately.

“What’s going on between you and Manager Chu? I didn’t ask you about it as it seemed that you and he were quite intimate in the company. Why didn’t you talk about it with me?

“You are on such good terms with him that he is willing to take you home and even to the door?”

When she just got home, Jiang Yuecheng did not care about how severe her injury was and just asked her about Chu Tiankuo, which made Tang Xia feel that it was ridiculous.

As a scornful smile played on her lips, Tang Xia said, “What? You are worried if I cheated on you like you have cheated on me so many times?”

Actually, Tang Xia did not intend to fall out with Jiang Yuecheng.

But Jiang Yuecheng’s mother kept on humiliating her when Chu Tiankuo was around. What’s more, Jiang Yuecheng did not have any concern for her at all, he just suspected that she had cheated on him and his words were quite hurtful.

Jiang Yuecheng’s mother, who had been silent, walked toward them and said, “Is this your manner of talking with Yuecheng? How can you talk to your husband like that as a wife?

“Besides, I think that you probably do have illicit sexual relations with Manager Chu! Otherwise, why would he take you home this late? Who do you think you are?”

As Jiang Yuecheng’s mother’s words became more and more coarse, Tang Xia regarded her as unreasonable. When Chu Tiankuo was around, they were quite cowardly. But when it was only Tang Xia, they became so bold, which made Tang Xia feel that it was rather absurd.

“The relationship between me and Chu Tiankuo is much more innocent than you think. You regard everything as dirty because your souls are horribly besmirched.”

After Tang Xia finished her sentences, she did not want to badger with them anymore and was about to go back to her room. But Jiang Yuecheng would not let her leave so easily and took hold of her arm.

“Regardless of how you know each other, tell me if anything has happened between you two.” Jiang Yuecheng donned the pose of someone teaching a lesson, which made Tang Xia quite angry.

After she shook off Jiang Yuecheng’s arm, Tang Xia said, “Even if something has happened between us, what does that have to do with you? Don’t you know that your wife is waiting for you at home when you hook up with other girls?

“Jiang Yuecheng, what you have done is much more filthy than me, how dare you to teach me a lesson?”

After hearing Tang Xia’s words, Jiang Yuecheng’s mother said, “What? Can’t your husband teach you a lesson? You can go if you don’t want to listen to his lesson! Do you think Yuecheng truly likes you? How unlucky he is to marry a coquette! What bad luck!”

Although his mother slandered her, Jiang Yuecheng just stood there without saying anything, which made Tang Xia quite bitterly disappointed. So she felt wronged and said rashly, “I am leaving now! Do you think that I’m willing to stay in your house?”

Then she went back to her room, took out the luggage from the corner, and packed her things up.

After taking a glance at Tang Xia’s back, Jiang Yuecheng intended to leave her alone. However, on second thought, he was afraid that she would speak ill of him so that he would lose his job. So he hurried to her bedroom and saw her packing up.

“Are you leaving? Where are you going? Will you seek refuge with Manager Chu?”

“Hmph, hurry up and leave if you want to go. You can’t take anything with you as it all belongs to us!” Jiang Yuecheng’s mother walked in and threw Tang Xia’s luggage on the ground with a proud expression.

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