Teleportations — I Wanna Be An Online Celebrity

Chapter 151 - Was She Sick Deliberately? When Jiang Yuecheng heard it was a man

When Jiang Yuecheng heard it was a man who had answered the phone, he looked at his cellphone in confusion to check if he had dialed the wrong number.

“It is Tang Xia’s number!” As Jiang Yuecheng could not tell that it was Chu Tiankuo’s voice, he thought that Tang Xia had cheated on him.

Before he could think carefully, he shouted over the phone at Chu Tiankuo, “Who are you? You are Tang Xia’s lover, right?

“How dare she to cheat on me! How can you answer the phone for her? Where is she? Make her answer my phone call! Is she tired of living?”

After hearing Jiang Yuecheng slander Tang Xia presumptuously in front of him, Chu Tiankuo donned a terrible look right away and talked back immodestly.

He said in a cold voice, “Her lover? Cheating on you? Jiang Yuecheng, why are your words so terrible? As a well-educated man, can’t you watch your language? How shameless you are!”

“Well-educated? Hmph!” Jiang Yuecheng said coldly, “Why should I behave like a well-educated man or talk elegantly in front you cheaters?

“Besides, did Tang Xia tell you my name? Haha! You don’t deserve to say my name out loud!”

“If I didn’t need to attend to her while she sleeps, I would give you a good beating! How can you cast beyond the moon without any evidence?

“Can’t you take a careful look at yourself in the mirror? How can you swear like a trooper before you’ve made certain of the facts? How dare you!”

As Jiang Yuecheng heard that Tang Xia was asleep, he thought that they had had sex and started to swear more angrily.

“Do you… you two…? Do you feel good having sex with her? Or do you like items that have been used by others? You low-level cheaters!”

“Do you know who I am? I’m warning you that you should watch your tongue!”

“I don’t care who you are! You are not a good guy anyway!”

“If you keep on talking like this, I will…” Chu Tiankuo said quite angrily.

But before he could finish his sentence, Tang Xia took hold of his hand and spoke to him somewhat feebly. “Don’t argue, please don’t.”

Tang Xia held Chu Tiankuo’s hand with a rather weak look as if she had no strength to do anything while her cheeks were as red as a lobster. Furthermore, her lips were pale and parched, which made her completely appear like a frail girl.

While he held still at the moment, Chu Tiankuo stared at Tang Xia lying in bed and thought of an idea. Then he said to Jiang Yuecheng on the phone, “Jiang Yuecheng, I’m Chu Tiankuo!

“Tang Xia is at my house now. She has a high fever because she was caught in the rain. Come and pick her up!” Then Chu Tiankuo hung up the phone irritably.

Then he stared at Tang Xia and put his hand on her forehead, finding that it was still a little bit hot. So he folded a wet towel and put it on her forehead in the hopes that it could play a role to cool her.

Furthermore, Chu Tiankuo had the towel changed for Tang Xia from time to time while looking at her worriedly. In the meantime, he became more unsatisfied with Jiang Yuecheng.

As Jiang Yuecheng looked at the phone that he just hung up, his face became somewhat serious.

“Why couldn’t I tell that it was Chu Tiankuo’s voice just now? He is my immediate superior! Will he embarrass me on purpose in the company?”

It had to be admitted that Jiang Yuecheng was indeed a freak who only cared about his own future in this situation.

Then, Jiang Yuecheng wondered when Tang Xia and Chu Tiankuo had met each other and what relationship they could have that resulted in the sick Tang Xia being in Chu Tiankuo’s house.

Then he recalled that Chu Tiankuo had helped Tang Xia several times, which made him more confused.

“It seems that they are quite familiar as if they have known each other for a long time. But as a good-for-nothing woman, when did Tang Xia meet Chu Tiankuo?”

Jiang Yuecheng contemplated quietly in his mind.

But what he needed to do at the moment was pick up the sick Tang Xia from Chu Tiankuo’s house.

“Why does she run about while her ankle injury is still recovering? Now, she has a fever! What a troublemaker!” Jiang Yuecheng complained in a low voice.

“It is still drizzling outside, but I need to go out to pick her up!” Jiang Yuecheng had a rather impatient look.

Then he changed his clothes, went downstairs, and hastened to get into a taxi to go to Chu Tiankuo’s house. After all, knowing his boss’s address was a piece of cake for Jiang Yuecheng.

When Jiang Yuecheng got to Chu Tiankuo’s house, the first thing he did was knock on the door. After a while, Chu Tiankuo heard the sound and opened the door for him.

At the sight of Chu Tiankuo, Jiang Yuecheng put on a flattering smile right away and said, “Manager Chu, I’m so sorry that I misunderstood you just now! I believe that you are generous enough to forgive me, right?”

After he finished the sentence, he gave the presents he bought just now to Chu Tiankuo with a flattering smile.

Although Jiang Yuecheng had arrived there quickly, his smile was so disgusting in Chu Tiankuo’s view. Besides, he had done this just to make an apology without having any concern for Tang Xia.

So Chu Tiankuo was a little irritated as he said, “You got here quite fast. Come in. Tang Xia has a high fever. You’d better take her to the doctor.”

Then he turned into his house without accepting Jiang Yuecheng’s presents. “What a joke! I hold in contempt those presents he bought from the supermarket!”

Noticing that Chu Tiankuo did not accept his presents, Jiang Yuecheng felt there was nothing embarrassing about it and followed behind him closely.

Jiang Yuecheng tried to talk to Chu Tiankuo so that he could improve his previous bad impression of shouting at Chu Tiankuo without making certain of the facts.

But Chu Tiankuo turned his back on him without saying anything.

After soliloquizing for a long time, Chu Tiankuo still ignored him, which made Jiang Yuecheng embarrassed and uncomfortable.

However, in his view, all this was Tang Xia’s fault. Jiang Yuecheng thought that he would not have been misunderstood by Chu Tiankuo if Tang Xia had not run around and gotten sick, which resulted in Chu Tiankuo answering his phone call to her.

When they went into the room, Jiang Yuecheng saw Tang Xia lying in bed in a daze with a red face due to her high fever.

Jiang Yuecheng got close and patted her on the face so that Tang Xia would wake up. Then he said, “We need to go home now. Don’t bother Manager Chu anymore. Hurry up, let’s go home.”

Jiang Yuecheng wanted to wake Tang Xia up so that she could follow him home. “Or should I take her home in my arms? What wishful thinking!”

But it never occurred to Jiang Yuecheng that Tang Xia had such a high fever that she would start to mumble in a daze.

“No, I don’t want to go home. I’m afraid that my mother-in-law will give me a good beating. They treat me so badly! I stayed out so late and got sick, so my mother-in-law and Jiang Yuecheng will definitely scold me. I’m terrified. I dare not to go back home.”

After hearing Tang Xia’s words, Jiang Yuecheng looked awkward and stared quietly at Chu Tiankuo standing at the side.

Chu Tiankuo was in a bad mood because of her words and started to worry about Tang Xia with a sulky expression.

Then he questioned Jiang Yuecheng looking sullen. “Is this how you treat Tang Xia? I suppose you don’t have a decent family!

“That’s enough! You don’t need to take her home. I’ll attend to her at my house until she is well.”

“Well… You… Umm… Maybe it is not appropriate,” Jiang Yuecheng said.

“There will only be the two of you in this house. Besides, you are single and Tang Xia is in a daze due to high fever. I’ll be worried if she was here alone.”

Although Chu Tiankuo knew his words had been brusque and inappropriate in his mind, he felt quite worried at the sight of the weak Tang Xia, who was lying in bed with a red face.

Then he took a look at Jiang Yuecheng and said, “There is nothing inappropriate about it. Tang Xia is my good friend. I need to help her as she’s become ill now. You can go home now. Tang Xia can stay at my house for several days until she is well.”

Chu Tiankuo insisted that Tang Xia should stay at his house, which caused an uproar among the spectators in the broadcast room.

Then a great number of messages were sent out at a high speed on the bullet screen.

“The anchor is so scheming! I suppose that she did it on purpose so that she can stay at Chu Tiankuo’s house!”

“I don’t know what to say. There is no wonder that she did so. I will definitely choose the better one if a bad man and a good man are in front of me.”

“Did the anchor get sick on purpose so she called Chu Tiankuo and stayed at his house? What a scheming woman!”

“No, I believe in the anchor! She would never do that! Are you her anti-fan, so you slander her? There is no doubt that I will love the adorable Tang Xia forever!”

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