Teleportations — I Wanna Be An Online Celebrity

Chapter 161 - Chu Tiankuo Disappeared

Chapter 161 Chu Tiankuo Disappeared

As Jiang Yuecheng was quite irritated by Zhou Linlin’s words, it took a long time for him to calm down and take the USB stick from Tang Xia. Then he inserted it into the computer and clicked on the only video on it.

Once he played the video, ambiguous breathing and groans reverberated around the living room.

While he kept his eyes wide open, Jiang Yuecheng stared at the two people having sex on the screen.

Tang Xia standing aside had a panoramic view of his reaction, which made her quite complacent. But she was a little worried about Jiang Yuecheng, who glared at the screen so hard that his eyes might fall from his eye sockets the next second.

When Tang Xia had let her mind wander, she heard a loud “bang” sound, which startled her. Then she found that it was Jiang Yuecheng, who shut down his laptop with a slam.

Jiang Yuecheng used to treat his laptop with so much care that he would not let her touch it. But he just shut it down so rudely, showing that he was quite irritated.

Jiang Yuecheng turned to Tang Xia and ground his teeth to ask, “Did that b*tch really show you this?”

Poor Tang Xia, who just got startled, was shocked again by the blue and twisted face of Jiang Yuecheng in front of her.

Resisting the urge of rolling her eyes and patting her chest, she pretended to run scared and said in a low voice, “Right… my younger female cousin is so outrageous…”

“Your younger female cousin?” Jiang Yuecheng wore a sneer with hatred in his eyes and said in a harsh voice, “She is just a b*tch who only cares about men! Don’t you have too much to do with her!”

Tang Xia stood there with embarrassment as if she did not what to do. In fact, she was so happy that fireworks were going off all in her mind.

“It seems that Jiang Yuecheng is starting to hate Zhou Linlin thoroughly. That’s right. After all, Zhou Linlin has cheated on him, how could he not hate her?” Tang Xia mocked Jiang Yuecheng in her mind while she felt pleased since her task was about to be completed.

“But if I want to complete my task as soon as possible, it is a great opportunity for me to win the heart of Jiang Yuecheng, the bad boy.”

Tang Xia dragged Jiang Yuecheng’s sleeve slightly and said with an affectation of love, “Yuecheng, don’t get angry. It is not worthwhile doing so for her. Besides, I’m still here with you.”

On hearing her words, Jiang Yuecheng who wore a terrible face looked her in the eye suddenly since he was so sensitive and incisive at the moment after being betrayed by his sweet lover. He did not forget what had happened between Tang Xia and his boss.

Although his stare made her blood freeze, she knew that whether she was to sink or swim depended on this action.

So she held Jiang Yuecheng’s hands lovingly and spoke to him. “Yuecheng, you know that I’m not eloquent enough to speak sugared words. But the only thing you need to keep in mind is that I love you.”

Jiang Yuecheng was so moved by her sincerity; his face was not as blue and twisted as it just was.

As Tang Xia noticed that he was moved, she made hay while the sun shined. So while looking at Jiang Yuecheng with an aggrieved face, she said, “Yuecheng, don’t you believe me…”

Jiang Yuecheng was so moved by her aggrieved face that he held her in his arms immediately and said, “No, I believe you.”

Resisting the urge of pushing him away, Tang Xia managed to squeeze out a tear or two from her eye sockets and said through tears, “I’m so happy.”

Jiang Yuecheng felt more moved, “Compared to that b*tch Zhou Linlin, who only hooks up with other guys and uses my money, Tang Xia is a gift from God.”

However, he did not know all this was just a task for Tang Xia.

At this moment, Tang Xia’s cellphone on the table rang.

Although Jiang Yuecheng was quite unsatisfied with being disturbed, Tang Xia pleased him so much that he would not prevent her from answering the phone.

When Tang Xia grabbed the phone, she was a little hesitant because it was a call from Chu Tiankuo. But it just took a while for her to hesitate before answering the phone.

Once she picked up the phone, Chu Tiankuo asked directly, “Tang Xia, is it because of you that Zhou Linlin resigned?”

Tang Xia froze for a while as Chu Tiankuo, who used to call her by exceedingly strange names, hardly called her by her name so seriously. She felt a little puzzled. “He is not supposed to be so concerned about Zhou Linlin since she is just a small potato in my task.”

Suddenly, Tang Xia felt a subtle feeling—in short, Chu Tiankuo making a phone call to her because of a small potato, Zhou Linlin, made her quite uncomfortable.

When Chu Tiankuo did not hear her answer over the phone, he repeated his question.

Tang Xia felt wronged and answered rashly, “Yep.”

Not noticing that she was in a bad mood, Chu Tiankuo just said, “Do you have time? We need to meet.”

Although Tang Xia regarded it as inconceivable, she knew that it would ruin her plan if Jiang Yuecheng heard Zhou Linlin’s name. So she tried to say in a calm voice, “Just about her?”

Chu Tiankuo replied in an indifferent voice, “Right. “I’ll wait for you in the cafe near your house at 3:30 tomorrow afternoon. See you tomorrow.”

Before she could reply, he hung up the phone.

Hearing the busy tone from the phone, Tang Xia felt a little dispirited.

As Jiang Yuecheng noticed her reaction, he came to ask, “What’s wrong? Who called you and made you unhappy?”

Tang Xia put on a forced smile and lied to him. “We have a small party with my schoolmates tomorrow afternoon. But I need to buy some food for dinner…”

Jiang Yuecheng frowned and said, “It is just cooking. Mom can do it, too. Go to the party if you want to.”

Tang Xia froze for a while. “Is this the life that Zhou Linlin used to enjoy?”

As she thought so, she smiled and said, “You are so kind to me, sweetheart!”

Jiang Yuecheng felt quite satisfied with her words.

The next day, Tang Xia arrived at the cafe early. Unexpectedly, Chu Tiankuo was already sitting there waiting for her.

After she sat in front of him, she ordered a glass of hot milk when asked what she wanted.

Undoubtedly, her behavior was ridiculed by Chu Tiankuo. After looking her up and down, Chu Tiankuo said, “The dress you’re wearing today is like a nightgown. What’s more, you just ordered a glass of hot milk. Do you need the waiter to offer you a pillow?”

Tang Xia looked down at her floral skirt and darted an angry look at him. “He is still so sharp-tongued!”

Chu Tiankuo looked at the pretty woman in front of him with a smile and thought, “We are destined to be together.

“I have witnessed her in an embarrassing condition several times. Although I regard her cry as ugly, I cannot help giving her a hand every time she is in trouble. I am not sure how I feel about her now.”

But Chu Tiankuo was quite aware of one thing—he did not like it when Tang Xia could determine another’s fate easily in order to complete her task, which made him imagine that he would be like a marionette if that thing were to happen to him. It was hard for the arrogant Chu Tiankuo to accept such a thing.

At this moment, the waiter arrived with a glass of hot milk for Tang Xia. She smiled at the waiter and started to stir the milk with a spoon.

As Chu Tiankuo was just thinking about Tang Xia easily determining another’s fate, he felt quite uncomfortable to see her acting rather leisurely. So he could not help asking her, “Do you feel quite complacent now?”

Before she could tell him that the milk of this cafe tasted good, Tang Xia found that he had a terrible look on his face. So she stopped stirring the milk and asked, “What do you want to say?”

Chu Tiankuo asked in a quite direct way, “I’m asking you how you feel after you forced Zhou Linlin to leave this city.”

It was not until this moment that Tang Xia realized Chu Tiankuo was satirizing her, which made her feel aggrieved. Tang Xia did not think that she had done the wrong thing as Zhou Linlin needed a lesson whether she belonged to the world or not.

Besides, she felt quite humiliated when Zhou Linlin and Jiang Yuecheng mocked her together.

Thinking about all this, Tang Xia looked Chu Tiankuo in the eye and said, “She deserves it!”

It never occurred to Chu Tiankuo that she would give him such an answer, which made him put on an angry face immediately.

Then he thought, “So does she regard me as a small potato in her task as well?”

It was hard for him to accept the result.

Although Tang Xia had noticed that Chu Tiankuo wore an angry face, she did not feel like talking to him as he had satirized her. She thought that Chu Tiankuo would break the ice soon. However, he did not.

So she started to stir the milk again to vent her anger and the sound of the spoon hitting against the glass was quite ear-piercing.

At this moment, Chu Tiankuo said, “So you think that it is not important whether she is Zhou Linlin or Zhao Linlin as it is just a task for you, right?”

After hearing his words, she stopped stirring the milk. As she did not know why Chu Tiankuo asked this question, she had no idea what she should say in response for a moment.

But Chu Tiankuo regarded her silence as acquiescence. So he stood up disappointedly and asked, “So do you regard me just as dispensable as Zhou Linlin, who you forced to leave the city?”

Tang Xia kept her mouth wide open due to her astonishment of his words. But before she could answer, Chu Tiankuo turned away.

An inexplicable confusion descended on her mind. She felt quite annoyed for not answering his question quickly and then ran after him. But she was stopped by the waiter after a few steps.

She took a hundred dollar bill out of her wallet and ran out hastily before getting the change.

After looking around in confusion, Tang Xia did not find Chu Tiankuo. So she took out her cellphone with a trembling hand to make a call to Chu Tiankuo. However, what she got was just a female voice indicating that the subscriber she dialed was not in service.

Tang Xia became more and more flustered and took a taxi hastily to Chu Tiankuo’s company.

She thought the best way to find the workaholic Chu Tiankuo would be in his company.

She approached the front desk and asked the receptionist, “Hello, I need to meet your boss, Mr. Chu Tiankuo. Please let him know that.”

But that receptionist gave her a subtle look. “You must be looking in the wrong place. Our boss’s last name is not Chu.”

As she had noticed that Tang Xia wore a terrible face, the receptionist thought that she did not believe her. So she pointed at the large billboard-poster aside and said, “Look, the man on that is our boss. He is not the Mr. Chu you are talking about, right?”

Tang Xia looked at the billboard-poster and found that it really was not Chu Tiankuo.

She became so flustered that her mind went blank.

So, did Chu Tiankuo disappear?

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