Teleportations — I Wanna Be An Online Celebrity

Chapter 173 - Prince Charming Appears

After being woken up, Song Sisi felt a bit dizzy. So it took a while for her to figure out what Tang Xia had said.

Although Tang Xia’s face became pale with fear, Song Sisi thought that she was just acting.

After all, they hated each other. Besides, they had a big fight the night before.

So she rolled her eyes at Tang Xia and satirized her in a cold tone, “Tang Xia, you are so childish! Do you think that I will be frightened by your little game? You are such a drama queen that you act like this so early in the morning.”

Tang Xia was scared out of her wits and did not expect that Song Sisi would not believe her in this situation and think that she was just acting.

So her eyes turned red with anger. Then she glared at Song Sisi. “Don’t regard everyone as being as childish as you are! I would never make fun of a dead person! Besides, I wouldn’t do such a boring thing so early in the morning!”

Song Sisi still wore the sneer. “Save it!”

“Song Sisi, if you don’t believe me, you can see if I’m lying or not by trying to wake her up yourself!”

After being yelled at by Tang Xia, Song Sisi became less skeptical and took a puzzled look at Zhang Yaoyao, who was lying in bed.

As she and Tang Xia had been arguing in such loud voices, it was quite strange for Zhang Yaoyao to still be lying in bed quietly.

“I’ll wake her up!” Song Sisi snorted and bounced out of bed. Then she rushed over to Zhang Yaoyao and gave her a push. “Zhang Yaoyao, wake up! Stop acting like this! We’ve seen through you. Your game is so boring.”

But Zhang Yaoyao did not make any response after being pushed by Song Sisi several times.

So she patted Zhang Yaoyao on her face, finding that her face was cold and stiff.

At this moment, Song Sisi’s face clouded over while she kept her eyes wide open and her voice stopped abruptly.

And Song Sisi found that the more carefully she looked at Zhang Yaoyao, the odder her face would look.

Song Sisi felt that something was wrong as well, so her voice began trembling. “It… it can’t be true! Is… is she truly dead?”

“She did not wake up after I called her name so many times. Besides, when I touched her forehead just now, it was completely cold…” Tang Xia could not finish her sentences anymore.

It was until this moment did Song Sisi become frightened. So she stayed away from the bed immediately.

Then she ran out of the room even though she had not yet properly dressed, and shouted in alarm, “Something bad has happened! Fang Xu—Dabing—Anyone! Someone died… someone died…”

Her scared voice broke the serenity of the early morning as her harsh voice echoed in the whole villa so that people still sleeping were woken up.

After a while, the housekeeper was the first one who heard the scream and ran toward her.

While Tang Xia stood blankly in front of Zhang Yaoyao, the housekeeper sighed with grief. “I knew it… I knew it… Something bad has happened as expected. You should not stay! You shouldn’t!”

When the housekeeper murmured sadly, others came hastily as well.

The moment they saw Zhang Yaoyao, everyone was quite shocked and looked at each other in speechless despair, not knowing what they should do.

The house full of people was rather quiet for a while.

After a long time, Dabing broke the silence.

“Zhang Yaoyao… how did she die?” he swallowed and asked Tang Xia and Song Sisi.

As he said so, the faces of Tang Xia and Song Sisi both turned pale.

“Dabing, what do you mean by saying so? How could I know how she died? Tang Xia found her dead before I woke up. I am already rather frightened, how can you ask me like this?”

Song Sisi felt wronged immediately. But she did not forget to blame Tang Xia.

Tang Xia felt that everyone was looking at her right away. So she frowned and said, “Although it was I who found Zhang Yaoyao dead, we were all sleeping in this room. If she does not know how Yaoyao died, how could I know?”

Tang Xia involved Song Sisi into this matter tactfully with only one sentence. As expected, everyone withdrew their searching gazes.

At last, Dabing proposed, “Now that someone is dead, we should call the police.”

Hearing his words, all the people regarded it as the best choice and agreed with him.

Dabing took out his cellphone and called 911. But when he put his cellphone to his ear, he asked in wonder, “What is going on? Is there any problem with my cellphone? Why does it have no signal?”

“What? Your cellphone has no signal?” As Fang Xu said this, he took out his cellphone immediately. The moment he checked his own cellphone, he put on a terrible look. “F*ck! My cellphone also has no signal.”

Hearing his words, all the people took out their phones as well.

However, everyone put on a terrible face.

“What is going on? Why is there no signal here? What… what should we do with Zhang Yaoyao? I don’t want to stay with a dead person. It… it is too scary,” Song Sisi said with a frightened face.

Fang Yan stood beside her right away and comforted her in a soft voice, “Sisi, don’t worry. You can stay in our room if you are so terrified!”

“I’ll stay where you are. I don’t want to be alone.” Song Sisi shook her head immediately.

Fang Yan agreed hurriedly. “Ok, I’ll be with you. I won’t let you be alone.”

Looking at those two who flirted with each other and ignored everyone else, Tang Xia became quite speechless.

It never occurred to Tang Xia that they could be so shameless under this circumstance, which made her put on a terrible face immediately.

While Fang Yan considered himself lucky since he grasped the precious opportunity, he felt embarrassed at the sight of Tang Xia’s terrible face.

Maybe he was afraid that Tang Xia would make a scene in front of these people, so Fang Yan waved to her and asked, “Tang Xia, you must be quite terrified. Do you want to stand with us?”

Looking at Fang Yan and Song Sisi standing together, Tang Xia held back her disdain and said in a calm voice, “That’s ok. Since our cellphones do not have a signal, we’d better work out a solution together. After all, we have no experience in solving such problems.”

Dabin pondered for a while and asked the housekeeper, “Mr. housekeeper, is there a fixed-line phone?”

“Alas, there was one. But it has remained vacant for so many years that it is out of use,” the housekeeper said.

Dabing, who was a bit disappointed, had no choice but to ask, “Is there anybody else around who can help? There must be a fixed-line phone in their houses!”

However, the housekeeper said perplexedly, “But the nearest village is a little far from us. It will take us half an hour but we can walk quite quickly!”

“That will be all right as long as we can get in touch with the police.” Dabing took a glance at everyone and volunteered to say, “You guys just stay here. I’ll hurry back!”

“How about I go with you? We can help each other if something bad happens on the way,” Fang Xu proposed.

But Dabing shook his head and said, “It will be all right since it is not too far. You’d better stay here. Those two girls must be quite terrified as someone is dead. They will feel safer if you are here with them.”

Hearing his words, Fang Xu agreed and said, “Ok, take care of yourself.”

Dabing replied “Okay,” and stepped out of the villa.

Nobody wanted to stay indoors anymore as someone was dead. So everyone followed Dabing to go out.

The moment Dabing was about to open the door, he heard a sudden knock on the door.

This loud and fierce knock on the door assailed the quiet and stifling villa, which startled everyone.

Song Sisi was so scared that she almost cried out. Then she jumped on Fang Yan and put her arms around his waist tightly.

“Fang Yan, who… who do you think is knocking on the door? Can… can it be Zhang Yaoyao’s ghost? I’m so scared!” She could not say a complete sentence while her body trembled.

Fang Yan was not terrified at first. But he put on a scared face because of her words after Song Sisi jumped on him.

He just stared at the door with his wide-open eyes without saying a single word for a long time. All he could do was hold Song Sisi in his arms subconsciously without any bad thoughts.

Tang Xia was startled by Song Sisi’s words as well and just stood there stiffly.

When everyone did not know what to do, Dabing took a few steps forward with his quivering legs and said, “Don’t… don’t scare yourself. I… I’ll open the door to check it out.”

Hearing his words, everyone took a few steps backward subconsciously.

Their actions easily hurt Dabing’s confidence, which he had built up with difficulty.

But there was the knock on the door again, which seemed to sound more pressing.

Dabing gritted his teeth and summoned up his courage to go forward.

He finally opened the door, making everyone stare at the door with rapt attention.

The moment the door was wide open, a backlit man appeared in Tang Xia’s vision.

Tang Xia squinted her eyes so that she could see him clearly. Then Dabing shouted surprisingly, “Ye Yifan, you are finally here.”

On hearing the name, Tang Xia’s heart jolted suddenly.

She took a few steps forward subconsciously and found that his profile became clearer and clearer…

It was not until his elegant and charming face completely appeared in her eyes that she found out that this “Ye Yifan” was surprisingly the “Ye Yifan” she had wished to see.

This scene made her so surprised that she had no idea how to react.

At this moment, Song Sisi ran away from Fang Yan and rushed toward Ye Yifan. Then she acted coquettishly, “My Prince Charming, you are finally here. I am so scared!”

Ye Yifan just put on a smile and greeted them one by one.

Tang Xia choked back her excitement and nodded at him with a smile.

However, Dabing found that Ye Yifan was dripping wet.

After he took a look outside, he put a terrible look on his face and said, “What should we do now? It is raining. I’m afraid that we cannot go down the mountain.”

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