The sharp scream from the girls haunted the silent darkness, echoing in the empty hall. “Bang!” Tang Xia’s phone fell to the ground.

The light beam tossed around in the darkness and was cast on the portrait of the old castle on the glacial wall. It was a pretty maiden, who sat in the seat elegantly, with a wisp of a smile on her face. Her gaze fell on Tang Xia like a visual substance.

The light went out after a blinding flash, but the horrified feeling left them in fear, making them unable to calm down for a long time.

Their breath sounded much heavier in the darkness. The turmoil continued…

“Ah! Get off! Get off! Leave me alone!”

High-heeled shoes were beating the ground chaotically, making a ringing sound. Song Sisi’s sharp voice quavered, bringing about a kind of penetrating fear. She was crying loudly, without the temperament of a lady at all.

“What happened? What happened? Is someone taking you?” Fang Yan’s voice arose, followed by a rustling sound. Song Sisi was choked with sobs and her cry was so pitiable, which made her seem like a little poor pet.

“Yes. Someone grabbed my feet. Fang Yan, I’m scared! I’m so scared!” Song Sisi’s cry put everyone’s nerves on edge. There was a profound feeling of dependence on Fang Yan in her voice.

“Someone grabbed her feet? Oh my god!” In this old castle that was like a haunted house, her words were like a bolt out of the blue, which exploded in everyone’s ears! Was there really a ghost in the old castle?

Tang Xia’s flesh crept. Her pupils shrank and she looked around while holding her shoulders with her arms.

She became extremely vigilant at the moment. She felt a wisp of wind blow by her ears, like someone’s gentle breath… She became more and more horrified and felt that there had been someone standing beside her.

Then her memories were stirred and her mind was in mess. All the ghost stories she had read before swarmed into her mind. She was about to collapse. Tang Xia was shivering all over. She was terribly scared, so much so that she failed to scream.

Her tongue felt numb while her legs trembled violently… Her eyes looked more and more full of horror and despair. Tang Xia even believed that she would die of horror here. If no one saved her, she would not survive.

“Help! Help me!” Tang Xia became more and more breathless. With her last memory, she looked in Fang Yan’s direction in the dark.

She called out insanely in her mind, “Fang Yan, come to me, I’m scared.” Tears were all over her face, but no one could see them in the dark.

It felt like a ray of light, but it went out before giving Tang Xia hope.

That was because she heard Fang Yan’s voice, but it came from beside Song Sisi. “Sisi, don’t be afraid. I’m by your side, no one can take you. Can you feel this? It’s is my hand.”

“Fang Yan, Fang Yan, Fang Yan.” Song Sisi was almost in tears, calling Fang Yan’s name again and again. Everyone could sense her dependence on Fang Yan!

“Don’t be afraid, I’m right by your side.” Fang Yan’s voice was tender like water, mingled with extreme tolerance and patience. One could imagine his tender face even without any light.

Tang Xia was stunned, tears streaming down her face. “Why? Fang Yan is my boyfriend! Why would he protect Song Sisi instead of me in such a circumstance?”

Didn’t Fang Yan realize that Tang Xia, his girlfriend, would also be frightened, be helpless, and need someone to accompany and protect her?

“Fang Yan…” Tang Xia uttered faintly with trembling lips. She was like a silkworm that squeezed itself hard to spin thin threads of silk one after another.

She had her faint hope and an inexpressible feeling. Though it was clear to her that this was merely a task, it seemed so real!

Fang Yan was still solacing Song Sisi patiently. He didn’t hear her call him at all. Tang Xia nodded blankly, embarrassed like an abandoned Setaria viridis. “Hmph, am I really his girlfriend?”

Perhaps she had been too concentrated on her task. It was not until she had been completely disappointed by Fang Yan did she ask herself where Ye Yifan was. She restrained the fear in her heart. Now that no one would come to her, she would not ask for help from others, either.

She wiped the tears on her face clean, looking cold, then raised her voice and said, “I saw the flashlight roll over there. Help me find it, maybe we can feel it.”

Perhaps she managed to make her presence felt by the “couple b*tch”, Fang Yan and Song Sisi, who were like a couple of ducks being grabbed by their necks and fell into silence abruptly. Tang Xia sneered and then groped forward.

“Tang-Tang Xia.” Fang Yan stammered suddenly while calling Tang Xia. Judging by his voice, it could be imagined that he must have felt awkward and anxious. He said nervously, “Are you ok?”

“Ok? F*cking ok!” Tang Xia sneered and kept silent because she disdained to talk to Fang Yan.

“Tang Xia, I know you’ve always been a strong girl. You know, Sisi is much more timider. So I, I…”

Fang Yan pretended to be relaxed, but there was no response from Tang Xia. At last, he became aware of Tang Xia’s resistance. Then he coughed embarrassedly and fell into silence.

All of a sudden, lights flashed and illuminated the castle. Ye Yifan walked out from a corner. He had been searching for the main switch just now.

They let out sighs of relief and almost everyone fell to the ground feebly. Ye Yifan walked over to then stood beside Tang Xia. He seemed to be amused as he asked them, “What’s wrong with you? You act like you have just survived a catastrophe.”

Dabing was sitting on the ground limply. His face was pale, his forehead glistening with sweat, and his wet clothes were sticking to his torso. He glared at Song Sisi as he heard this.

“I felt embarrassed to say this because I was too frightened, but what did you mean? Why did you say someone grabbed your feet? Don’t you know it’s so scary to say that?”

Song Sisi was still leaning on Fang Yan feebly. She let him go of his arms embarrassedly when the light went on. Hearing Dabing’s words, which were apparently criticism, she felt wronged at once. How could he say this? It sounded like she had fooled the others on purpose!

Song Sisi bit her lower lip innocently, looking up at Dabing with teary eyes. “I didn’t mean to do that! I just felt something grab my feet! I was also so scared, don’t you know?”

“All right, all right! Dabing, what are you talking about?”

Fang Yan held Song Sisi’s hands gently and solaced her by patting them. Then he slapped Dabing on his head and said, “Apologize to Sisi. She’s just a girl! It’s normal for her to get scared when suddenly stuck in the darkness. As a man, how can you speak to her that way?”

Obviously, Dabing was unsatisfied but he kept silent. He squinted at Song Sisi with anger, crawled up from the ground, and stood aside, looking bleak.

Indifferent as she was when this happened, Tang Xia had captured everyone’s actions. Her eyes shone and she looked at Song Sisi deeply…

If she had read that right, there had been apparent banter and slyness in her eyes…

If she was right, then Song Sisi must have said those words deliberately! She just wanted to scare them!

Tang Xia looked at Fang Yan, who was holding Song Sisi’s shoulder to solace her, and felt much more that Song Sisi had fooled her! Tang Xia guessed that Song Sisi did all this relying on the fact that she was Fang Yan’s ex-girlfriend, while Fang Yan had been entangling with her.

She was just scaring them on purpose. Then she made use of Fang Yan’s negligence and his care for her so that she could feel superior to Tang Xia.

Tang Xia was more and more assured that Song Sisi had been showing off! Tang Xia gritted her teeth tightly, looking colder and colder in her eyes…

“I remembered that I had seen the main switch somewhere, so I went to find it myself. Sorry, I shouldn’t have left you alone.” Ye Yifan moved closer to Tang Xia and looked at her with an abashed face.

“That’s ok.” The slight displaced feeling in Tang Xia’s mind faded away. She smiled slightly but was thinking to herself that she had been lucky to stay, or she would never see the “excellent play” that was acted by Fang Yan and Song Sisi!

Ye Yifan suddenly felt suffocated in his chest because he found Tang Xia’s attitude toward him different from before. There seemed to be some… sense of alienation? Then he glanced at Fang Yan coldly, who was whispering in Song Sisi’s ear.

Ye Yifan snorted slightly. Then he raised his voice and said, “Now the lights are on, let’s stay closer and take a look at that room.”

“Do you really have to go there?” The housekeeper had stayed silent the entire time but now he popped out as if by magic, with his crumpled face trembling slightly.

He looked at them and said awkwardly, “There is nothing there. And it’s getting late, you’d better go to bed early.”

“No! I won’t fall asleep until I find out what’s there. Now that there’s nothing there, we can still have a look. What’s wrong with that?”

Dabing stepped out with his fat body. His tousled hair was standing up defiantly, which indicated that this was a tough guy.

“Childe…” the housekeeper stammered. He looked at Dabing, seeming to have something to say… All in all, his behavior made them unable to stop looking at him.

“Alas! We’ll just have a look. We’ll leave if nothing’s there! Why are you making it difficult?” Dabing had been frightened by Song Sisi’s words just now and still felt sulky. He looked livid, fixing his eyes on the housekeeper.

But actually, he didn’t have to go into that room at all. He just felt out of sorts and wanted to find something to do to keep his mind occupied.

But the old guy was so verbose, which aroused his curiosity instead.

Helplessly, the housekeeper led them to that room, which proved itself to be a normal living room when the door opened. There was nothing strange in there, but it seemed that someone had just stayed here recently!

Dabing touched the table but found no dust on it at all… He turned back and asked the housekeeper, “Whose room is this?”

The housekeeper’s eyes were shining, but he yielded to Dabing’s eyes, saying at last that he would come here every time he lazed around.

“Ah, there seems to be nothing strange…” Tang Xia stood aside in silence. Then Fang Yan suddenly patted her on her shoulder and said, “Come with me.”

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