Teleportations — I Wanna Be An Online Celebrity

Chapter 190 - I Accept That With Good Grace

Ye Yifan was stunned. So this was what she cared about. He let out a sigh of relief for no reason, and could not stop himself from smiling, when he saw her anxious look. “No. I feel happy for you.”

When she heard his answer, Tang Xia suddenly fell silent, as if her heart had sunk into a valley. He was just trying to comfort her.

She remembered Ye Yifan’s serious look in the game. She remembered how he had made great efforts to find out who the murderer was, how he had comforted her, and how he had thought hard, to come up with a solution.

She even recalled how he had found a way out in the harsh environment and… how he had promised her, that they would both survive.

He had made such great efforts, and he seemed so powerful, but now, he was lost to her. How could he not hate her? Moreover, it was Chu Tiankuo who had killed him.

Most importantly, Chu Tiankuo had killed Ye Yifan, on account of Tang Xia. When she recalled the way he had looked at her, before his death, and the words “Just come with me if you want”, she became more and more undecided about what she should do.

When she recalled how he had asked her to keep alive, when he had used up all his strength, and gently loosened her hands, she blamed herself even more. If it had not been for Chu Tiankuo… If the murderer had not been him… the murderer would have killed her, instead of Ye Yifan.

If so, she would have felt a little better, in her mind now, and he would not have to comfort her, like this.

Tang Xia quietly took her cellphone, opened up Ye Yifan’s microblog, raised her head, and passed the cellphone to him.

Ye Yifan was startled when he saw the phone in front of him, as he was lost in a trance. He looked at Tang Xia, who said, expressionlessly, “Take a look at it.”

Ye Yifan took the cellphone, feeling confused, and was stunned when he saw what was on the screen.

Usually, he barely paid attention to the comments in his microblog, because that was his assistant’s business. His microblog had always been updated by his assistant. He never handled or monitored any of it.

However, Ye Yifan frowned, when he saw his fans being so extreme, making all kinds of comments, including some abusive ones. He returned the cellphone to Tang Xia, silently.

Tang Xia took back her cellphone and was about to say something, when Ye Yifan stood up abruptly. Tang Xia was stunned and did not know what had happened. He looked into Tang Xia’s eyes, and said, “Take a rest, I’m leaving.”

Then he turned away and walked towards the door. Tang Xia had not expected that he would react so violently, nor had she ever seen Ye Yifan clenching his fists.

The door banged shut. The room became empty and silent. Without saying a word, Tang Xia put aside her cellphone, and turned on the TV, although she was not in the mood to watch it.

But she disliked such sudden silence. She felt alone as if she was the only one left in the world.

Silence magnified the preoccupation in her mind, until it almost overwhelmed her. She just wanted to free her mind from those annoyances, by watching TV.

After Ye Yifan left her room, he leaned against the door, and clenched his fists tightly. Suddenly, he hit the wall with his fist. It was always like this, always!

Every time he tried to protect her, such things would happen. Moreover, he seemed to hurt her unintentionally, all the time. He suddenly took out his cellphone, and dialed a number.

The next day, although Tang Xia was unwilling to go to her company and face those boring people, she had to force herself to go. After all, her ambition was to become the most popular female anchor. She should not abandon her career, because of others.

When she thought about Ye Yifan and Li Xianxian, Tang Xia pinched her inner brows, took a deep breath, and strode towards her company, as if she had made up her mind.

From a distance, when she saw Tang Xia walking inside the building, Li Xianxian followed her and berated her indignantly, with her cellphone held tightly in her hand. “Tang Xia, you’ve gone too far! I won’t let you go this time!”

Ye Yifan was stunned when he saw Tang Xia walking into the building. He stepped forward with delight. But as he took the first step, he saw Li Xianxian following behind her, looking rather aggressive. He stopped and frowned.

“Was she making things difficult for Tang Xia?” With this, he put his hands into his pockets and followed them.

The instant Tang Xia stepped into the company, she noticed that everyone’s eyes were fixed upon her. Tang Xia raised her brows. “So? Did I catch their attention, due to the fight last night? Just because I hit Li Xianxian?”

She did not believe that these people had never seen such a fight before. In the entertainment circle, it was normal for two entertainers to fight with each other in the broadcast circle.

When she first made up her mind to take up this career, she had seen two female anchors slugging it out with each other. Though she knew very well that this career was quite tough, this had always been her dream.

This was a dream to get close to Ye Yifan. Therefore, she would do it, no matter how hard it might be.

“Why were these people looking at her, as if she had done something heinous? Some people were peeking at her, whispering and pointing at her. What on earth had she done?”

Seeing her confusion, her colleague, Rose, came over, “Hey, what’s your relationship with Ye Yifan?”

Tang Xia was stunned. “Why is she asking me about this?” She kept quiet for a while and said slowly,

“We’re just colleagues.”

What else could her relationship with Ye Yifan be? She was in love with Ye Yifan, but Ye Yifan loved Li Xianxian. Moreover, she had slapped Li Xianxian last night. It was just an ordinary relationship… She was silent for a while… “It did not seem that ordinary.”

Rose suddenly nudged her mysteriously, while Tang Xia looked blankly at Rose.

“Stop covering it up. Tell me the truth. There is no one else here.”

Tang Xia’s eyes narrowed her eyes, and cast a look at all the people who were staring at her, and waiting for her to speak. How could there no one else?

Rose smiled. “They are our friends. Don’t worry, they won’t give your secret away.”

Tang Xia remained silent. She did not know how to express her current feelings. “Was she treating her like a fool or just kidding with her?”

“There were so many people there, was there a need to tell anyone else? Was she looking down upon her intelligence?” Tang Xia looked at Rose coldly, “I’ve told you, we are just colleagues.”

Rose acted as if she did not notice Tang Xia’s cold eyes. She continued, asking in a doubtful manner,

“How could it be? You were so affectionate in the game. He even told you that he will be a knight who would protect you. Don’t you know that there has been a mass of fans following you? But now, you are telling me that you are just colleagues?”

People around them, also nodded indignantly. The corner of Tang Xia’s mouth twitched; she did not know how to respond. What should she say? Let her know that Ye Yifan had done that, for the sake of the program’s effect? Or that he had done this, to gain more popularity, or for any other reason?

Then she remembered that he had left in a haste last night, without even looking back. Had he been disgusted about her pettiness, regarding those comments?

Tang Xia did not know what to say, because she did not know what Ye Yifan would think of this. He disappointed her each time she thought there was a chance for them to be together, and then brought her hope when she was in despair.

Seeing that Tang Xia was keeping quiet, Rose took out her cellphone immediately, and showed it to Tang Xia.

“I suppose you haven’t seen this, have you?”

Tang Xia was stunned. She took the cellphone in bewilderment, only to find a line of words written below Ye Yifan’s blog.

“You lost to Tang Xia. I accept that with good grace.”

Then, there was a picture of Ye Yifan and Tang Xia taken in the game, where both of them were smiling happily. They looked quite well matched, when they were together, but this made Tang Xia feel a little overwhelmed.

She felt unexpected delight springing into her heart, instantly. When she was about to look through the comments, someone suddenly knocked the cellphone from her hand. In a daze, Tang Xia heard the cellphone falling to the ground, with a clatter.

“Ah! My cellphone!”

Rose rushed over to pick up her cellphone, only to find that the screen was broken. She was about to swear, when she saw Li Xianxian.

In this instant, she did not know whether she should ask her to pay for this or not. After all, Li Xianxian seemed to be extremely angry, at this moment.

Li Xianxian stared at Rose, then she looked back at Tang Xia.

Tang Xia had not come back to her senses yet, since Li Xianxian had knocked the cellphone from her hand. She was not aware of what had happened, until she heard the cellphone fall to the ground. She looked up and cast her eyes at Li Xianxian, who looked arrogant and apparently was here, to seek revenge. Tang Xia put her hands down, and looked at her, silently.

“How are you going to compensate me, for slapping me yesterday?”

Tang Xia smiled when she looked at Li Xianxian, who raised her head and glared at her, with her hands on her waist. The half of her face that had been slapped by Tang Xia was swollen. It seemed that she did not mind letting others know, that she had been slapped.

When Li Xianxian saw her casting a satirical look on that half of her face, she blushed in anger. She wanted to scratch her face so badly, right now!

“Why are you laughing? What are you laughing at?”

Tang Xia folded her arms, and looked at Li Xianxian, straight in the eye. Li Xianxian was surprised, because she had not expected that Tang Xia would be so calm. Her eyes were as intimidating as the day before. “No! I can’t be timid!”

“Don’t you find it funny? You’re like a clown, showing everyone that you’ve been slapped on your face.” Tang Xia was very certain that Li Xianxian was just jealous about that blog updated by Ye Yifan.

Tang Xia felt an instant warmth in her heart. Alas, Ye Yifan was giving her hope again. But she did not know whether she should feel happy or sad about this.

Just as Li Xianxian was about to attack her, a figure appeared in the distance. People on both sides, gave way to it.

“Wow! War of the century! Three main characters gathered together! This must be an exciting play!”

Ye Yifan looked at Tang Xia first, then cast his eyes over Li Xianxian. It was lucky that he followed them here, or else, who knew what would happen. Such a matter was not good for them. Meanwhile, a group of people were already looking on.

Neither Tang Xia nor Li Xianxian had expected that Ye Yifan would show up. Li Xianxian was about to treat him in a petty way, when Ye Yifan said meaningfully,

“Xianxian, we are colleagues. Don’t mess things up.”

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