Teleportations — I Wanna Be An Online Celebrity

Chapter 211 - Are You Trying to Escape Again?

Chapter 211 Are You Trying to Escape Again?

“What will happen to that girl?” Tang Xia asked La Chapelle. She could not stop her voice from trembling.

Looking at the girl being pulled away, La Chapelle’s eyes darkened. She said softly, “She’s either going to die, or live and wish that she had died.”

Although she had already guessed it, Tang Xia still felt her body stiffening, after hearing what La Chapelle said.

It was not cold at all, but she felt as if there were chills running up and down her spine. She could not stop trembling.

These girls were like ants in Eden Garden. Their lives and deaths were all decided by Chu Tianjiao in an instant. Today it was this girl and tomorrow, it could be their turn.

Thinking about this, Tang Xia made up her mind once again. When there was no one around them, Tang Xia lowered her voice and looked at La Chapelle. She asked, “Do you want to get out of here?”

Tang Xia was really tired of living in fear.

“What?” After listening clearly to what she said, La Chapelle almost cried out in shock. Luckily, she held it back at the last moment. But seeing the look in Tang Xia’s eyes, she could not hide her shocked feelings.

“Do you know what you’re saying?”

La Chapelle pulled Tang Xia’s elbow. Luckily no one noticed them just now. Otherwise, they would have been punished, based on what Tang Xia had said earlier.

However, Tang Xia had a determined look in her eyes. “Don’t think about anything else, just answer my question. Yes or no?”

La Chapelle was slightly startled when she saw Tang Xia’s determined gaze. Her heart could not help but waver. “Did she really have a way to escape from here?”

After a momentary hesitation, La Chapelle nodded intensely. “Yes, even in my dreams.”

She was not the only one. There was probably not a single girl in the Garden of Eden that did not want to escape. It was just that no one had actually dared to do it.

And for those who were brave enough to do it, they were either killed by Chu Tianjiao, or turned into a maid without any mental consciousness.

This was basically a hellish place.

“But…” Thinking about the outcome of those girls who failed to escape, a look of hesitation appeared on La Chapelle’s face. She was just about to speak, when she was interrupted by Tang Xia. “That is enough.”

Tang Xia looked at La Chapelle. Under the influence of her determined gaze, La Chapelle’s uneasy heart calmed down a little.

At this moment, after the girl had been taken away, chaos resumed in the auditorium. Tang Xia and La Chapelle paused their conversation.

Meanwhile, the other girls were fighting to show off their gowns to Chu Tianjiao.

Under a situation where they could not escape, getting into Chu Tianjiao’s good books was the only way to live peacefully in the Garden of Eden. And this was the method that Li Xianxian chose.

Seeing the other girls wearing such gossamer gowns, Li Xianxian could not help but let her expression fall, when she looked at the drab outfit she was wearing.

However, she would not admit defeat. On the contrary, she made her voice even softer and gentler, as she whined at Chu Tianjiao.

“Look at them, they’re all wearing such nice dresses. I’m the only one that received this piece of useless yarn. I don’t care, you’re biased. I won’t accept it.”

As Li Xianxian whined away, her arms that were so soft and seemingly boneless, also inadvertently wrapped themselves around Chu Tianjiao’s arms.

Needless to say, while Li Xianxian’s figure was not as good as Tang Xia’s, in terms of whining and acting cute, Tang Xia was no match for her.

At this moment, Li Xianxian moved her eyes flirtatiously, and that, together with her soft and delicate voice, brought a smile to Chu Tianjiao’s eyes. He placed one hand around her waist, and tightened his grip.

“Who cares how they look? You’re the only one in my eyes, isn’t that enough?” Chu Tianjiao said. His phoenix eyes were seemingly smiling, as he looked at her with a tinge of playfulness.

Li Xianxian snorted, but pressed herself closer to him. “You really know how to say pay nice compliments,” she said, as she pretended to snuggle into his chest.

Judging from the strength she exerted, it was a scratch rather than a push. Not only would it not cause any discomfort, but on the contrary, it made it hard for him to hold it back.

Chu Tianjiao grabbed onto Li Xianxian’s hand and squeezed it hard. Li Xianxian had managed to attract his attention. The girls around them, who had been trying to charm him, had all faded into the background.

When the girls saw how close they were, they were a little jealous. They then tried even harder to show off their gowns. It was a totally chaotic scene.

Meanwhile, Tang Xia and La Chapelle did not participate in this charade. While no one was paying attention to them, Tang Xia whispered to La Chapelle, “Come with me.”

After which, Tang Xia pulled La Chapelle towards the window. She looked down and observed the geographical landscape, while pretending to be very relaxed and bored.

“That is the big auditorium, I tried to escape from there last time, but failed.”

Since she had already attempted to escape, Tang Xia knew a little more about the geographical layout of the Garden of Eden, as compared to La Chapelle. Now when she pointed at the big auditorium, her eyes inevitably darkened, and her tone was a little emotional.

That time, she had tried her best, for such a long time. But eventually, it was all to no avail.

Meanwhile, when La Chapelle heard that Tang Xia had tried running away and even failed, her eyes were filled with shock as she asked, “How is that possible?”

According to her understanding, those who had been caught escaping would be severely punished. They would definitely not be safe and sound like her, right now.

Of course Tang Xia knew what La Chapelle was confused about. She laughed bitterly. She told her the story about how Pearl tried to save her, and had been turned into a maid by Chu Tianjiao.

After hearing the story, La Chapelle’s mouth opened wide in shock, and she could not say anything. The despair and fear that Tang Xia had gone through were far beyond her imagination.

“Now you know why I must escape?” Tang Xia asked. She looked down and the emotions in her eyes were unclear. However, she had unconsciously curled her fingers into a fist. And because she was exerting so much strength, her knuckles were turning white.

She knew that if she stayed here, there would be no future whatsoever. If she gave up resisting, not only would she not forgive herself, but Pearl’s sacrifice for her sake, would have been in vain.

La Chapelle kept quiet. There was a complex emotion in her eyes. After keeping quiet for some time, La Chapelle gritted her teeth, and her gaze gradually became more determined.

Tang Xia was right. If they did not escape, they would be living the life of the walking dead. Then what was the point of that?

“What’s your plan? Count me in.” La Chapelle said to Tang Xia, after making up her mind.

Tang Xia was overjoyed. Now she would not be fighting alone. Tang Xia nodded her head, “It’s not finished yet at the moment, but we still have time to work on it.”

Most importantly, they needed to have strong faith. As long as they had the determination to escape, they would be able to overcome all kinds of challenges, one by one.

This may sound easy, but it was not really that easy to carry out the plan in the Garden of Eden. Facing Chu Tianjiao’s hundreds of methods of torture, many girls, who initially had the idea of escaping, lost their desire to do so slowly, and settled with staying and becoming his toy.

At this moment, a gush of wind blew suddenly and the curtain flapped. Tang Xia suddenly felt a familiar feeling coming over her. When she looked back, she saw another man standing by the curtain.

“It’s you.” Tang Xia looked at the man in front of her, and she could not hide the shock in her eyes. It was because this man was the same man whom she met, when she was about to jump into the sea, during her last attempt to escape.

Afterward, the man disappeared suddenly. Tang Xia thought it had to be an illusion, and did not think too much about it. Unexpectedly, she bumped into him again here, and in such a bizarre way too.

But this time around, she was not alone. Tang Xia looked suspiciously toward one side. She saw Chu Tianjiao and Li Xianxian still being affectionate with each other, and it seemed as if they did not notice this man’s appearance at all.

Meanwhile, La Chapelle was looking at her in a strange manner, and then at the curtain. “Tang Xia, what are you looking at?”

“There’s a man over there, didn’t you see him?” There was a tinge of shock in her voice. The man was standing right over there, but be it Chu Tianjiao or La Chapelle, they did not seem to have seen him.

Could it be that she was really the only one that could see him?

Tang Xia cast her gaze onto the man again. She heard him say, “After getting out, climb towards your right and you will find a foothold.” His voice was not loud, but it travelled into her mind clearly, as if it had blocked out the chaos from the auditorium.

“What foothold?” Tang Xia froze for a moment, and did not manage to register it quickly. She was just about to question him, but when she looked up, the man had already disappeared.

This happened again. Appearing and disappearing without a trace. This was obviously not an illusion, but there seemed to be no better explanation for it, other than it being an illusion.

Tang Xia’s mind was filled with what the man had said. After getting out, climb towards your right and you will find a foothold. She sank into deep thoughts immediately.

Meanwhile, La Chapelle looked at the direction where Tang Xia had been staring at for some time, but did not see any man. She turned around and asked her “What man? Are you hallucinating?”

Tang Xia shook her head. She was sure that it was not an illusion, but she just could not explain why she was the only one who could see him.

The man’s words were obviously some kind of hint. She could feel that he was trying to help them to escape. She did not know why, but she trusted him.

“What are you guys doing over there?”

At this instant, a cold-looking figure came up behind them. Tang Xia turned around and found that Chu Tianjiao had stopped talking to Li Xianxian for an unknown period of time, and had come up to them.

“Nothing, trying to get some fresh air by the window.” Tang Xia looked at his sullen face, and could not help panicking. She forced herself to reply calmly.

Upon hearing her answer, the corners of his lips curled into a sinister smile that made one shiver in fear. Following which, he grasped her chin and forced her to meet him his gaze.

“Are you trying to get fresh air…or trying to escape?”

Accompanying his voice, his grip also tightened. But what caused her the most discomfort was his gaze. She felt as if he could see through her soul.

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