Teleportations — I Wanna Be An Online Celebrity

Chapter 246 - The Battle on Doomsday

Chapter 246 The Battle on Doomsday

“Well then, you asked for this.”

After hearing Tang Xia’s words, Li Xianxian was so furious that she started laughing. The cold gaze in her eyes was almost vicious. “Prepare for your great fall in the Celebrity Battle.”

Li Xianxian stressed on her words, especially ‘great fall’. On top of that, the dark coldness in her eyes that seemed like it was going to seep inside her bones caused the surrounding colleagues to feel chills down their spines.

Even after Li Xianxian left, everyone in the room still remained eerily silent.

A moment later, A-Zhu could not help but tap on Tang Xia’s shoulder. There was worry in her eyes. “Tang Xia, would Li Xianxian do anything to you during the competition?”

There was no change in Tang Xia’s facial expression. “It’s up to her to do whatever she wants.” Her voice was so monotone, as if Li Xianxian’s words did not affect her.

“But she looked pretty serious just now, what if she really comes up with something during the competition…”

A-Zhu regained her composure, but once she thought of Li Xianxian’s strong resentful gaze before she left, she could not help but shudder. “I think you should still pay more attention to her during then. Try to avoid her.”

Tang Xia pretended to be pissed and rolled her eyes at her. “You don’t believe in me at all?” After all, Tang Xia was the one who succeeded in ‘Escape from the Garden of Eden’.

Did she have to be so worried about the mean things that Li Xianxian said?

A Zhu spat out her tongue. “I’m just afraid that you will be taken advantage of during then. Come on, I still support you! I’m looking forward to your performance!” While saying so, A-Zhu even showed her a cheering gesture.

There was never a lack of topic to talk about in the office. Not long after, everyone found something else to discuss and they threw everything to the back of their minds.

A-Zhu was a simple-minded girl. After discussing with Tang Xia for a while, seeing that she did not care a lot, A-Zhu went on to find someone else to gossip with.

After talking for a long time, Tang Xia’s mouth felt a bit dry, so she went to the pantry to get some water. There was only a young man waiting for coffee. Tang Xia recognized him immediately. He was Haizi, Ye Yifan’s assistant. Tang Xia did not even feel like drinking water anymore. She turned around and prepared to leave.

As the saying goes, “You love everything that your lover loves.” Right now, she was the exact opposite; she hated all things that her ‘lover’ loved. She did not even want to meet people in his social circle, let alone Ye Yifan himself.

“Tang Xia.” Haizi’s greeting came from the back. Tang Xia paused for a while and she walked away even faster out of anger.

When Haizi saw it, he quickly ran up to her helplessly and stopped her. “Tang Xia, did you have to turn away from me just because you’re angry with Ye Yifan?”

He looked sincere while saying it. Tang Xia turned to take a glance at him. Recalling the times before her relationship with Ye Yifan became like this, she was quite close with Haizi too. Her facial expression became more relaxed and she returned the greeting before asking politely, “Yes?”

Haizi opened his mouth and was just about to say something when Tang Xia seemed to have thought of something and added, “If you want to speak for Ye Yifan, then forget it.”

This sentence caused Haizi to swallow back the words that he was just about to say. It turned into a sigh. “What’s the point of doing this? Actually, Yifan…”

Once she heard his name, he interrupted him immediately. “I’m sorry, if you’re finding me just to talk about Ye Yifan, then there isn’t much for us to talk.”

After that, Tang Xia’s expression became cold. She was just about to turn and leave when Haizi quickly stopped her. With gritted teeth, he said, “Actually, Yifan has his difficulty for doing so.”

“Difficulty?” Tang Xia tugged the corners of her lips, her face full of disdain. “Is this the excuse for Ye Yifan to flirt around with me while having an unclear relationship with Li Xianxian?”

This is not some stupid drama, did he really think that she was just a pretty face? It was still alright before he said it, but now he just made Tang Xia recall the unhappy experiences, hence deepening her hatred for Ye Yifan.

Tang Xia was firm in her attitude. Haizi quickly pulled her back and said between gritted teeth, “Just listen to what I have to say, just one line. After that, I will not stop you from leaving.”

He had already said it like this, if she still insists on leaving, then it would make her seem ruthless. Tang Xia paused her footsteps and stared at Haizi coldly, waiting to hear what he has to say.

“Their relationship is not like what you think, it is entirely the Ye elders who are pushing for it. Yifan is now being forced to get married. He is undergoing a lot of pressure.”

Seeing Tang Xia beginning to loosen, Haizi could not care more about anything else and explained the whole thing in one breath, and then carefully observing her reaction.

Ye Yifan did not let him say these things, but seeing their relationship become like this, he could not hold it back.

Tang Xia became silent for a moment. Just when Haizi thought that there would be a turning point, he heard the Tang Xia’s cold voice, “Then I must stay further away from him.”

There was no expression on her face, as if she did not falter because of Hai Zi’s words at all. Haizi was discouraged instantly. He had already said so much, was it still useless?

“Can I go now?” Tang Xia’s voice was heard again. The discouraged Haizi did not even want to lift his head. He silently gave way to her.

Without hesitation, Tang Xia walked the way he made for her. It was then that Haizi finally lifted his head and glanced at Tang Xia’s back view. Eventually, he sighed and turned away.

Tang Xia’s icy-cold expression only faltered when she returned to her seat. Haizi’s voice kept on repeating in her mind. Her heart was in a mess.

Forced marriage? Was that why he was always entangled in a relationship with Li Xianxian? The party last time, when he spoke up for Li Xianxian, was it because of pressure from the Ye family?

But he was a grown man. If he were to fall over because of this, then he really did not treat her with importance.

Tang Xia wanted to drive out these complicated thoughts in her mind, but she could not do it no matter what. Throughout the day, Tang Xia was uneasy because of Haizi’s words. Even when A-Zhu came over to gossip with her, she was not interested.

There were several times when Tang Xia wanted to go up to Ye Yifan directly and get a clear answer from him. However, she could not muster up the courage at all. In the next few days, Ye Yifan never appeared in the company. It was as if he had disappeared.

In this somewhat chaotic situation, the much-awaited Celebrity Battle finally kicked off.

Bright and early in the morning, July led Tang Xia and others to Water Crystal Stadium to meet up with other streamers.

The stadium was full of people. The venue could accommodate tens of thousands of people and there were no seats left. The gigantic LED screen would be live-streaming the entire competition through various angles.

When Tang Xia and others entered the arena, the fans cheered wildly. Usually, the livestreams were all online, this time around, they were able to see them in real life, so they were all very passionate in their cheers.

Many fans were even holding onto signboards and banners to support their favorite streamers. Tang Xia was pleasantly surprised to find that there were also many fans of her own. She waved to them passionately, causing a series of screams.

But in general, this was Tang Xia’s first time experiencing such a big event. Facing so many people, she could not help but feel nervous and her palm was sweating slightly.

“Don’t be nervous, just keep smiling.” Ye Yifan’s voice came at the right time. When Tang Xia turned her head, she found herself bumping into his gentle eyes. It was this enticing and deep look that had caused her to be head over heels for him.

Tang Xia looked away hurriedly and unknowingly became less tense because of his encouragement.

Speaking of which, this was the first time she saw Ye Yifan since the day. She realized that she suddenly did not know how to face him.

After the 10 popular streamers have all arrived, the competition started very soon. Tang Xia and the other streamers entered their respective preparation areas, and the host began counting down.

“Ten, nine, eight…”

The rhythmic voice stirred up the audience’s atmosphere. At the start, there was only the host’s voice. From an unknown point in time, it became the whole crowd’s cheering.

Tens of thousands of people joined in the counting down. Even though it was just simple numbers, it was still a proliferating source of support. Tang Xia secretly adjusted her breathing and felt the hyped-up atmosphere. She suddenly understood why people in the past had to shake their flags and shout before going on a battle.

“Seven, six, five…”

She suddenly felt a cold glare burning at her. Tang Xia looked up in shock and found Li Xianxian, who was standing not far from her, looking at her in arrogance.

In her mind, she slowly recalled the harsh words Li Xianxian had said in the office on that day. Tang Xia frowned and looked away.

“Four, three, two…”

In the final stage of the countdown, several streamers started to stretch their hands and fingers. Their eyes were glowing with hopeful expectation. Tang Xia unknowingly swept her eyes across her surroundings. She paused when she saw an empty seat.

That was Ye Yifan’s preparation area, why did he suddenly disappear? Tang Xia’s face fell. But before she could think more about it, the sound of ‘One’ also fell. A glaring light shone across her eyes and she could not help but to close her eyes.

At the same time, information about the novel world that they were entering appeared in all of the streamers’ minds. The Battle on Doomsday.

The end of the world is coming, rampant loss is everywhere, the human world is in ultimate chaos. The 10 popular streamers are going enter the world as ordinary human beings. Their only purpose is to survive in this world…

Survival, a seemingly simple word, yet the most extravagant desire in this world. On one hand, they must face ferocious zombies, and on the one hand, they must compete with their kind for resources. The bloody cruelty in the process is no lesser than the massacre on the battlefield.

It was indeed the Celebrity Battle. It was only the first scene, yet it was already so exciting.

That was what Tang Xia thought. While being nervous, she was also full of expectations for the next adventure. The novel world that she was entering this time round was much more dangerous than the previous novel worlds that she had entered.

When she opened her eyes again, Tang Xia found that she was already in a run-down house. It was an ordinary residential building structure, but it was unoccupied.

“Since I had just entered, I should fist look around and see what resources are there for me to use,” thought Tang Xia. When she started searching in a room, she suddenly heard footsteps behind her.

Was she going to bump into a zombie so soon? Didn’t they say that the zombies would only walk around at night? Tang Xia’s heart sank, but she did not dare to act rashly. She casually picked up a pan that was lying around and hid behind the door.

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