Teleportations — I Wanna Be An Online Celebrity

Chapter 266 - Zombie Transformation

Chapter 266 Zombie Transformation

Tang Xia responded and pushed Chu Tiankuo away before she retorted smoothly, “You were the one who wanted to keep me here and you didn’t say that I am not allowed to look at the things here.”

When Chu Tiankuo heard this, his black pupils looked at Tang Xia coldly. Even the air around her seemed to have cooled down instantly. The temperature plummeted suddenly and Tang Xia could not help shivering.

Just when Tang Xia thought that Chu Tiankuo would flare up, he took the list of names without a word and then walked over to his seat and sat down. As he did not look at Tang Xia anymore, it was hard to tell if he was convinced by Tang Xia or merely too lazy to argue about it with her.

His abnormal attitude actually aroused Tang Xia’s curiosity. Chu Tiankuo clearly wanted to let this matter slide. What was he hiding?

As Tang Xia recalled the list of names that she had hurriedly glanced at earlier, her suspicion and worry deepened. She directly walked over to Chu Tiankuo and questioned him. “What is that paper just now? Why are you…”

Before she could finish speaking, she saw Chu Tiankuo look up and stare at her with a pair of narrow and sharp eagle eyes. It was as if he wanted to bore a hole in her. There was no doubt that if Tang Xia continued to question him, she would be the unlucky one.

“Tang Xia, you’d better leave things as they are when I don’t intend to argue with you about it.”

Chu Tiankuo’s thin lips moved and he slowly spat out the words of warning.

Under his frightening gaze, the momentum that Tang Xia had been garnering instantly weakened.

One had to admit that some people seemed to be born with a strong aura. Even if they were seated, they could still scare others with a look or a word. He was one such example.

As Tang Xia thought in frustration, she shut her mouth timidly and walked over to the sofa by the side to sit down. After all, she did not know how long she would have to stay by Chu Tiankuo’s side, and if the atmosphere became too tense, it obviously would not be good news for her.

The room became peaceful again, so calm that it made one panic. Tang Xia played in boredom with the knots that hung from the cloth of the sofa, unaware that Chu Tiankuo had focused his eyes on her.

“Are you very bored?” Chu Tiankuo asked quietly after a long time.

Tang Xia was focused on playing, and without lifting her head up, she replied without thinking, “Yeah.”

She was almost bored out of her wits in this office. Previously, she could still chat with Jiang Yu. But now, she only had Chu Tiankuo beside her and he was a stuffy gourd.

He either remained silent and busy with his own matters or he would open his mouth and choke you with his words… It was better not to talk. Here, there was also a complete absence of other things to pass time with.

Wasn’t it boring when she was with that man? Chu Tiankuo paused for a moment before he pretended to ask inadvertently, “What is your relationship with Ye Yifan?”

Tang Xia was stunned by the speed at which he jumped from one topic to another. She then remembered that she had to answer, but she did not know that in Chu Tiankuo’s eyes, her current state was one of suspicious silence.

“We’re not in any relationship. We’re just friends,” Tang Xia replied indifferently.

Chu Tiankuo’s expression instantly sharpened and he rejected it flatly. “Impossible.” He seemed to be emotionally agitated, for he even smacked the table.

When Tang Xia perceived the change in Chu Tiankuo’s tone of voice, she turned to look at him and merely saw the disbelief written all over his handsome face. “If you guys do not have any relationship, then why were you so worried that he would transform into a zombie?”

Chu Tiankuo snorted coldly with a tinge of sourness in his voice. He could not show her any good attitude the moment he remembered how Tang Xia looked when she begged him to save Ye Yifan.

Tang Xia was speechless. “Can’t friends worry about each other?” Just when she was about to say something, there was suddenly a knock on the door. Tang Xia stopped and walked over to open the door. She saw Axon standing outside the door with an anxious look on his face.

When Axon saw that it was Tang Xia who had opened the door, he briefly greeted her before he anxiously asked, “Is Mr. Chu in there? I have something urgent to report to him.”

“He’s in there.” Tang Xia nodded her head, and just when she was about to make way for Axon to come in, she suddenly heard Chu Tiankuo’s voice beside her. “I’m here. What’s wrong?”

It turned out that when he heard the sound, Chu Tiankuo had already walked over to the door without her realization.

When Tang Xia inadvertently took one glance in Chu Tiankuo’s direction, she suddenly caught sight of half a syringe sticking out from a pocket of his coat. Her expression turned slightly more serious and the doubts that had faded before became clear again.

“What did Chu Tiankuo do when he went out earlier? Why didn’t he allow me to follow? And what does that name list mean?” Just as Tang Xia was wondering about these, Axon’s anxious voice could be heard from the side.

“Mr. Chu, there was suddenly a wide-scale zombie transformation in the castle. Over a dozen people have been quarantined for now after they showed the symptoms.”

“Zombie transformation? Why would this happen all of a sudden?” Tang Xia’s face became increasingly serious as she listened to this. Suddenly, her eyes landed on the syringe sticking out from Chu Tiankuo’s pocket once again, and she watched Chu Tiankuo with slightly greater suspicion.

“How could it be so coincidental that such a thing would happen in the castle after Chu Tiankuo went out? Could the zombie transformation be related to Chu Tiankuo?” As Tang Xia thought of this possibility, her face remained calm but her heart was screaming with suspicion.

“What?” Chu Tiankuo frowned and his expression became serious. “Take me there quickly.”Updates by vi p novel

After he said this, he left hurriedly with Axon.

After some thought, Tang Xia quickly went after them. Perhaps it was because the matter was urgent or that Chu Tiankuo was worried that Tang Xia would continue to look around if she stayed in the room, but he merely swept one calm look at her and tacitly agreed to let Tang Xia tag along.

Axon led Chu Tiankuo and Tang Xia to a quarantine room. The room was transparent and the situation inside the room could be observed clearly through the glass.

There were a lot of people who had received news about the survivors. Perhaps they had relatives and friends who were quarantined or they were curious, for they all looked around nervously outside. However, when Chu Tiankuo appeared, they all looked respectful and automatically made way for Chu Tiankuo.

Chu Tiankuo walked through the gap in the crowd to enter and observe the situation. Tang Xia also followed after him, and just when she was about to move forward, a pair of fair, slender hands grabbed hold of her right elbow tightly.

Puzzled, Tang Xia turned her head, and when she saw that it was Jiang Yu, she silently heaved a sigh of relief. She then looked at her quizzically and asked in bewilderment, “Why are you here?”

“I came over when I heard the news,” Jiang Yu explained and pointed her fingers rather anxiously at the quarantined area. “I heard that Irene is also inside. What should we do?” Her voice was flustered and helpless.

Tang Xia looked in the direction that she was pointing. Sure enough, there was a familiar slender figure among the over dozen people in the quarantined area who had almost completely transformed into zombies. It was Irene.

When Tang Xia discerned Irene’s figure, she could not help looking serious. “How did this happen?”

Jiang Yu shook her head and bit her lip rather helplessly. “I don’t know either. Irene has been hanging out in the castle recently. By right, she shouldn’t have come into contact with zombies. Why would she become like that all of a sudden?”

These days, Jiang Yu had become closer to Irene and felt very upset when she saw that Irene had suddenly turned into a zombie. She grabbed hold of Tang Xia’s arm and begged her. “Is there any way to save her?”

Ye Yifan could be saved when he was bitten by the zombies previously. Jiang Yu subconsciously felt that Tang Xia would have a solution.

“Don’t panic,” Tang Xia said in a soothing voice to calm her down. Her heart was also in a mess and her mind was a little confused by the current chaotic situation.

After a pause, Tang Xia decided to comb through and understand the situation right from the start. She looked at Jiang Yu and asked, “Was there anything unusual or strange about Irene before she became like this?”

“Anything strange? No.” Jiang Yu frowned and thought hard before she shook her head.

When Tang Xia heard that, she was a little disappointed, but she still did not give up and continued to press on. “Think through it carefully again. It could be anything that was different from normal.”

When Jiang Yu heard Tang Xia’s voice, she knew that it had something to do with Irene’s sudden transformation into a zombie. She, too, tried hard to recall it but she still did not find anything strange, so she replied helplessly, “There really isn’t anything. If I had to say something, it would be that she seemed to be in a good mood lately as though she was in love. But this probably had nothing to do with her transformation into a zombie, right? “Access v ip novel

Tang Xia also had no idea at the moment and she could not figure out the connections. Before she could think deeper about it, Chu Tiankuo had already understood the situation from Axon.

“Mr. Chu, how should we deal with these ‘people’?” Axon was in a difficult position as he asked Chu Tiankuo.

Strictly speaking, they could no longer be considered to be human. Axon’s eyes fell on dozens of figures in the quarantine area. They had almost completely transformed into zombies, and if they continued to stay in the castle, they would only threaten the safety of other survivors.

Chu Tiankuo frowned and answered without hesitation, “Kill them all and burn the corpses to prevent the virus from spreading.”

When the crowd heard his reply, they sighed. Some of the people who were quarantined were their relatives and friends, so when they heard that they would be killed, it was natural for them to feel upset.

However, that was basically it, nobody really raised any objections. After all, it was obvious that these people had become zombies. If they continued to stay in the castle without being killed, it would only threaten the safety of the living.

“Yes.” Upon hearing Chu Tiankuo’s order, Axon arched his hand respectfully toward Chu Tiankuo and gestured to his men who were on patrol. Immediately, a fully-armed team was sent out and prepared to shoot.

Jiang Yu’s face turned pale and she looked at Tang Xia anxiously. “What should we do? Is there completely no hope of saving Irene?”

After spending these few days in the castle together, Jiang Yu and Irene were already good friends and she could not bear to see them shoot Irene dead after she inexplicably transformed into a zombie.

When Tang Xia saw this, her expression also changed and she quickly stopped the patrol team before they could take action. “Wait a moment.”

Several of the patrol team members had gone out with Tang Xia to look for other surviving anchors, so they were acquainted with her. When they saw her step forward, they stopped their actions and looked at Axon with puzzled expressions.

Axon was about to ask Tang Xia what she wanted to do when he saw her lunge in front of Chu Tiankuo and ask, “Why kill them? Don’t you have the serum? Can’t you save them?”

Tang Xia looked at Chu Tiankuo with a puzzled expression. That was a dozen lives. How could he just simply order to have them killed?

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