Thinking of this, several of the Spell Masters in the monitoring room gathered the magic power on their bodies again, and began to try to contact the students in the testing field.

However, no matter how much they tried to activate the mana in their bodies, they were unable to transmit the information into the testing field.

After many fruitless attempts, the faces of these Spell Masters were quite ugly, and when they got here, they were almost certain that the testing field within their Spell Masters was most likely invaded by the enemy.

The trainees will be killed, and they won't even be able to send messages, which is obviously targeted.

Obviously, the other party is definitely prepared.

Even if they realized this, the instructors of these spell masters did not dare to step out of the monitoring room.

In the entire Spell Academy, only a few of their spell masters have the ability to penetrate the testing field and transmit information on a large scale.

If they leave this place in a hurry, if any danger happens, then those novice spellcasters in the testing field will die.

Now they could only look at the screen and pray that the novice spell masters would hold on a little longer.

Pray that the spell teachers who go to the hub of the testing field will be able to quickly resolve the problems that occur there.

At the central hub of the testing field, the instructors of the High School of Spells looked at the group of spell masters in black uniforms in front of them, their faces solemn.

These sorcerers in black uniforms are no strangers.

As we all know, the essence of a sorcerer is that he or she is a superhuman with magical powers, and can possess powers far beyond those of ordinary humans.

Of the hundreds of millions of humans, sorcerers are only a fraction of them.

Therefore, on many occasions, ordinary humans have a feeling of fear and resistance towards the Spellcaster.

After all, in a way, the Spellcaster is no longer a normal human, but more like another creature with supernatural powers.

Once the sorcerer's emotions get out of control and fall into a black state, it will be even more dangerous and terrifying than the sorcerer.

In the long history, there are also records of sorcerers blackening and slaughtering humans.

As a result, the relationship between normal humans and the sorcerer is not as harmonious as it seems.

Among the many groups of sorcerers with extraordinary powers, they gradually split into two factions.

One of these factions is to choose the path of the Spellcaster's Wizard to get along with humanity as the Spellmaster does.

Train a sorcerer, and then use the power of a sorcerer to destroy all kinds of sorcerers that appear in the world and protect the safety of normal humans.

The other faction is the opposite of the Spell Master, who not only does not support the harmonious coexistence of Spell Masters and ordinary humans, but also regards Spell Masters who master mana as higher humans, and ordinary humans as lower humans.

The members of this group of conjurers call themselves the Purifiers, whose ultimate goal is to turn all humans into magicians who have the power to master spells.

And in order to achieve this goal as soon as possible, they will organize and discipline the slaughter of ordinary people in this world.

Turning every ordinary person into a sorcerer is obviously impossible to achieve.

Not everyone has the qualifications and talent to become a sorcerer.

But they can kill all the ordinary people in the world, leaving only the magicians who master the magic powers.

Although the appearance of the Purifier may sound a bit anti-human, in fact, ordinary humans have also tried to wipe out all the sorcerers in the world and create a world where only ordinary humans exist.

Unfortunately, their goal was not achieved.

On the contrary, because of their actions, the war and suffering in this world have increased rapidly, and the emergence of war and killing has inexplicably greatly increased the number of spell spirits and spell masters in this world.

After recognizing the identities of these purifiers, the instructors of the Spell Masters knew that today's hard battle was really unavoidable.

Ever since the appearance of the Purifiers, the High Masters of Spells around the world have actively begun to thwart the actions and plans of this group of creatures, preventing more people from falling under their hands.

In the beginning, the Purifiers didn't realize how much influence the Spellcasters of the High Spell Masters had on them.

It wasn't until the Spellcaster's Magician's Magician's plan sabotaged their plans several times that the self-proclaimed Purifier realized that the Magician's magician, as much as they were, wielded the power of spells.

But the sorcerers of the Wizards of Spellure are the greatest obstacle to their great plans.

Since then, the targets of the Purifiers have been no longer limited to ordinary humans, but have gradually expanded their attacks to include the sorcerers of the Spell Masters.

All who stand in the way of their purifiers, whether ordinary or conjurer, will be eliminated by them.

"You guys, can't it be that even these newly awakened children won't let go? I think you're really a little crazy. Looking

at the spellcasters in front of them, the teachers from the High School of Spells asked loudly with anger on their faces.

In the face of the words of this Spell Specialist Instructor, the Purifiers guarding the core hub of the testing realm couldn't help but laugh out loud:

"Newly awakened children?

Didn't you bring these children to the Spell Masters and bring them to awaken their mana so that they could risk their lives to eliminate spell spirits

?" "How many of the newly awakened spell masters can live to be over thirty years old

?" "At this point, there doesn't seem to be much difference between us, does it?" "

Giving his life to protect ordinary people who don't have the power of mana.

"To protect the sorcerers who see them as monsters, they shed their blood and risked their lives

?" "Are you cheap?" Hearing

the words of these purifiers, the teachers of the High School of Spells were angry, and without saying a word, they each urged the spiritual power in their bodies and launched an attack on these guys in front of them.

Don't talk more than half a sentence, and talking to this group of lunatics who call themselves purifiers will only waste their time.

Between the surge of mana, a great battle is about to break out.

At this moment, Bai Xiao, who was in the testing realm, was carefully looking at the third-order mid-stage spell spirit in front of him, with a look of disgust on his face.

The mid-third-order spell spirit in front of him looked like a tangled pig intestine, and his body was stained with a large amount of mucus and blood.

The large intestine is not large, about the size of a large truck tire, and the whole thing is wrapped into a ball of flesh, floating in the air, and only a small rectum is hanging on the ground.

Only by looking closely can you see that the surface of the large intestine is still inlaid with scattered human faces and facial features, and there are several pairs of eyes and mouths, which looks extremely curious.

Occasionally, filth flowed out of his drooping rectum and spilled on the ground, wafting out an indescribable stench, which made the white owl very disgusted, and involuntarily pinched his nose and stretched out his hand to disperse the air in front of him.

Although the appearance of the spell spirit is generally very strange and hideous, such a disgusting guy like this monster with a large intestine makes the white owl feel a little helpless.

"Puff, I, I'm hungry,,,

" "Stomach, stomach hurts, puff, puff.

When Lin Ming pinched his nose to express his disgust, the mouth on the surface of the large intestine spell spirit in the middle of the third order squirmed, and at the same time, a bunch of whispers of unknown meaning were spoken.

While whispering, the large intestine spell spirit still squirmed from time to time, releasing some gas that I don't know what it was.

Obviously, although this large intestine spell spirit has the strength of the middle stage of the third order, its head is obviously not very good, such as the snake neck spell spirit that is far behind.

Seeing this, the white owl couldn't hold back any longer, urged the mana, and a spell reversal was released, and it was directly ejected, the speed was extremely fast, and afterimages and sonic booms were shot out in the air.

This blow was very forceful, and it directly shattered the body of this large intestine spell spirit, moving faster than the speed of sound.

A powerful repulsive force surged in, twisting the entire body of the large intestine spell spirit, and in the blink of an eye, it was hundreds of meters away, and it hit the concrete wall of the toilet of the Spell High School Teaching Building.

With terrifying force and speed, the large intestine spell slammed into the half-meter-thick concrete wall, and dust flew into the sky, exposing the appearance of the entire toilet.

And as the concrete wall collapsed, the large intestine body of the large intestine spell spirit also exploded into a large piece of minced meat, wrapping the entire toilet and splashing everywhere.

With such a serious injury, this large intestine spell spirit couldn't even struggle, and the remaining minced meat squirmed for a moment, and then fell directly to the spot without moving.

Looking at the large intestine curse spirit that was blown into minced meat in the toilet in the distance, Bai Xiao whispered helplessly.

"Answering the spell, I still have to go back to the toilet.

As he spoke, Bai Xiao also carefully observed the fleshy body of the large intestine cursed everywhere in the toilet.

Looking at the body of the big intestine spell spirit that had no breath of life, but still did not turn into mist and drift away, Bai Xiao's brows furrowed slightly.

Under normal circumstances, shouldn't the spell spirit in this test field turn into a gray mist and disperse after death

? Why hasn't the minced flesh of this large intestine spell spirit been dissipated yet, could it be that this large intestine spell spirit has not completely died!?

Thinking of this, Bai Xiao simply urged the mana in his body again, and launched a spell against the toilet of the school building in the distance.

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