It may be because of Lin Yun's strange operation that a large number of low-level spell spirits rebelled out of thin air.

The fifth-order spell spirit that was originally living in the toilet sensed that something was wrong, and began to manipulate the space here, taking the initiative to stop the birth of the low-level spell spirit.

Looking at the low-level spell spirits that no longer appeared, Lin Yun's gaze was slightly disappointed.

However, as soon as he thought that he would have the opportunity to subdue the fifth-order spell spirit in a while, he couldn't help but lick his mouth, strengthened his will, and continued to move towards the toilet that Bai Xiao said.

And as Lin Yun got closer and closer to the fifth-order spell spirit, he could also clearly feel that the strength of the spell spirit generated around him had also increased significantly.

In this way, the strength of the spell spirit he subdued also began to become stronger.

The realm of the fifth-order spell spirit of Red Star Elementary School can be regarded as a simple explosive realm, and within the open realm, a large number of low-level spell spirits can be born in a short period of time.

And the spell spirit below the fifth order did not have any resistance power at all in Lin Yun's hands, and it was a second to touch it.

In this way, the explosive ability of this Red Star Elementary School seems a little chicken.

Perhaps he realized that his explosive tactics did not work against Lin Yun, and at a certain point in time, the entire floor suddenly stopped the appearance of spell spirits.

After perceiving this, Lin Yun's eyes also became more cautious.

He was only a short distance away from the toilet at the end of the hallway.

With apprehension, Lin Yun walked slowly towards the toilet at the end of the corridor.

The moment he walked into the toilet, Bai Xiao, who had been following behind, also grabbed Lin Yun's shoulder with one hand, and then launched his own domain, instantly shattering the domain of this fifth-order spell spirit, and at the same time making Lin Yun immune to the impact of the domain.

The moment the realm was shattered, this fifth-order spell spirit was affected by the immeasurable void, and the entire spell spirit was stunned in place.

The mental stupora and the fuse of the spell brought about by the shattering of the realm made him extremely vulnerable at the moment, not only was his head blank, but he couldn't even activate his spell.

At the same time, Lin Yun instantly closed his eyes and summoned a spell spirit that looked like a mushroom, and spewed a large puff of mist at the fifth-order spell spirit in the toilet.

The mist itself is not toxic, but it can be extremely irritating to the eyes of living beings.

Lin Yun himself had his eyes closed, and he was still in a safe position, barely being affected by this attack.

On the other hand, the fifth-order spell spirit in the toilet was red and swollen by this burst of mist, tears flowed, and he could barely open his eyes in pain.

Immediately after, Lin Yun did not relax in the slightest, and released several spell spirits, emitting various abilities, tentacles entwined, spider silk wrapped, weakened gas, and tightly controlled the fifth-order spell spirits in the distance.

After this burst of operations, the fifth-order spell spirit actually didn't receive much damage, but its ability to act was greatly restricted.

The combat strength of the spell spirit manipulated by Lin Yun may be a little weaker, but in terms of control, it can be regarded as directly full.

Seeing that the fifth-order spell spirit in front of him couldn't move for a short time, Lin Yun's pupils contracted, and he secretly said that he had a good opportunity, and an arrow stepped out and slapped towards the head of this fifth-order spell spirit.

When Lin Yun's palm made contact with the head of the fifth-order spell spirit, Lin Yun and the fifth-order spell spirit stiffened in place at the same time, and their faces changed for a while.

Looking at Lin Yun in front of him, Bai Xiao subconsciously walked to his side.

Before Bai Xiao had just taken two steps, Lin Yun opened his eyes again and said to

Bai Xiao, "It's okay Bai Xiao, I'm fine."

"It's just the first time I've fought against a fifth-order spell spirit, and I'm just a little unskilled.

Although Lin Yun said so, he was stunned in place for a full five or six minutes before he opened his eyes again.

At the same time, the fifth-order spell spirit in front of Lin Yun also became docile.

After seeing this scene, even Bai Xiao became a little curious.

"Damn, did you really accept it? It was so simple to be subdued?" In

the face of the white owl's ghost scream, Lin Yun rarely did not reply immediately, but hesitated for a while before replying to Lin Yun:

"No, strictly speaking, I don't completely subdue it.

"You see, even though this fifth-order spell spirit can be dispatched by me at will, this fifth-order forbidden land still exists here, and there is no sign of disappearing.

"And I still have a strong premonition, if this fifth-order spell spirit dies in my hands, he is estimated to be directly out of my control and resurrected again in this Red Star Elementary School.

Hearing Lin Yun's words, Bai Xiao gently stroked his chin.

"I see, but it's pretty good, it's a fifth-order spell spirit.

Hearing Bai Xiao's words, Lin Yun was slightly silent for a moment before replying to Bai Xiao:

"Forget it, I've already figured it out, I still won't go to the sixth-order forbidden land this time."

"It would take me so long for a mere fifth-order spell spirit to be able to control it, and if I reached the sixth-order forbidden land, my performance would probably only be worse.

"With this experience, I need to understand it well, I have a hunch that I can control these spells faster.

When Bai Xiao heard this, he just smiled.

The next day, the sun rose in the early morning, and the white owl got dressed and came to the gate of the Spell High School.

Looking at the white owl in front of him, Lin Yun waved his hand at him.

"Bai Xiao, don't die in the sixth-order forbidden land, I'll wait for you to come back and hunt the sixth-order spell spirit together!" Listening

to the words behind him, the corner of Bai Xiao's mouth smiled, and he left this place directly in a flash and came to the sky.

After determining his direction, the white owl's body flickered again, and in the blink of an eye, it was a journey of hundreds of miles.

Under the efficient rush of the white owl, it didn't take long for the white owl to come to the location of this mission.

Looking at the buildings below, and the strong smell of curses, the white owl squinted slightly.

The location of the sixth-order forbidden land this time was actually in a mental hospital.

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