
Seeing that it was getting late, Wu Huchen, Li Erwa and Zhu Daming said goodbye to each other, and took a taxi to the villa that Zhang Yan helped him buy.

Thinking that he had not seen those women for so many days, Wu Huchen pursed slightly at the corners of his mouth, revealing a knowing smile.

"Brother, that place is where rich people live." The driver looked at Wu Huchen through the rearview mirror. He was a little surprised. Such a young man doesn't look like a rich man, and he doesn't look like a little white face. Is it hard for rich women to change their tastes? In that case, I might consider giving it a try.

Wu Huchen naturally knew what the driver master meant. He smiled and said, "what? Master, do you think I don't deserve to live there?"

"Hey, hey, no, no, where is this?" When the driver heard Wu Huchen's words, he smiled and felt embarrassed. After all, this little brother is his own customer. If he is complained, he really has to take the risk to be a little white face.

When the car arrived at the door of the villa, Wu Huchen found that the light of another room in the villa was on. He smiled bitterly and shook his head. It was terrible that he was still working so late.

"Brother, here we are." Seeing that Wu Huchen had been refusing to pay, the driver couldn't help saying a little reminder.

When Wu Huchen heard the speech, he immediately recovered, smiled and took money from his pocket to pay for the car, but he didn't find money in his pocket!

Seeing Wu Huchen's appearance, the driver frowned slightly and thought, isn't this boy without money? At the thought of this, his face suddenly became ugly and his attitude became a little colder, Said: "brother, you don't have the money to pay for the car? Hum, I can tell you, it's a legal society now. Our new deputy county magistrate specializes in this area. If you have bad luck in this tuyere, I suggest you pay the money honestly."

Hearing the driver's threat, Wu Huchen had a bitter taste on his face. He never thought that Wu Huchen would be reduced to having no money to pay for the car, which made him very depressed!

"Cough, master, look, why don't you wait for me here and I'll give you the money when I go in and get it out?" Wu Huchen really had no choice. When he went to the East China Sea, he didn't have much money with him. After the battle, he lost all these useless things. Now I really don't have money to pay for the car.

Damn it, I told Daming to send me back!

The driver looked up and down at Wu Huchen. The boy was wearing a white antique robe. Although he looked OK, the more harmless people and animals look these days, the more dangerous it is!

"Brother, it's not that I don't believe you, but the world is dark these days. Look, I'm still driving so late. Compared with you, you can guess that my family's situation is not very good. This money may not be much for people like you, but I have to support my family!" The driver's words are also very sincere. After all, he can only make a profit of a few hundred yuan a day by driving. There is a large family waiting for him to support himself. This hundred yuan is not a small amount for him.

Wu Huchen frowned. He wanted to shout loudly into the room, but only one lamp in the whole room was still on. If he shouted loudly, he would wake up the others.

After thinking about it, Wu Huchen said to the driver, "master, let me borrow your mobile phone and I'll make a call."

Wu Huchen thought of Zhang Yilan's phone number and decided to call Zhang Yilan.

The driver looked at Wu Huchen. He saw that the young man didn't seem to have any malice. After a little hesitation, he took out his mobile phone and handed it to Wu Huchen.

Although it was late at the moment, Zhang Yilan was still working. Looking at the information in front of her, her eyebrows were tightly frowned together. She didn't expect that she had encountered such a problem just after taking office!

And it is also a slum. Everyone knows that most of the residents in the slum are poor people. They give more money, and the government can't spend it. If they give less money, those residents will certainly not agree!

Zhang Yilan came from the countryside and sympathized with the residents of these slums. Therefore, this time has become a headache for her.

But just when she was very upset, the mobile phone still sent out a buzzing vibration. She frowned and thought, who else will call herself at this time?

After looking at the strange number on the phone, she thought for a moment and cut off. Because he has received many strange threatening calls since he took office, she usually hangs up directly.

Now she is in charge of this area, so many people in the county want to find her relationship to eat the fat meat of the slum, but Zhang Yilan refused. She is very clear that those people just want to use violent demolition. Although they can keep their political achievements, what about the residents who already live in the hot water? Their life will become more difficult, even if they don't even have the last place to live.

Such consequences will be very serious and may cause immeasurable harm to the whole society!

Wu Huchen didn't expect Zhang Yilan to cut off his phone, but on second thought, he knew the reason.

"What's the matter, little brother? You shouldn't have lied to me? I can tell you. If you dare not pay, I'm really rude to you. I have a nephew who is from the youth gang. Although they say that the youth gang usually doesn't do anything to the people, your behavior of defaulting on the fare is no longer protected!" When the driver saw that Wu Huchen's phone didn't get through, he clicked in his heart. Well, this smelly boy is really not a good thing. He really wants to play tricks, hum, but I'm not easy to mess with!

Originally, Wu Huchen didn't have anything, but when he heard this guy's words, he immediately became speechless. He shook his head with a bitter smile and said, "master, don't worry. I'll give you the money. Maybe my friend doesn't want to answer this number because he doesn't know it!" Then Wu Huchen pressed a replay button.

Hum, smelly boy, play with me. Today I want to see how you give me this fare!

Seeing the voice of the phone again, Zhang Yilan, who was already very upset, directly connected the phone and sternly scolded: "I tell you, if you want to bid the land, you should show your sincerity and don't play with some or nothing. I don't care who you are from top to bottom, I Zhang Yilan won't be afraid!"

Hearing the voice from the phone, Wu Huchen was stunned. He didn't expect that Aunt LAN, who is usually very dignified and virtuous, would make such a big fire, but Wu Huchen also vaguely heard some problems.

"Cough, aunt LAN, it's me, tiger minister!" Wu Huchen coughed softly and hardened his scalp.

"Tiger, tiger Minister?" Listen to me, Zhang Yilan's face changed and immediately recovered. His originally very angry face was full of surprises. "Tiger minister, where are you? When did you come back? Why don't you let us pick you up? Where are you now? I'll pick you up immediately."

Zhang Yilan's words were sweet to Wu Huchen's ears. He could feel that the woman was really happy. He smiled and said, "I'm outside now, but I forgot to bring money. Is it convenient for you to send 200 yuan down now?"

"OK, wait a minute, I'll be right down." With that, Zhang Yilan hung up the phone, straightened his pajamas and walked downstairs.

Wu Huchen was relieved when he got Zhang Yilan's answer. He handed the phone to the driver and said, "master, I'm really sorry. My friend will send the money right away. Please wait a minute."

Seeing Wu Huchen's calmness, the driver master still seems to believe it. He muttered in his heart that I believe your evil. Is it true that this boy has been kept? Thinking of this, he smiled and asked, "this little brother, can I ask you something?"

Wu Huchen saw that the driver's face became a little unnatural, smiled and said, "please say!" Anyway, he has nothing to do now. It's not impossible to know more about the world.

"What's the current situation in your industry?" The driver blushed and said, "also, do you like older ones, such as me?"

"Eh..." Wu Huchen was stunned when he saw the shy appearance of the driver. After a long time, he came back to his senses, but his heart was smiling. His mother's feelings, young master, do I look like a little white face?

"Hehe, brother, I'm sorry. I can't help it. The conditions at home are bad. My car is rented and I have to pay for it, so there's basically not much left in my hand. I can't help it. I can't help it!" When the driver saw that Wu Huchen didn't speak, he thought that Wu Huchen was afraid of robbing his own business. He bowed his head and stopped talking.

However, Wu Huchen's eyes changed slightly when he saw his appearance.

Many people only see the beauty of men, but who knows the hardship of men working silently outside? Not everyone is rich and handsome. Many people are people living at the bottom of society. They are likely to be stumped by a penny!

thank. A1917871 reward 888 grains (prodigal son a NIU) and 3g191197 brothers reward 400 grains. I wish brother Liang a Happy Mid Autumn Festival and warm winter. I reward 88 grains and 1743743 188 grains!

Many people are saying that I didn't update. I want to ask you, did you read it in 3G bookstore? Here I say again, in addition to 3G bookstore, I am not responsible for the update of other websites, and don't ask me why I didn't update! Updates elsewhere have nothing to do with me!

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