one hundred and nineteen

Although he was very angry, Wu Huchen was not too excited.

At present, he does not know the situation abroad, and as long as Gao Hui is still at home, he will keep her safe. Hum, forgive those dark forces in the West who dare not go to China carelessly?

Thinking of this, Wu Huchen was relieved at last.

It was only after sitting down that he found a pair of eyes staring at himself.

He turned his head and saw that the unintentional little monk's eyes were full of vigilance and disappointment. His eyebrows wrinkled slightly. Then he seemed to think of something. He smiled bitterly, sighed and said, "monk, ask if you want to ask."

After he saw the disappointed eyes of the unintentional little monk, Wu Huchen knew exactly what he thought. He knows that although the unintentional little monk is usually free and unruly and doesn't care about some commandments, he will become very principled once it comes to some issues of principle!

He knows that they are the same kind of people!

Although he is very protective, if Li Erwa and Zhu Daming do something that touches Wu Huchen's bottom line, he will not solve them personally, but he will not forgive them!

Sure enough, in Wu Huchen's bitter smile, the unintentional little monk stood up slowly with a gloomy face and said, "you did those demons yourself?"

"Do you think I am such a person?" Wu Huchen did not answer the unintentional little monk's words directly, but instead handed the question to the unintentional little monk.

The unintentional little monk looked at Wu Huchen for a long time, sighed slightly and said, "Wu Huchen, although we haven't known each other for a long time, I have no intention to believe that you can't do such a thing. However, I still can't accept such behavior! At least, you have that ability!"

Wu Huchen thought that the unintentional little monk would know something, but he didn't expect the other party to say so. His heart was full of deep sighs. He knew that this good friend he had just met might be leaving him.

"If you think so, I have nothing to say!"

"Wu Huchen, if you completely eliminate these evil things and swear that you will never use that kind of vicious magic from now on, then we will still be friends, how about it?" If it were someone else, the unintentional little monk might have a big fight without saying a word, but the man in front of him is the one who knows himself best except his master. He doesn't want to.

If a person doesn't even have a person who can understand himself in this life, what's the meaning of living?

"I said monk, what do you want? Tiger minister hasn't hurt a good man. Why do you stare?" Li Erwa on one side was upset when she saw Wu Huchen being forced by the unintentional little monk.

He always thought that the unintentional little monk was a guy who pretended to be forced. Obviously, his heart was full of bad water, but he had to ask others to do something. It was too much. And he threatened his brother like this. What the fuck is this? Brothers should support each other, and he believed in his heart that tiger minister would not use these means to harm any innocent person.

Hearing Li Erwa's firm eyes, Wu Huchen had some bitterness and warmth in his heart. He looked at Li Erwa with emotion. This is his brother! Friends can never compare!

Perhaps, even if all the friends around him go - out in the end, but the brother will guard you. He handed you a glass of beer and scolded angrily: "fuck, don't you just have no friends? This little thing is a bird, you and me!"

"Well, er WA, stop talking." Wu Huchen was afraid that Li Erwa's hot temper would conflict with the unintentional little monk. He stood up, smiled, looked at the unintentional little monk with a cold face and said, "I'm sorry, monk, I can't promise you!"

Wu Huchen does not want to cherish the friendship of his friends, but he must do so for his future development, because only in this way can he continue to develop, and this thing is an essential factor for his immediate plan. If he agrees not to apply the soul extraction spell, Then the development of the youth gang will be limited to a great extent.

This is not what Wu Huchen wants to see. Now the development of the youth gang is not his own business, because there are many brothers of the youth gang behind him! He can't give up so many brothers for his own personal reasons.

Once he entered the cultivation world, what followed was a very powerful and cruel killing opportunity. Since he led these young brothers on this road, he must be responsible to them to the end!

When the unintentional little monk heard Wu Huchen's words, his eyes were full of disappointment. He nodded bitterly. After a while, he looked up at Wu Huchen and said, "Wu Huchen, you should know the truth of causal cycle. I hope you don't make mistakes and do more good deeds in the future."

Wu Huchen looked down and smiled bitterly. His heart was full of pain. How do you know the pressure on me? How do you know what I want to do?

When the unintentional little monk came to the door, he suddenly stopped and said without looking back: "Wu Huchen, after today, if I see you using this spell face to face, then we will be enemies!"

"You..." when Li Erwa heard the unintentional little monk's words, she immediately turned her eyes and wanted to scold each other, but she was held by Wu Huchen.

At this time, the unintentional little monk had also left the office, and the door was slammed shut with a bang.

"Tiger minister, why don't you let me scold that dead bald donkey? It's so unkind and ungrateful." Li Erwa said angrily, obviously dissatisfied with Wu Huchen holding himself.

Wu Huchen shook his head gently and said, "Er WA, everyone has their own ideas. This is their freedom! Don't interfere casually. Be yourself, that's enough!"

Li Erwa stared at Wu Huchen. He didn't expect Wu Huchen to say so, which really made him unbearable.

"By the way, how are the brothers gathering below?" Without waiting for Li Erwa to say more, Wu Huchen directly changed the topic.

To readers:

Han Xiaowei's brother's daughter-in-law is going to have a baby today. I wish him a big fat boy and peace between mother and son!

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