one thousand one hundred and sixty-six

On the way to the Tao family, Wu Huchen met some people who blocked him. However, Wu Huchen is in a very bad mood at the moment. Where can he let these guys go wild? It was extinguished immediately.

The reason why he didn't want to kill those young people was that he couldn't bear it. Young people, who hasn't been arrogant? As long as they don't go too far.

Moreover, the girl Chen Luoying was there, and Wu Huchen didn't want to kill, but he didn't have any mercy on the older people in front of these axes.

When Wu Huchen came to the door of the taojia mansion, Wu Huchen saw a group of taojia people in black practice clothes looking at him with a wary face, because they had been attacked many times recently.

Today, the Tao family is as frightened as a bird, and their hearts are full of vigilance. Because none of them knows when the others will continue to attack.

However, they didn't give up. Although the eldest lady had just returned home for a few days, they were all in awe of the eldest lady who didn't have any martial arts!

In just two months, this weak woman, who was not recognized by everyone, actually used her ability to continuously increase the economy of the whole Tao family. At the same time, the Tao family was able to become one of the axe gang -,

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