one hundred and nineteen

Wu Huchen didn't say goodbye to the Taos, but left directly and quietly.

He thought it was better for his father-in-law to solve this problem, and he was too lazy to face the ugly faces of those people.

After leaving the house, Wu Huchen directly dialed Li Erwa's mobile phone and ordered some things, mainly that he may not be here these two days. At home, let him take care of it a little, and let Li Erwa transfer all the available forces at home to Panlong mountain, In case some villains will do anything bad to the brothers of the youth gang when he is no longer.

After all, if there is an electric light beast and the power of Ah Da and ah Er to guard the Dragon Mountain, as long as the visitors are not too powerful, there will be no big problems.

After explaining these things to Li Erwa, Wu Huchen then dialed the numbers of Yang Yan and Zhang Yilan, stared at Yang Yan, tried to use all the manpower and financial resources available to the youth gang at present, and tried to build the youth gang's Taoist temple on Panlong mountain as soon as possible. If the funds of the youth gang were not enough, So let's search the funds of other gangs in Wentu County for the time being!

This time, Wu Huchen is completely crazy. He hopes that the youth gang can be established as soon as possible, because some things don't count until they are implemented. He is a very pragmatic person. He will never mention something easily before he has made achievements!

As for calling Zhang Yilan, he mainly asked whether the top promised to hand over the right to use Panlongshan. If not, he decided to use his own strength to let those guys know that they can't offend Wu Huchen.

you 're right! He just wants others to be afraid of him, respect him and fear him!

Because only in this way, those petty people dare not easily touch the mildew of Wu Huchen, nor dare they easily touch his brother and the people he cares about.

However, to Wu Huchen's satisfaction, Zhang Yilan said that there was no obstruction in this matter, which not only satisfied Wu Huchen, but also somewhat surprised. You know, those high-ranking officials are not so easy to talk at ordinary times, but they are so easy to talk this time, which really makes him a little confused.

However, Zhang Yilan's next words made Wu Huchen smile knowingly, because there was also the shadow of sister Yanyan, the landlady of the red chamber. Thinking of the existence of the red chamber, Wu Huchen's mouth smiled again. He thought again, should he also establish an existence like the red chamber in the cultivation world?

Many things in today's cultivation world are still very barren. Even some normal communication meetings are difficult to have a formal existence. The Taoists' discussion conference should be similar to the one Wu Huchen wanted Zhang Yan to take over in the future.

However, Wu Huchen thinks that the opportunity will only come once in a hundred years. It's a little too much! After all, not everyone has the capital to move a hundred years old!

After explaining everything at home, Wu Huchen breathed a sigh of relief. "Damn it, I'm really tired. How nice it would be if our youth gang could have a master in the town who can sit down?" Wu Huchen was a little distressed. Today's youth gang has no strong man who can sit in the town except himself.

There was Xiaobai before, but now

Thinking of Xiaobai, Wu Huchen felt a sense of guilt and heartache. Thinking of Xiaobai hurting his foundation for himself, his heart was full of deep pain and remorse. If it weren't for himself, the strength of Xiaobai and Xianer would reach a very terrible state?

Tianqian pill!

Xiaobai and xian'er can be cured only by getting Tianqian pill. Thinking of this, Wu Huchen twinkled with persistence in his eyes, clenched his fists and said in a deep voice: "Xiaobai, xian'er, don't worry. I Wu Huchen will never let you be like this all your life. Wait for me, wait for me to get Tianqian pill for you!"

Wu Huchen took a deep breath. He knew very well that it was not the time for him to hurt spring and autumn, but the time for him to cheer up and work hard. He had learned the difficulty of refining Tianqian pill from the immortal master Guiguzi. Let alone refining, the medicinal materials of Tianqian pill alone were very difficult to get, such as limitless water, iceberg fire and Tianlong grass, There are also many precious and rare materials.

When Wu Huchen first heard of these herbs, he felt a little absurd. Even he wondered whether these things would really exist in the world.

However, he finally chose to believe and was willing to believe the words of Guiguzi immortal master, because as long as those things still existed, he would have the opportunity to get them. Even if he knew the difficulties and obstacles to get so many wonderful herbs, he didn't have any fear in his heart!

As a man, this is the task he must shoulder and complete!

All these feelings were restrained. Wu Huchen breathed a little in his heart. He knew that it was impossible to get those rare medicinal materials with his current strength. Therefore, what he could do was to constantly improve his strength and strength in his hands.

Wu Huchen firmly believes that a person's power can destroy the sky and the earth, but he can't do it now! So he also needs the help of others, because only in this way can he go further and let his brothers go further!

After some meditation, Wu Huchen slowly restrained his mind. Yang Yan had said on the phone that the money made by the youth gang in the past six months was fully capable of building the Taoist temple of the youth gang.

It is precisely because of this that Wu Huchen is more eager to get the Panlong mountain guarding array, because once the mountain guarding array is formed, it is the time for the youth gang to invite all forces, and it is also the time for Wu Huchen to really embark on the big stage of the spiritual world!

Wu Huchen fixed his eyes on the south, with a cold smile on his mouth, and said with a voice of pondering: "Yan family? Hum! Wait for my punishment!"

Thank brother anbangshi for bouncing 1 grain, brother Zhicheng for bouncing 3 grains, brother 1671771 for bouncing 188 grains, brother gijia for bouncing 1 grain, and brother Yibo 1434463 for bouncing 9 grains, brother Yibo for bouncing 88 grains! Thank you for your grain reward support. This is the greatest recognition of Liangzi!

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