one hundred and nineteen

"Make money?!"

Who the hell doesn't want to get rich in this society? What's the saying? When a man has money, he has a fucking fate with everyone!

As long as you have money, who won't flatter you? As long as you have money, don't those little beauties who love wealth come to you one by one?

For a moment, all these people in the carriage stared at the thin man, hoping that the man could give you an explanation.

The skinny man looked at himself when he saw the big guys. He smiled and said, "everyone is a fellow countryman. I'll tell you honestly, this guy is a big wrongdoer."

As soon as these words came out, all the others looked at the man with a surprised look. His heart was full of doubts. Is this guy a wronged big head? Where should we start?

The skinny man seemed to see the big guy's mind. He snorted and sneered. A faint sneer came up at the corners of his mouth and said, "don't you know? Their consumption is not RMB, but US dollars."

"What does that have to do with making money?" A passenger obviously didn't believe it and asked.

"Hum, that's why I talked to him so much. I told him that his US dollars could not be used directly on our side, so I wanted to exchange them with him in RMB." The skinny man looked proud and continued, "guess how much I used to exchange for a hundred dollars with him?"

As soon as he said this, he immediately attracted the big guy's attention. Seeing that everyone saw this side again, he raised a faint sneer at the corners of his mouth, stretched out four fingers of one hand and said, "four hundred yuan RMB for one hundred dollars. Hey, hey, you say, did I make a profit?"

"What?! four hundred for one hundred?"

Everyone was shocked when they heard this. Although people in Wentu county have never seen anything in the world, they still know these basic exchange rates.

If you exchange it, you can earn twice as much money at all?

Therefore, many people's eyes look at the dull and indifferent man, and their eyes become a little different. After all, who doesn't want to make money, and this guy is a wronged big head.

"Hum, can't I say the money is fake?" A slightly rational guy heard this and smiled coldly.

As soon as these words came out, some passengers with green eyes seemed to have been given a tranquilizer, and their faces changed.

Money is a good thing, but they don't want their money to be cheated away!

"Let me see. I'm an employee of the bank. I happen to have a money printer in my hand. How about you give me the money to check it for you?" Just when everyone was timid, a 30-year-old man with a round head and a woodpecker backpack stood up from his seat with a grin.

The skinny man listened to his words and handed a bill in the dull man's hand to the round headed guy.

The round headed man took the money, took out a note checking gadget from his satchel, took a picture on the note, suddenly changed his eyes, smiled and handed the money to the skinny man, He said, "brother, can you tell that brother that I have ten thousand yuan here, and I want to exchange it with him. Hey, hey, it can be regarded as helping brother cangbian!"

As soon as he said this, other people are not fools. Mom, everyone who comes out of the bank has to change with the Tibetan brother. If we miss this village, we won't have that store.

However, everyone was watching carefully until they saw the round headed man hand over all the stack of RMB in his bag to the skinny man. The big guy couldn't sit still and shouted for the skinny man to speak.

When the skinny man saw that everyone said so, he smiled, glared at the man who didn't believe him before, sneered and said, "Oh, don't you, lest some people say I lied to you."

"Ha ha, big brother, don't say such angry words. Just help my elder sister. If my family knows I'm making money, they must look at me with new eyes. Come on, change me for 2000." An aunt in her forties took out all her money and handed it generously to the skinny man.

Others also handed the money to the skinny man. The skinny man smiled and muttered to the strong man with long hair. The strong man thought for a long time, and then slowly nodded and agreed.

"Ha ha, I'll get off first. Don't come back to me and get the money. It'll be a big loss." After taking the money from the strong man, the round man smiled and asked the driver to pull over.

At this time, others didn't care. They just thought that guy was careful.

Soon, everyone distributed all the money.

After a while, the skinny man suddenly changed his face and shouted, "Oh, no!"

Hearing this, the big guy was very strange and didn't understand what was wrong.

"Big brother, what's the matter?" The aunt who changed the money asked with concern. She thought the thin man in front of her was a good man.

"The money given by the fat man just now is counterfeit!" The skinny man looked angry and said: "* * * I didn't expect that guy to be so unkind. We've all made a profit. It's really immoral for this guy to do such a thing."

Then, the skinny man muttered to the Tibetan brother. The man with a dull expression suddenly changed his face, his eyes twinkled fiercely, took out the cold Tibetan knife from his bag, and yelled at the driver.

"What does he want to do?" The big guy was shocked to see that these guys actually took out their knives.

"He said he wanted to get off. He said the man lied to him and he wanted to stab him to death." A thin man translates.

"Oh, hey, that's not good. Killing people is against the law. You should persuade him quickly." Someone said with concern.

"Well, I'll get off with him and look for that guy. I hope he doesn't do anything stupid." With that, the skinny man went down with the man before him.

At the moment, Wu Huchen also raised a sneer at the corners of his mouth and said to the driver: "master, please stop here and wait for me for a few minutes!"

With that, Wu Huchen also got out of the car and chased the skinny man and the strong man with a Tibetan knife

To readers:

The third watch is over. Good night, brothers~

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