138 the power of turning over the sky!

one hundred and thirty-eight

As soon as the voice fell, the whole Panlong mountain suddenly glittered with gold. Then, the huge school field seemed to be covered by a huge black cloud.

It was so dark that everyone present looked at each other and didn't know what the situation was.

"Ah? Well, what's that?" Suddenly someone exclaimed and pointed at the huge mountain like seal in the sky with a stunned face!

"Fantian seal?! is it the treasure of the Fantian Taoist temple that suddenly appeared in Wentu county last time? God, I didn't expect that such treasure would fall into the hands of Wu Huchen."

"It's impossible, but I heard that the Fantian Taoist temple can't even enter some sages. How can Wu Huchen get it?"

The people below immediately quarreled over the ownership of fantianyin, but Wu Huchen looked at the Seven Sages in the school field with a sneer.

"Originally, I didn't want to bully you, but you old people wanted to besiege me so shamelessly, so I'm too lazy to tell you shit. Go to hell!"

As soon as the word "death" came out, the huge sky turning print in the sky exploded down at a very fast speed like a obedient child.

The seven old people on the school field suddenly saw the terrible sky turning seal and smashed it down on their own side. How dare they talk nonsense?

"Run away! Shit, this thing is too big for us to deal with!"

"Damn it, how could this boy have such a terrible killer ~!"

Fantian seal is the magic weapon of Jin Chengzi, who was powerful in ancient times. In ancient times, Jin Chengzi didn't know how many strong people he killed by virtue of this Fantian seal. This Fantian seal is called a killing tool, and there is no dissatisfaction.

"No, my speed seems to be slowing down. Damn it, why do I find it difficult to move when I feel very far?" Bai impermanence cursed loudly with a frightened face, and his tone was full of trembling after panic.

He doesn't want to die!

Wu Huchen looked coldly at the sage level elders on the school field who wanted to flee like a lost dog, but they couldn't escape from the invisible siege as if they were fighting animals. He was very satisfied.

He hasn't used Fantian seal for a long time, because he thinks that although Fantian seal is powerful, it can be regarded as a chicken rib in the face of the strong at the sage level. After all, Fantian seal can seize the enemy's Qi opportunity, but it can't bind the strong at the sage level or above.

Moreover, when fantianyin changes into a mountain like size, it will be very difficult to control, which is a thankless thing. Therefore, Wu Huchen will not constantly improve his strength.

But since Xiao Jin woke up from the Yan family last time, Wu Huchen told Wu Huchen about it because he promised to use Tianxuan stone to replenish its energy.

Under the guidance of Xiao Jin, Wu Huchen gradually controlled another of fantianyin, which can be said to be a very rebellious ability and restraint!

Without Xiao Jin's guidance before, Wu Huchen could only use the sky turning printing to control the enemy's Qi machine, but with Xiao Jin's guidance, Wu Huchen would have a manual in general, so he could better master the real function of the sky turning printing.

How could an ancient god killing weapon be so simple to smash people?!

"Are the seven old guys stupid? Although the sky printing is very huge, it's very easy to escape at their speed?" An old man below saw the seven old guys on the stage, who were still foolishly standing on the stage waiting to make complaints about the sky.

Others also talked about it one after another. Obviously, they didn't understand what the seven elders thought.

However, Zhong Lao, the ancestor of aojian mountain villa, frowned tightly and seemed to think of something. He looked at the calm Wu Huchen with a shocked face and looked at the sky turning seal like a mountain above again. His heart trembled and an idea flashed through his heart.

You can't be the enemy of that boy. It's terrible!

He hasn't lived for many years, and aojian mountain villa is known as the first force in Wanshan city. It's not just a talk. The aojian array in the aojian battle of his aojian mountain villa is originally a kind of array. Although he is not proficient in the array, he is also involved in hunting. He knows that the sky turning seal may have the effect similar to "binding spirit array".

What a terror it should be to have a powerful binding array and a powerful killing weapon!

Think about it, aojian's heart trembled. Damn it, that boy can only make friends, not enemies.

But then he smiled bitterly. He knew that I was afraid that soon, his first position in Wanshan city of aojian villa for thousands of years would change.

Feng Shui turns around. It's true!

Wu Huchen, that's awesome!

A young man under the age of 20 can replace a sword sect that has been handed down for thousands of years. How many people can do this?!

"Wu Huchen, you have the ability to fight alone. What kind of hero are you using this treasure?"

One of the seven old men who were bound glared at Wu Huchen in surprise and anger and roared loudly.

He was afraid. The sky turning seal was getting closer and closer and would soon be suppressed. They were not one armed old people with such abnormal flesh. Where could they stand such suppression?


"Hero?" Hearing the old man's angry appearance, Wu Huchen smiled, "can you eat? Hum, a group of shameless old people. Why didn't seven people fight me alone? Now they want to fight me alone with the young master? Sorry, it's over!"

"No, no, I know I'm wrong. I'm willing to submit to the youth gang. Please forgive me?" When Bai impermanence heard Wu Huchen say this, he knew that he was close to his heart and wanted to kill himself and others. He was originally a soft bone who bullied soft and afraid of hard. At the moment, life and death are at stake. Where dare he pretend to force? He immediately begged for mercy without shame.

Hearing the old man's words, Wu Huchen sneered and said, "it's too late, and I forgot to tell you secretly. Such an attack effect can only be used once with my current strength, hehe, so... Die!"

Wu Huchen's voice was full of profound meaning, but the old men heard it in their ears as if they were in the nine secluded, yin and cold place, and some were just despair!

To readers:

Don't ask if there is any update. There was no accident years ago. It was two shifts!

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