A word stirred thousands of waves


Looking at the huge crack like a natural moat, everyone was stunned.

Wu Huchen had been so weak before, but he broke out such strong combat effectiveness in an instant.

Everyone can see that Wu Huchen and the burly youth do not exist at the same level at the moment. It can even be said that Wu Huchen is kneading the burly youth in his hands wantonly.

The ancestor of aojian mountain villa narrowed his eyes and thought deeply.

Others looked at Wu Huchen with admiration, which is a kind of respect for the strong.

Although the young man is not old, the strength he showed before is enough to make everyone sincerely admire him.

"He, he killed the captain?"

The people below who were also carrying the Epee saw that the burly young man was photographed by the purple dragon claw, and his face was incredible.

"Shit, fight with him!"

All the people in the first court soon recovered. They pulled out their heavy swords and jumped into the Colonel's field. The huge swords waved in the wind.

Wu Huchen gave these guys a cold look. With a flash of purple and gold hands, he directly squeezed the person of the first ruling office holding a huge sword in his hand.

He looked at the frightened young man who wanted to struggle. His voice was full of endless cold. He shouted in a deep voice: "if you don't want to die, get out of here. Otherwise, I don't mind killing you all."

"Brothers, the regimental commander treats us like a mountain of kindness. Even if we die, we will fight with him." Although a young man with a huge sword was also afraid of Wu Huchen's majesty, how could he easily forget that their martial arts were all taught by the head of the regiment?

When others heard the speech, they suddenly looked at their brother, who was still struggling, and their eyes were full of apology.

"Brother, I'm sorry. You go first. We'll come down to accompany you and the head soon!"

When the young man of the first adjudication office who was still struggling heard Wu Huchen's words, his face suddenly changed slightly. Soon, he gave up the struggle. A faint smile came up at the corners of his mouth and said, "OK, brothers, I'll go down with the leader first. Ha ha, boy, come on, kill me!"

Wu Huchen didn't expect that the men brought by the burly youth were so bloody, which made Wu Huchen look at the burly youth a lot, and even he wanted to let go of these people present.

But on second thought, Wu Huchen felt that she was too kind to women.

Although these people are bloody, they are their own enemies. The more bloody the enemy is, even if they have good feelings in their hearts, they have to be killed!!

The dragon's claws suddenly shook, and a sound like a water bag was pinched and burst suddenly appeared. Then, the purple dragon's claws swept away and directly patted all the young people who rushed towards them.

Looking at those guys scattered, Wu Huchen sighed faintly in his heart. Although he couldn't bear it, he had nothing to do.

"Everyone, I don't know who else wants to trouble my youth help. Please come up together."

Wu Huchen's voice was full of deep fatigue. In addition to his body, his heart was also very tired. After all, killing so many bloody men made him feel a little uncomfortable and unbearable.

"Who is the son of tiger Minister?"

Shortly after Wu Huchen's voice fell, a respectful voice came over.

I saw a gentle man in his thirties looking around. Finally, he looked at Wu Huchen standing on the school field and asked, "are you the son of Wu Huchen?"

"I am. Who are you?" Wu Huchen frowned slightly and wondered. He didn't know who the middle-aged man was. His strength seemed to be very low.

"Hello, Mr. Huchen. I'm the staff officer of the Yanlong knight regiment. I'm here to congratulate Mr. Huchen on the establishment of the youth gang under the order of head Bai."

The man said with a smile, motioned the two bottles of Red Star Erguotou he was holding in his hand, and said somewhat uninteresting: "Mr. Huchen, the head said, because he usually doesn't have any private money, so he can only give you two bottles of Erguotou. Cough, this money is still borrowed from me!"

Hearing the speech, Wu Huchen cleared the haze in his heart. He laughed and said, "how's your father-in-law? Why doesn't he come in person? If he comes in person, I'll definitely buy him a drink."

Hearing Wu Huchen say so, the smile on the middle-aged man's face slightly converged, looked positive, and said: "don't hide from Mr. Huchen, now the strength in the West has been ready to move. Commander Bai has been resisting the attacks of the dark forces in the western mainland, and he doesn't dare to leave the camp easily."

Wu Huchen was slightly stunned, then nodded thoughtfully and said, "brother, since you are here, please wait a moment. I have something else to ask you later."

The gentle man listened to what Wu Huchen said, smiled and nodded. Wu Huchen said so. Naturally, he understood that Wu Huchen was inconvenient to speak in front of the public.

Li Erwa soon invited the staff of the Yanlong knights to one side.

After glancing at the person who was doing it, Wu Huchen smiled, say: "Most of you here are my predecessors, so I won't say much about some things. My ambition of Wu Huchen is not in the small Wanshan City, but don't worry, I'm very reasonable, and I don't commit crimes, so you don't need to worry that I will attack you wantonly, and the main reason why I call you to watch the ceremony is for a reason One thing. "

What these people present are worried about is that after the establishment of Wu Huchen's youth gang, their claws and teeth extend elsewhere. However, Wu Huchen's words at the moment reassure them for the time being.

Of course, they won't naively think that it's impossible. After all, living to their share, sometimes the promise is unreliable.

"Sect leader Wu, I don't know what else you want to tell us?" An old man who was willing to form an alliance with the youth gang immediately asked.

"Our youth gang has just been established and lacks a lot of resources. In order to develop slowly, our youth gang decided to sell some things." As Wu Huchen said this, a sly look flashed in his eyes. Sure enough, after he stopped like this, the old people became more curious. Seeing that the fire was almost over, Wu Huchen smiled and said, "my youth gang will sell all kinds of pills and spirit tools from today on!"

At this moment, a word really aroused thousands of waves, and the bottom was completely chaotic!

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