133 joint resistance

one hundred and thirty-three

"Oh ~ ~ damn woman, damn woman, you dare to break the good deed of the great count Larry. Then, you die together!"

Count Larry didn't expect that his mortal blow would be destroyed. He suddenly became a little angry, but soon he looked up gloomily and looked at Alice at the door, He shouted in a deep voice: "you damn despicable humans dare to trap me? Hum, do you think you can deal with me like this? Ha ha, two stupid and ignorant humans, you have to pay for your actions."

Count Larry's long blond hair suddenly went up without wind, and his fingers full of sharp nails jumped in the air as fast as on the black-and-white keys.

Unfortunately, his fingers were not playing the piano. There were dark flames shining on his ten fingers. Those flames were like the fire in hell, making the surrounding air sound like a "Pipa".

Alice and Maggie were all shocked when they saw this scene. They didn't expect that count Larry would work hard when he came. This was the dark hell flame displayed by burning the blood in their blood family.

It is said that the devil's flame in hell has reached the extreme level of cultivation, and even God can burn!

"Alice, what are you doing? Stop him quickly!" Vivian outside the door naturally knew the power of the hell flame sent by count Larry, and immediately reminded: "close soldiers close to stop Larry, pay attention to remote cover, and don't let the old bat finish smoothly."

At the same time, Vivian was not idle. Wearing a princess dress, she actually stood in place and danced briskly. She held the emerald bow of life in her hand. With Vivian's dance, the bow of life seemed to be infected. The emerald bow made a clear sound of name, and a group of vibrant light came out from the bow.

Soon, Vivian's body stopped, and her white - white and small left hand grabbed the bow body, while her right hand gently pulled the invisible bow string.

"Great goddess of life, please take care of your believers! Arrow of life!" The green light flashing on Vivian's right hand was more prosperous and shot hard at the soldiers in front.

After an arrow, the green awn on the bow of life gradually faded down, and a pale and tired color appeared on her white little face. Obviously, the arrow of life just now consumed her a lot.

However, the power of the arrow of life is really good. Under the powerful blessing of life, Alice and their soldiers have even more momentum.

Alice knew that this was Miss Vivian's power. She was in a cold spirit and shouted, "everyone should try to stop the old bat. Even if you can't stop him completely, you should also reduce his damage to the lowest point."

Then Alice took the lead and shook her hand with the silver whip, which hit count Larry hard.

At the moment, count Larry is like an old monk sitting still. He doesn't hear anything out of the window and allows Alice to do it for themselves. Although the silver whip is not a powerful sacred weapon, it has also been blessed by the white sacrifice. It has a very good effect against these dark creatures.

"Boo, boo, boo ~"

When the whip passed, it immediately left a charred mark on count Larry. Count Larry clenched his teeth tightly, but his fingers never wavered. Although he was humiliated by this pain, in order to let these damn humans taste his power, he had to resist the anger in his heart.

"Miss Vivian, no, Larry. He seems to have made up his mind to work hard with us. What should we do?" After the blow, Alice saw that Larry ignored his attack at all, and knew that Larry was going to work hard. If Larry was completely completed, the consequences would be unimaginable.

Vivian looked at count Larry's fingers becoming more and more rich black, and her eyebrows frowned tightly. What should she do?

Although Vivian is young, all the people here obey her command. Looking at these people all looking at themselves, Vivian bites tightly, He said in a deep voice, "everyone retreated and gathered together. Larry obviously intends to work hard with us. We must resist his attack. Put away your weapons and come to me to condense the strongest holy power in your body and form a shield of holy light!"


Hearing what Vivian said, a young man frowned, She said in a deep voice, "Miss Vivian, if we try our best to display the shield of the holy light, even if we can resist the attack of count Larry, I'm afraid we will lose our combat effectiveness next time. The old bat is so cunning that he will certainly escape. We finally have such a chance. How can we give up easily? He won't be fooled next time."

"Yes, Miss Vivian, we are not afraid of death. As long as we can kill a count level vampire, it will be the greatest honor in our life!"

The others all agreed, but Vivian's face became unusually ugly. Why didn't she want to leave count Larry here? But she didn't want to see her men - die.

"Well, this time miss Vivian came out to lead the team. Her words are orders. Do you want to disobey Miss Vivian's orders?" Alice saw that all these guys were talking, and she gave a furious scold, which made the others stop whispering at once.

She looked at Vivian and said, "Miss Vivian, we are willing to follow your orders." Then Alice put away her silver whip, gritted her teeth and shouted, "shield of light!"

Suddenly, a holy light shield with soft light appeared in front of her. When others heard the speech, they also clenched their teeth, stimulated all the holy power in their body and displayed the holy light shield.

Seeing everyone wielding the shield of the holy light, Vivian nodded slightly and silently recited ancient and difficult spells. Finally, she took out the bow of life in her hand and shot - an arrow with a "buzzing" sound!

Then, the separate shields of light seemed to be pulled by something and slowly merged together

To readers:

Thank you for listening to me and becoming today's richest man~

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