134 clues! (eighth explosion)

one hundred and thirty-four

Originally, Wu Huchen guessed that the crimson blood thorn that just appeared might be Gao Hui. Of course, this is only Wu Huchen's personal guess.

But now he doesn't want to let go of the slightest possibility. After all, a country says big or small. If it wants to find a person, it is undoubtedly looking for a needle in a haystack, and what Wu Huchen has to do is to seize any possible opportunity.

So when he heard that Ryan came and mentioned the name of crimson blood thorn, Wu Huchen decided to find problems from these guys. If the so-called crimson blood thorn was really Gao Hui, he also saved too much effort. If the woman crimson blood thorn was not Gao Hui, he decided to go out and look for it.

After all, Wu Huchen doesn't have much time left. The trip to Jinling island is imperative. Only a few months, Wu Huchen is worried about what accidents will happen.

He can't wait.

Ryan was very excited when he saw that count Larry was willing to take in himself and others after hearing that they provoked the crimson blood thorn. He hugged count Larry tightly, He said gratefully, "Dear Larry, thank you. Ryan will never forget your kindness to me. If one day I get stronger, I will thank you."

Ryan is both vocal and affectionate, and his words are very sincere, but old Larry's eyes are rolling in his heart. Damn bastard, if the Devil boy didn't let me promise to take you in, old Larry would never promise.

Why do you want to be grateful for provoking such a terrible enemy.

Although he was disdained, count Larry said indifferently, "Ryan, we are friends, aren't we? Do friends need to say thanks? Come on, I'll introduce you to someone."

When the vampires heard count Larry talking so well, they all liked him and followed Larry towards the villa.

"Dear Larry, you said to introduce someone for us? Who is it? Is it also your friend? That's really great. Your friend doesn't have a mediocre person. If you can become good friends with your friend, it will be something I'd love." Ryan deeply understands the power of the crimson blood thorn, so he hopes to make more friends. The crimson blood thorn can now be said to be the enemy of all dark creatures. It will be very helpful for him to draw in a powerful helper for revenge.

But old Larry turned his mouth and thought, poor Ryan brothers, please forgive Larry. I was forced to do it.

He really dare not disobey the young man's orders!

Soon, count Larry took Ryan and others to the door of the villa. He knocked gently on the door and shouted respectfully: "dear master, my friend has come. Can we come in?"

Hearing old Larry's words, Ryan and others with a smile on their face were stunned. God, is there something wrong with my ears? Larry, this guy called the man in there the master?

But before Ryan could ask Larry what was going on, a faint voice came from the villa and said, "well, you can come in."

In the doubts of Ryan and others, the door of the villa was pushed open by Larry. As soon as he entered, Larry flattered and smiled, gathered around Wu Huchen and said with a smile: "dear master, Ryan, they have come. What else can I tell you?"

When Wu Huchen heard the speech, he chewed the last steak and swallowed it.

After he finished eating thoroughly, he slowly wiped the oil stains on the corners of his mouth, pointed to the plate in front of him and said, "Larry, please wash the plate, thank you."

"Yes, my great master!" With that, Larry picked up the plate and walked towards the kitchen.

They were all stunned to see count Larry, who had a high position in Ryan's heart, carry a plate for a young boy.

God, what the hell is going on?

This guy is nothing but a young man, but Larry would really listen to him and clean up the dishes? Damn it, what the hell does Larry want?

Suddenly, Ryan's face changed slightly and returned to normal.

He knew in his heart that although Larry had only the strength of the count, he was very proud. He was always alone and would not succumb to others unless he was very powerful.

Is this ugly young man a very powerful existence?!

The thought flashed, and Ryan put away his previous thoughts and said respectfully, "Dear Sir, this is Ryan Brad. What can I do for you to see us?"

Hearing Ryan's words, Wu Huchen was slightly stunned. He didn't expect that these guys didn't directly question themselves. Instead, they were so humble to ask themselves what they needed to do.

"I heard you were chased by crimson blood stab and came here to take refuge in LAN, didn't you?" Wu Huchen smiled and asked.

"Yes, dear sir, we were indeed chased and killed by the damned woman of crimson blood stab, but I believe that the woman will be completely killed in a short time. I want to take out her blood core and make her regret what she did before!" Ryan gnashed his teeth, his face full of ferocity.

Although Prince Rex is not Ryan's biological father, he has given them a second life. They have been closer than their ordinary relatives for so many years.

Wu Huchen nodded slightly and continued to ask, "what does that crimson blood thorn look like? Can you tell me more?"

When Ryan heard the speech, he immediately woke up from his anger and said to Wu Huchen, "sorry, dear sir, it was night, and the woman's face was all hidden in black energy. We couldn't see her real face clearly. But I'm sure she was also a blood family, a blood family with us!"

Suddenly, Ryan seemed to think of something and added: "by the way, your excellency, that woman seems to have strange black hair. Yes, yes, it's black, the same color as your hair..."

As soon as this was said, Ryan closed tightly, as if he thought of something.

To readers:

There's more in the back!

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