1367 small town disturbance

one thousand three hundred and sixty-seven

Gao huiben didn't want to go in with Wu Huchen, but seeing that Wu Huchen was so grateful for himself, she didn't want to refuse his kindness.

Just, it's worth dying in this holy land of light. In this way, maybe Hu Chen won't continue to worry about me?

Seeing that Gao Hui agreed to his words, Wu Huchen didn't think much. He handed the pebble stone given to him by the mysterious swordsman Yasuo into Gao Hui's hand, and then walked towards the town in front of him.

In about ten minutes, they came to the entrance of the town.

"Ah ~" with a cry, Gao Hui's face suddenly became very ugly, as if he had been greatly frightened, which made Wu Huchen on the side worried. He quickly grabbed Gao Hui's arm and asked anxiously, "what's the matter?"

Gao Hui's face was ugly and her eyes were full of fear. It seemed that there was something in front of her that could hurt her life. This was an instinctive fear.

"I, I'm fine!" Gao Huiqiang held back the palpitation and panic in his heart and didn't want Wu Huchen to worry about himself.

However, Wu Huchen saw that there was a big abnormality in the matter, frowned and asked, "Gao Hui, don't hide anything. Everything here may kill you. I hope you must tell me the truth."

Although I don't know why Gao Hui suddenly shouted such panic, Wu Huchen knew that the reason why Gao Hui made such a voice must have a great connection with the town.

It seems that asso is right. This holy land of light is really dangerous for dark creatures!

Thinking of this, Wu Huchen's heart began to shrink back. He wanted Gao Hui to leave with him, but considering Gao Hui's temper, he finally chose silence.

Seeing Wu Huchen so worried, Gao Hui gently shook her lips and said, "Huchen, I, I don't know what's going on. When I just wanted to enter this town, there was an inexplicable pressure, as if to crush me. It was very uncomfortable."

"Take out the pebble and hold it in your hand. Don't let it go. Try it and see if it will be better!" Wu Huchen knew that this should be an instinctive rejection of dark creatures by the remaining power emanating from the holy land of light.

Hearing what Wu Huchen said, Gao Hui nodded, took the pebble out of her pocket, put it in her hand, and tried to take a step towards the entrance of the town again.

There was a sudden surprise on her face, and the problems were self-evident.

Wu Huchen smiled when he saw this. He knew that the pebble had played a role, but he was more curious about the mysterious brown haired man. He knew that the identity of the other party must be not simple.

However, it seems that the other party is not from the bright holy court or the dark group. This makes Wu Huchen curious.

No matter what, I just hope this trip to the holy land can help Gao Hui completely purify his blood, and also use the power of light inside to quench the flesh of * * Xuangong!

Thinking of this, Wu Huchen's heart is full of excitement and longing. Although the front is full of danger, there are more opportunities hidden.

**The magic of Xuangong made him yearn very much. The physical power is the most powerful place of the real dragon. If you can cultivate * * Xuangong, it may be possible to reproduce the physical power of the real dragon!

When Wu Huchen thought of the corpses of the real dragon he saw in the sea, he was very excited. If one day his body could be so strong, who could stop him?

Strengthened his faith in his heart, he involuntarily held Gao Hui's hand.

Suddenly she was held by Wu Huchen's hand. Gao Hui's body trembled slightly, and her white face turned red. She looked at Wu Huchen quietly, but she didn't expect Wu Huchen to take the initiative to hold her hand.

He, does he really mean that to me? Everything I said before didn't deceive me?

Thinking of what Wu Huchen said in the villa before, Gao Hui's heart was sweet and panic. It was the first time for her to be loved by the opposite sex. Although she looked very cold, in fact, her heart was very warm. Like a girl, she longed for a boy to love her and protect her.

Therefore, when Wu Huchen came here to find herself without hesitation, her heart was already loose.

However, thinking of the relationship between Wu Huchen and Tao Meijia, she had an instinctive resistance in her heart. This feeling that she wanted to love but could not love made her suffer a great torture. At the moment, seeing Wu Huchen holding her hand naturally again, her feelings finally broke out quietly.

Suddenly he felt his hand tightly. Wu Huchen was also stunned. Then he turned his head and found that Gao Hui didn't look at himself. Then he looked at the hand they held together. He smiled knowingly.

He knew that his efforts had finally paid off, and Gao Hui's heart no longer resisted him as before. Even she had imperceptibly accepted her kindness to her.

This town doesn't have the breath of any big city. It's just like many rural towns. Everything seems so simple.

"Hu Chen, look, that tree is so special. I'm afraid it's one or two hundred meters high. There are so many foreign wonders that there are such trees. At least it has a history of many years?"

As soon as they entered the town, Gao Hui locked her eyes on an ancient tree in the town.

Similarly, Wu Huchen's vision had long been attracted by the tree. He was also very curious. He didn't expect to see such a big tree here.

If such a tree is in the demon world, I'm afraid it has become a essence?

"Well, let's find a place to rest and inquire about the bright holy land by the way." Wu Huchen is now bent on looking for the bright holy land, and his curiosity about the big tree is not so strong.

Gao Hui glanced at the speech. She wanted to go there with Wu Huchen. Unfortunately, Wu Huchen said so. She also knew that Wu Huchen was worried about his comfort, so she didn't act like an ordinary little woman, but nodded slightly to agree.

After they inquired on the road, they found a small hotel that was not very big and stayed.

"Hey, guys, have you seen it? I didn't expect to meet people from the East here. You see, that chick looks really good. She is much more delicate than our western women. I just don't know what it feels like to play ~"

As soon as they opened the door, they heard a voice that made Wu Huchen and Gao Hui very unhappy.

Turning around, I saw a guy with a bad nose carrying a glass of malt wine with a red face and an obscene smile full of wine smell.

Hearing this, everyone else turned their eyes to Wu Huchen and Gao Hui.

When they saw Gao Hui, their eyes immediately glowed, as if a rogue saw a girl. They wanted to swallow Gao Hui.

"Ha ha, Locke, you didn't really have a good eye before, but this time it's really good. We hunt here all year round. It's rare to have a meat game. I didn't expect to meet such a delicate girl here. It's great."

Wu Huchen glanced coldly at these drunken guys around him and sneered in his heart. These guys obviously regarded themselves as nothing.

"Damn it!"

Although Gao Hui seemed very indifferent around Wu Huchen, she couldn't restrain herself after hearing the dirty words of these guys. She gnashed her teeth and said that she was going to kill these guys.

Wu Huchen, who was sneering in his heart, felt Gao Hui's change and immediately changed his face. He quickly grabbed Gao Hui's hand and whispered a warning: "don't mess around. Don't use your ability indiscriminately here, otherwise all this will be in vain."

"But ~ but look at these guys!" Gao Hui knew Wu Huchen was right, but when she thought of these guys talking about herself, she was angry again.

Seeing that Gao Hui was angry, Wu Huchen gave a sneer of disdain at the corners of his mouth, looked coldly at these guys and said, "you still need to do it with me here?"

Hearing Wu Huchen's words, Gao Hui was stunned. Then she understood the meaning of Wu Huchen's words, nodded heavily and said, "well, help me teach those damn guys a good lesson."

Wu Huchen just wanted to say good, but he found that the drunkard named Locke with a long yellow braid on his nose, who was the first to speak, came towards them with a wine glass drunk.

"Hey, Dongfang boy with black hair, I like the girl around you. You want to let me out, do you hear me?" Locke smiled unsteadily, obviously drinking a little too much.

"Sorry, I can't understand what the dog says, and I'm still a drunk dog!" Wu Huchen sneered, didn't give Locke any chance to speak, struck first, rushed directly in front of Locke, punched directly and hit drunk Locke hard in the mouth.

"Ouch ~" with a scream and a cry of pain, Locke directly covered his mouth, looked at the two teeth still stained with his own blood in his hands, and immediately woke up. He stared at Wu Huchen coldly. His huge eyes were full of endless anger and killing intention.

"Bah ~" spit out the blood in his mouth. Locke smashed his teeth and wine glass on the ground and shouted fiercely: "boy, you're trying to die again!"

To readers:

It's restored and updated. Let's have a 3000 word one first. The update will be officially resumed tomorrow ~ please don't quarrel, please continue to support those who like, and please leave quietly if you don't like. I don't want to explain anything, and the brothers I want to support don't need any explanation from me ~ well, that's it ~ wish you a happy old age~

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