
one thousand three hundred and eighty-nine

After hearing what angel said, bishop Kyle and the Cardinals had already shown greedy eyes

The heart of a saint is something that can only exist in legends. No one knows where the heart of a saint comes from, let alone what the heart of a saint is

However, it is very clear in everyone's heart that the saint's heart has the purest power. As long as the strong person who practices the saint's power absorbs the power in the saint's heart, even if he can't reach the strength like the Pope, he won't be much worse

It can be seen that the precious degree of the saint's heart has increased

In the face of such a thing, how can bishop Kyle not be excited? Only after hearing what the demon Dragon said, they hesitated again

The heart of a saint is really strong, but you also need that life to get the heart of a saint

After a moment of silence, bishop Kyle turned to look at the Cardinals behind him and asked in a deep voice, "you guys, I think you should also know the strength of the saint's heart? Now the people of the Richard family want to get the saint's heart. I don't know what you think!"

Those guys all thought the same as bishop Kyle. At the moment, when they heard Kyle's words, they were all silent

"Such a sacred thing as the heart of a saint is naturally given to the Pope, and only the Pope is qualified to have the heart of a saint!"

Before everyone could speak, bishop Orff spoke first. His face was full of pious color. He looked up at the sky as if the Pope was looking at him on the sky. The frenzied bishop nirankel and others all frowned slightly inadvertently

They never thought that bishop Orff should be so stupid. What is the Pope? He is not a God, and the Pope is just a clergyman like them, slowly climbing up from the cardinal step by step

To be exact, if your strength is reached, you can be the Pope. If your strength is stronger than the Pope, you are the pope!

Naturally, several other Cardinals will not be so enthusiastic about the pope as Orff, but they also know that they can't easily reveal their ambitions before they get strong strength

They looked at each other and winked at each other. Bishop Kyle smiled, He said: "what bishop Orff said is very true, but now the people of the Richard family also want to get the heart of the virgin, and you have heard that there are variations on the virgin mountain, and the level 9 Warcraft has increased a lot. I'm afraid it's very difficult to find the heart of the virgin. Do you want to move on?"

"Of course, we have to move forward, Saint's heart. This is a very rare opportunity. AI must not let this opportunity be easily lost!"

"That is, how can we give up such a good opportunity easily, and we should fight for wealth and risk. I think the people of the Richard family also want to go up. We can let his mother rush over first, and then we can try to take it from them after they get the heart of the virgin."

"Ha ha, bishop George, good idea. It suits me."

"Yes, let's do it like this. Anyway, those guys of the iron tooth mercenary regiment are making cannon fodder in front. As long as we are thin, there won't be too much danger here, that's enough!"

"For the sake of the Pope and the Holy See, this saint's heart must be handed!" Bishop Orff's face was clenched with fists, and his face was full of enthusiasm

When bishop Kyle saw that everyone agreed, he gave a slight imperceptible sneer at the corners of his mouth. Hum, you fools, when you get the heart of the saint and absorb the power from it, you will die!

If he had the heart of a saint, he would never give it to the Pope. Although he was so old, his ambition did not dissipate. Otherwise, he would not come to the holy land of light to seek a breakthrough at such an old age

At that time, in order to prevent the secret of the saint's heart from being known by the high-level of the Holy See, he will naturally hurt the killer!

"Well, now that everyone has agreed, let's go back first. Remember that the variation on the mountain must not be enough for those guys of the iron tooth mercenary regiment to know, otherwise they will shrink back again!" Bishop Kyle looked at the crowd with a serious face and said a word to remind them

"Don't worry, Philip has no brain at all. It's too easy to deceive him." the archbishops sneered with pride

The other Cardinals laughed when they heard what bishop Kyle said

There was another heated discussion on angel's side

The demon dragon didn't know the curse of the Richard family. When he heard angel's words, he became angry and asked, "Oh, what's going on? Miss angel, why did you die?"

"Because our family has been cursed. I can't live over eighteen without the heart of a saint!" Said angel with a smile, without any fear on her face, as if she were talking about other people's things

But the bodyguards beside her were full of sympathy

"Well, don't be like this, brother Jeff, let's get out of here. As for my father, I'll make it clear to him, and I won't let you have any problems." angel looked at the big guy and became very unhappy because of his own affairs, smiled and eliminated that his smile could infect the people around him

But angel's more nonchalant Nirvana made Jeff and other bodyguards feel deep remorse and sympathy

"Don't worry, miss. No matter how difficult it is ahead, we will try our best to help you get the heart of the saint!" Jeff frowned tightly and looked at angel. Without waiting for angel to speak, he spoke to the bodyguards behind him and said, "brothers, rush forward for Miss angel!"

"OK ~ ~"

The bodyguards all responded loudly, and their eyes were full of firmness

The demon dragon didn't have any good feelings for the guys who hurt himself, but now the eyes looking at these people became different

"Good and beautiful miss angel, although I'm only a level 8 Warcraft, the general level 9 Warcraft can't help me. Moreover, I'm more familiar with the saint daughter mountain than you. I can also help you avoid some dangerous places, so please let me help you."

It was Jeff's turn to be stunned. He didn't expect that the demon dragon would take the initiative to help himself and others, which was really a good thing for them

"That's the best thing, then please." Jeff smiled and bowed deeply to the demon dragon

"But..." angel opened her mouth to say something, but Jeff stopped her. "Miss, don't say it first. Let's hurry as soon as possible. You know, we're not the only people in the Richard family here."

Hearing Jeff's words, angel thought that the people of the Holy See who had irreconcilable contradictions with their Richard family were also in the holy land of light

Moreover, there are many visitors to Saint daughter's mountain. If you continue to delay, it may cause unnecessary trouble!

After thinking about it, angel finally nodded and promised to move on with them

"Come on, you all come to my back, so that some other Warcraft will not dare to provoke you easily." the demon dragon turned his head and looked at his back and said

Soon, the people walked towards the top of the mountain with the help of the demon dragon

There is a very steep cliff on the top of the virgin mountain. No one knows what is under the cliff. Even the powerful popular Warcraft dare not fly under the cliff easily, because there is a strong vigorous wind under the cliff

The strong vigorous wind is like a cold knife, with strong lethality. As for what is under the cliff, no one knows, because no Warcraft is willing to joke about his life

Not to mention humans

But at the moment, the cliffs of Saint daughter's mountain are surrounded by some powerful Warcraft. These Warcraft are powerful and full of fierce gas. However, they are not fighting together, but gentle like domestic dogs

"There will be a time when the door of the Holy Church will open. At that time, the heart of the saint will also appear in the Holy Church. I don't know whether the heart of the saint will be taken away this time? Alas, it's too boring to guard the door of the Holy Church all the time. Let's get rid of it as soon as possible."

In front of these powerful Warcraft, a figure looked at the fog sea in the distance and sighed faintly. No one knew whether the man was male or female or how his face looked, but it seemed very tired from its tone

"All of you go away. Remember not to stop anyone from going here. After so many years, it's time to wash the holy church with some blood, otherwise it's too boring to be in this bright holy land all the time."

After the man coldly gave an order, all the powerful Warcraft around trembled and retreated carefully, as if they were afraid to make the master of the back angry

When all the advanced Warcraft left the cliff, the figure slowly turned around and showed a pair of white eyes. Some looked at the foot of the mountain empty and said, "come on, come on, hurry through the gate of the temple and take away the heart of the saint, so I can be free! Ha ha..."

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