It seemed that Qi Beibei had cried enough. Qi Beibei found that she was snuggling in Wu Huchen's arms. She couldn't help blushing and hurriedly loosened her arms around Wu Huchen.

"Sorry, i... I lost my manners." Qi Beibei bowed his head and apologized, "tiger minister, I know it's wrong to disturb you, but I really can't find someone else to help." With that, Qi Beibei couldn't help choking again.

"I know, I know!" Looking at the panicked Qi Beibei, Wu Huchen painfully held her hand and said softly, "sister Beibei, tell me what's going on, okay?" Wu Huchen asked again.

Qi Beibei is too nervous at the moment.

"They, they took Xixi..." before Qi Beibei finished speaking, he began to cry again.

Wu Huchen sighed. He knew that it would be difficult to get too much information from Qi Beibei at the moment. After thinking about it, he took out the phone, "Er WA, if you don't leave the hospital, leave the hospital quickly. Check for me. Is there a girl named Qi Xixi on the road today? No matter how much you pay, hurry!"

Hanging up, Wu Huchen gently hugged Qi Beibei and said softly, "sister Beibei, it's okay, it'll be okay. I'll save sister Xixi!"

"Really?" Qi Beibei raised his head and looked at Wu Huchen in some confusion. "We must save it. Xixi must not have anything to do!"

Seeing that Qi Beibei's mind seemed to be lost because of Qi Xixi's affairs, Wu Huchen nodded and said, "don't worry, I will. Sister Xixi will come back safely!"

Half an hour later, Wu Huchen's phone rang.

"Hello? Really? Are you sure?" Wu Huchen's eyes narrowed slightly, and a grim smile appeared at the corners of his mouth, "hum, he really should die."

"How's it going? Tiger minister, have you heard from Sisi?" Qi Beibei asked nervously.

Wu Huchen's mouth was slightly pursed, with a gentle smile on his face. He nodded and said, "sister Beibei, go home and have a good rest first. This matter will be handled by me. I promise you that I will give you a complete sister Xixi, OK?"

"Really?" Qi Beibei has some doubts. Although Wu Huchen is very powerful in temperament, she doesn't know that Wu Huchen is also involved in the dark world.

Wu Huchen smiled and nodded. Looking at the helpless Qi Beibei, he scraped her small Qiong nose and said, "don't you believe me?"

"Ah! I... I..." Qi Beibei didn't expect Wu Huchen to make such a bold move to himself. A sweet feeling flashed in his heart while he was shy.

Looking at Qi Beibei like a frightened little white rabbit, Wu Huchen smiled, touched her head and said, "good boy, go back and have a good sleep. When you wake up, I promise sister Xixi will go home!"

"Well! Then... I'll wait for you!" Qi Beibei clenched his lips and nodded seriously.

Wu Huchen sent directly to Xintiandi bar, and all the brothers of Li Erwa and other young men were waiting for Wu Hu Chen.

Wu Huchen's return is like an exciting potion, which makes all the brothers of the youth gang feel very excited.

Brother Huchen returns, then the battle horn will ring again!

Good man!

"Brothers, I'm back!" Wu Huchen was also infected by the eager eyes of those brothers of the youth gang, "from today on, I Wu Huchen will lead you to glory! All enemies will suffer the price of blood!"

"Good! Go to glory!"

"Let the bastards who dare to stop us go to hell..."


"Good!" Wu Huchen's blood was boiling and his face was flushed: "our youth gang has been hiding for a month. Some petty people dare to ignore the existence of our youth gang. What do you think we should do?"

"Kill them!" "Kill them!"

The roaring of each other rang out in the new world bar, murderous.

"Yes, everyone who dares to underestimate our youth gang will be taught a bloody lesson! If we don't fight the snake for seven inches, we'll kill him directly!" Wu Huchen sneered at the corners of his mouth, his eyes narrowed slightly, hum, move my woman, right? Let Beibei learn elder sister cry, right? Then... I'll plant your nine families!!


Lindu is 40 or 50 years old this year. He worked hard for 20 or 30 years when he was young. He finally has today's achievements.

Night Wolf Gang leader!

Although this name is not very strong in the whole Wentu County, he has supreme power in the three-thirds of an mu of land in the Chengnan District of Wentu county.

However, since the new gang named Youth Gang came out, Lindu felt that his position as a brother in the south of the city had been seriously hit. Although he is arrogant, he never does anything uncertain.

Without fully understanding the strength of the youth gang, he will never make a move easily. But just a month ago, he heard that the two big Bo of the youth gang were crippled by the famous brother Chen on the road. After that, he decided to help the young people to a pot.

But after hesitation, he decided to have a look!

Finally, another month passed.

Lindu felt almost, because for more than a month, the youth gang seemed to wither and there was no movement.

Of course, Lindu would not do that kind of thankless thing. He would not go down with his hands and trample on the young man's help. He decided to hold a tiger cutting Conference!

As for the tiger, it is naturally the youth gang.

The reason why he wanted to hold this tiger cutting conference was to kill the youth gang. Of course, while crusading against the youth gang, he would also see clearly that his Lin Du's Night Wolf Gang was still the overlord in the south of the city. If you have any idea, take it back quickly, otherwise you will be miserable like the youth gang!

No, I posted a post yesterday saying that the meeting was scheduled after the "jiangmanlou" hotel of his Night Wolf Gang. It was only more than five o'clock. All large and small gangs in this mu of land in the south of the city would send people to come.

This makes Lindu feel good. It seems that his position as the first brother in the south of the city is still strong.

"It seems that after the meeting, you can enjoy the little pepper sent by those brothers below!" Lin Du couldn't help reacting to the thought of the best little pepper that the people below filial piety came up today.

However, he is also a character. Naturally, he knows the priority of things and decides to finish the meeting first and then go back to enjoy the little peppe

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