Leaving the hospital, Wu Huchen rushed back directly to the dormitory.

I've been busy for several days. I don't know if sister Meijia thinks about herself. Before, Wu Huchen called back to report peace. Tao Meijia said to make some soup for Wu Huchen.

Room 43, building 39, tianjingyuan community.

Tao Meijia is wearing a pink silk dress. Her hair, which has been tied all the time, is spread out and gently placed on her round fragrant shoulder. It looks elegant and full of a trace of mature style.

At the moment, her cheeks were red, her eyes were staring at the steaming pot on the stove, and her mouth was still with an excited sweet smile.

You know, this is her first stew. Although she could cook, she didn't know much about stew, so she took advantage of these days to go home to ask her mother.

Tao's mother obviously liked Wu Huchen very much. As soon as she heard her daughter say she wanted to learn stew, she told her daughter all her unique skills for so many years without saying a word. And also specially told Tao Meijia to make the best soup for men.

"Sister Meijia, I'm back!"

Wu Huchen was very happy when he thought of seeing Meijia.

Hearing Wu Huchen's voice, Tao Meijia immediately recovered. She quickly took off her apron and ran out of the kitchen with a smile. When she saw Wu Huchen coming back, she smiled and took the luggage in Wu Huchen's hand, as if she were a little daughter-in-law: "Why have you gone these two days? Look at you, you've lost weight!"

"Er... Thin?" Wu Huchen touched his face in surprise: "no, I've eaten very well these days!"

Tao Meijia said, "even if you are thin, you won't take care of yourself outside. How can I rest assured when you go out in the future? That woman is true. She doesn't take care of you even if she calls you out!" Tao Meijia murmured, obviously dissatisfied with Wu Huchen's retort. It seems a little coquettish.

Wu Huchen was stunned. "The woman?" Does sister Meijia know I have other women?

It seems that I feel what Wu Huchen thinks. Tao Meijia glances at him angrily and thinks, hum, flirting everywhere. Even the girls who despise men so much treat you like that, hum. You don't know anything in your heart!

"Well, wash your face quickly. I'll stew the soup and come out to drink after washing your face!" Tao Meijia chuckled, very sweet and virtuous.

Looking at Tao Meijia taking care of himself like a little daughter-in-law, Wu Huchen smiled and looked at Tao Meijia's beautiful pink shadow. Wu Huchen thought, tut Tut, you can go to the kitchen and the hall. The most important thing is that you can go to bed.

Tut Tut, usually dignified and virtuous, she is a female teacher in awe of everyone, but she is a goblin who can kill you in bed.

This is the true portrayal of sister Meijia. Wow, hahaha, young master, I've made a lot of money!

Hearing Wu Huchen walking towards the bathroom with a strange smile, Tao Meijia in the kitchen smiled, filled Wu Huchen with a bowl of soup and brought it to the table.

After washing his face, Wu Huchen saw Tao Meijia holding his cheeks with both hands and looking at himself happily. Wu Huchen smiled and said, "beauty, what are you looking at?"

"Look at the handsome guy, get up and don't block people's sight!" Tao Meijia said with a smile, and her slender little hand wanted to push Wu Huchen away.

Wu Huchen gave a bad smile, grabbed Tao Meijia's Qianqian hand and said, "chick, the young master is so handsome that you dare to look at other men. Hum, look how I deal with you!" With that, Wu Huchen bypassed the table and pulled Tao Meijia to his side with a slight force.

His hand tightly hugged Tao Meijia's waist and let their bodies stick together as tightly as possible. Easily, Wu Huchen felt the softness of Tao Meijia's body

"Hooligan, let go!" Tao Meijia bashfully beat Wu Huchen's chest gently with her hand. "His boyfriend is powerful. You dare to do anything to me. He will never let you go when he comes back!"

Wu Huchen smiled grimly and squeezed Tao Meijia's buttocks with his big hand, which made Tao Meijia exclaim, and his eyes seemed to drop water. "Hum, what's your boyfriend? Does he have a young master? Do I have strong strength?"

Looking at Wu Huchen's bad smile, he felt that Wu Huchen had a reaction in his lower abdomen. The things against him. Tao Meijia's neck turned red, looked at Wu Huchen angrily, and said, "OK, OK, stop making trouble. You bad guy, you know to bully others! Drink soup quickly. It's not good to drink when it's cold!"

Although Wu Huchen didn't want to let go, seeing the color of prayer in Tao Meijia's eyes, he still resisted the impulse to eat the beautiful girl now.

After going to Tao Meijia's house, Wu Huchen knew that the weaker Meijia sister was actually the daughter of a rich family, and she could stew soup for herself. It can be imagined how difficult it was. I'm afraid even her father would be jealous and spit blood.

Indeed, when Tao's mother told Tao Meijia's father and daughter to go home today to learn stew for her son-in-law, Tao Meijia's father almost didn't die of anger, and he cursed Wu Huchen's smelly boy a thousand times. MAHLE Gobi, you smelly boy, even if you move the territory of our Axe Gang, you robbed my baby daughter! Alas, my sweet little cotton padded jacket

But Wu Huchen didn't care. He just felt very happy to be able to drink the soup cooked by the woman he liked.

At this age, Tao Meijia was the first one except for her aunt's own stew.

"What are you looking at? Drink quickly!" Tao Meijia saw Wu Huchen looking at him with a look on his face. He was really embarrassed by his eyes and couldn't help urging him.

Looking at some hot soup, Wu Huchen drank it in one breath, "ah..." wiped his mouth. Wu Huchen asked, "Meijia sister, I can't see that you are so good. The soup tastes good, but it's a little fishy! Give me another bowl!"

Tao Meijia was delighted to hear Wu Huchen boast that his stewed soup was delicious. She quickly helped Wu Huchen bring another bowl. Seeing Wu Huchen drink one bowl at a time, she couldn't help complaining: "drink slowly, and no one will rob you!"

Wu Huchen smiled and asked, "sister Meijia, this soup is delicious. What's in it?"

"Well, I don't know. These are some materials my mother brought me at home. They say men like to drink!" Tao Meijia smiled and suddenly changed her face, "Oh, tiger minister, what's the matter with you? Why is your nose bleeding!"

"Cough." Wu Huchen wiped his nose and felt the blood gas surging up. When he heard Tao Meijia's last sentence, he seemed to think of something, "sister Meijia, I'm fine, but I'm too angry. I think we'd better go to bed first..."

With that, Wu Huchen, without saying a word, directly picked up Tao Meijia from Beijing and Shanghai and walked to the room

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