Although war spirits have their own arrogance, the so-called arrogance can't compare with their own fart in the face of absolute strength.

Before, the war spirit beast thought that Wu Huchen was only a class strength. If he, a class C strong man, became a servant of a class strength man, it wouldn't make people laugh.

But if Wu Huchen was the disciple of Guiguzi immortal master, it would be different

As the saying goes, it's up to the owner to beat a dog. What's more, what kind of person is Guiguzi immortal master? Although he had never heard of the power of Guiguzi, with the power he just shouted, the war spirit beast knew that the old man was invincible in the whole territory of the beast!

Therefore, the war spirit beast is willing to be the servant of this immortal master's closed disciple! After all, in that case, he can get out of the animal kingdom. Not only that, he can also ask Guiguzi immortal master some tips about soul and animal cultivation at any time. I think this immortal teacher should be generous in giving advice!

"Very good!" Guiguzi smiled, stroked his beard, narrowed his eyes at Wu Huchen and said, "how about taking him out now?"

"Turn around? What are you doing?" Wu Huchen was puzzled.

Seeing Wu Huchen was still stunned, GUI GuZi blew his nose and stared angrily and said, "you boy, I thought you were much better than your senior brothers. At least you should learn to pretend. Alas, you let me down!"

Looking at the picture of Guiguzi, Wu Huchen rolled his eyes and said, "master, did you let me go to pretend to compare? I went, and there were two younger sisters and paper me..." at this point, Wu Huchen was stunned, his brain flashed, hehe smiled, rubbed his hands and said, "thank you for your guidance, disciple, I'll go now!" Then he shouted to the war spirit beast, "Hey, boy, go out and be good to me. You must let the two girls see my heroic side, you know?"

GUI GuZi looked at Wu Huchen giving orders to the war spirits, stroked his beard, nodded, full of praise, and said, "well, good boy, it's broken at one point. His talent is really good! Great praise, great praise!"

"Hei hei, master, you're old. Thank you for your advice!" Wu Huchen smiled treacherously.

The war spirit beast stared at the pair of laughing teachers and disciples, and suddenly felt that they were trapped. Is this... Still the legendary immortal master Guiguzi with chivalrous bones and benevolence? But in any case, even if he got on the thief ship, the War Ghost recognized him. After all, the prestige of the old man with white beard did make him feel cold.

"Master, I'll take the boy out first?" Wu Huchen asked tentatively.

"Go!" After a pause, Guiguzi seemed to think of something and said, "by the way, good disciple, although the reincarnation fruit is not the best spiritual fruit, it is also very rare. Especially after taking it, you can improve your soul power. The higher the soul power, the more skilled you will be in controlling the law in the future."

Wu Huchen was overjoyed and hurriedly asked, "master, is there such a good thing as reincarnation fruit?"

Guiguzi smiled, nodded and said, "of course, but I don't recommend you to take it now. You'd better wait until level C. However, you can toss about the reincarnation fruit, but you have to find a way to get it in for me."


"Hey, hey, why are you so stupid? Didn't you see the medicine garden just now? As long as there is the fruit tree, it's not easy to want reincarnation fruit in the future." Guiguzi scolded, but his face was full of pride.

How many people in the world can cultivate reincarnation fruits? He Guiguzi is one of those people!

After listening to the conversation between Guiguzi and Wu Huchen, the War Ghost almost didn't stop breathing. What? When can reincarnation fruit become artificially planted? Nima, it's so rebellious and shameless.

"Immortal master, Xiaozhan has something to ask. I hope immortal master and master can agree!"

Guiguzi and Wu Huchen, who were talking happily, suddenly heard the words of war ghosts and looked sideways. Guiguzi asked, "what do you want?"

The shackles of the soul of the war beast have been lifted by Wu Huchen, but looking at the eyes of Guiguzi, the war beast still has some scalp numbness, but for the sake of future strength, he still opened his mouth, "immortal master, master, if, Xiaozhan, I mean if! If there are many reincarnation fruits at that time, can you give one to Xiaozhan!" If you ask for help, the soul of war doesn't dare to call itself an old war.

Gugui and Wu Huchen looked at each other, and then gugui laughed and laughed. "Well, the old man can only help me to raise the child, and the fruit has the final say."

Listening to Gui Guci's words, Wu Huchen was grateful. The old man was still very good. He is leaving the good thing of buying his heart to himself. After all, the loyalty of the war soul beast to himself is not high. Now if he sells a favor, even if he is not loyal to himself, he will not fight back against himself if he remembers the favor.

Thinking of this, Wu Huchen smiled and walked to the War Ghost, Said: "since you have followed me Wu Huchen, you are Wu Huchen's brother. Although sometimes I will bully you and sometimes some things that hurt you will let you do, I can tell you that as long as it is my Wu Huchen's brother, as long as I can have it, I will never lose your share!" Wu Huchen's eyes were bright, his expression was serious and very serious.

"When... Seriously?" War spirit beast didn't expect Wu Huchen to say such words, brother? It has been the soul of war for so many years, but it has always been lonely. Although he was formed by the war spirit of the mutant beast, the mutant beast regarded him as an alternative and would not make friends with him at all.

Loneliness is often more terrible than death! But Wu Huchen now regards war spirits as brothers. How can war spirits dare not move?

"Brother, in the future, you Wu Huchen will be my brother in Xiaozhan. In the future, as long as you have any orders, I will devote myself to Xiaozhan and die!" The war spirit immediately knelt down, and his dark eyes flickered. If he had tears, I'm afraid he would have cried long ago.

Seeing this, Wu Huchen quickly picked up the war spirit beast kneeling on the ground and said with a smile: "Xiaozhan, we are all brothers. Why should we kneel down to me? In the future, we will be our own people, and my things are yours. If you need any medicine, you can ask my master directly, and you will try your best to meet you!"

Wu Huchen has never been vague about doing good things. When he was most barren, they robbed the axe gang of money, but he still gave it to the brothers of the youth gang. The rebellious young people were subdued by Wu Huchen. How can an honest child like a war spirit withstand Wu Huchen's buying like this.

GUI GuZi, standing on one side, looked at everything in front of him and watched Wu Huchen buy people's hearts. His face was full of memories. In those years, if he could buy people's hearts as well as his closed disciple, he wouldn't be a lonely family. Did those bastards finally plot against him? Thinking of this, he looked at Wu Huchen's eyes more eagerly.

Talented, tactful and loyal.

It seems that Guiguzi has no talent. Over the years, he has seen more talents like Wu Huchen. And he is also an all-round genius in practice.

But how many real geniuses can survive? Many died in the bud.

But Wu Huchen is different. He has an enviable talent for cultivation, and he is smooth and loyal. Thick black and righteousness seemed to be no contradiction in him.

You are his enemy, so congratulations, you won the prize. Because Wu Huchen will show his darkest side and kill the dead. If you are his friend, congratulations. You won the prize. Because Wu Huchen always shares his good things with his friends.

At the beginning of Wu Huchen's soul out of the body, mingyuexuan and Qin Mengqi were not very worried. After all, mingyuexuan knew that Youming ghost Valley knife had space ability, but with the passage of time, the two girls became more and more anxious. Even little Lori looked anxiously at Wu Huchen as if she were a wood.

"No, someone wants to grab the reincarnation fruit!" Suddenly, a white phantom quickly broke through the reincarnation Jedi and rushed towards the reincarnation fruit tree as fast as lightning.

"Ah?" Qin Mengqi was anxious. She suddenly heard mingyuexuan's words and hurriedly looked at the reincarnation fruit, "what's that? How can the speed be so fast? And the reincarnation Jedi didn't seem to interfere with him!"

Mingyuexuan quickly looked for the information of this mutant beast in his mind, but he couldn't find it for a long time. He bit his lips and gently shook his head. There was nothing he could do: "I don't know!"

"What can I do?" Qin Mengqi looked at Wu Huchen, who was still like a wood, and couldn't help scolding: "it's all this guy's fault. What's he doing? He's still in a daze. Others have come to rob the fruit!" Then she wanted to pull Wu Huchen and wake him up.

"Hey, hey, Mengqi, you're wrong to do this. Even if you're interested in me, you have to push me down when I'm conscious, or I won't know how to eat if I suffer a loss!" Just when Qin Mengqi was about to meet Wu Huchen, Wu Huchen looked at Qin Mengqi's plump crisp chest with a bad smile.

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